complex oriented cohomology theory in nLab
Special and general types
group cohomology, nonabelian group cohomology, Lie group cohomology
cohomology with constant coefficients / with a local system of coefficients
Special notions
differential cohomology
Complex geometry
- Idea
- Definition
- In terms of generalized first Chern classes
- In terms of orientations of fibers of complex vector bundles
- In terms of genera
- Examples
- Properties
- Cohomology ring of BU(1)B U(1)
- Formal group law
- Cohomology ring of BU(n)B U(n)
- Canonical orientation on complex vector bundles
- Related concepts
- References
A complex oriented cohomology theory is a Whitehead-generalized cohomology theory which is oriented on all complex vector bundles. Examples include ordinary cohomology, complex topological K-theory, elliptic cohomology and cobordism cohomology.
The collection of all complex oriented cohomology theories turns out to be parameterized over the moduli stack of formal group laws. The stratification of this stack by the height of formal group leads to the stratification of complex oriented cohomology theory by “chromatic level”, a perspective also known as chromatic homotopy theory.
For more detailed introduction see at Introduction to Cobordism and Complex Oriented Cohomology.
In terms of generalized first Chern classes
Write ℂP ∞≃BU(1)≃K(ℤ,2)\mathbb{C}P^\infty \simeq B U(1) \simeq K(\mathbb{Z},2) for the infinite complex projective space, equivalently the classifying space for circle group-principal bundles (an Eilenberg-MacLane space); write S 2S^2 for the 2-sphere and write
i:S 2⟶BU(1) i \;\colon\; S^2 \longrightarrow B U(1)
for a representative of 1∈ℤ≃π 2(BU(1))1 \in \mathbb{Z} \simeq \pi_2(B U(1)), classifying the universal complex line bundle. Regard both S 2S^2 and B U ( 1 ) B U(1) as pointed homotopy types and take ii to be a pointed morphism.
Let E •E^\bullet be a multiplicative cohomology theory, i.e. a functor X↦π •[X,E]X \mapsto \pi_\bullet[X,E] for EE a ring spectrum. Write E˜ •\tilde E^\bullet for the corresponding reduced cohomology on pointed topological spaces, such that for any pointed space XX there is a canonical direct sum decomposition (this prop.)
E •(X)≃E˜ •(X)⊕E •(*). E^\bullet(X) \simeq \tilde E^\bullet(X) \oplus E^\bullet(\ast) \,.
By the suspension isomorphism there is an identification
E˜ 2(S 2)≃E˜ 0(S 0)≃E 0(*)≃π 0(E) \tilde E^2(S^2) \simeq \tilde E^0(S^0) \simeq E^0(\ast) \simeq \pi_0(E)
with the commutative ring underlying EE. Write 1∈π 0(E)1 \in \pi_0(E) for the multiplicative identity element in this ring.
(complex oriented cohomology theory)
A multiplicative cohomology theory EE is complex orientable if the following equivalent conditions hold:
The morphism
i *:E 2(BU(1))⟶E 2(S 2) i^\ast \;\colon\; E^2(B U(1)) \longrightarrow E^2(S^2)
is surjective.
The morphism on reduced cohomology
i˜ *:E˜ 2(BU(1))⟶E˜ 2(S 2)≃π 0(E) \tilde i^\ast \;\colon\; \tilde E^2(B U(1)) \longrightarrow \tilde E^2(S^2) \simeq \pi_0(E)
is surjective.
The ring unit 1∈π 0(E)1 \in \pi_0(E) is in the image of the morphism i˜ *\tilde i^\ast.
A complex orientation on a multiplicative cohomology theory E •E^\bullet is an element
c 1 E∈E˜ 2(BU(1)) c_1^E \in \tilde E^2(B U(1))
(the “first generalized Chern class”) such that
i *c 1 E=1∈π 0(E). i^\ast c^E_1 = 1 \in \pi_0(E) \,.
(complex EE-orientation by extensions and their obstructions)
In terms of classifying maps, Def. means that a complex orientation c 1 Ec_1^E in EE-cohomology theory is equivalently an extension (in the classical homotopy category) of the map Σ 21:ℂP 1⟶Ω ∞−2E\Sigma^2 1 \,\colon\, \mathbb{C}P^1 \longrightarrow \Omega^{\infty-2} E (which classifies the suspended identity in the cohomology ring) along the canonical inclusion of complex projective spaces
(1)ℂP 1 ⟶Σ 21 E Ω ∞−2E ↓ ↗ c 1 E ℂP ∞ \array{ \mathbb{C}P^1 & \overset{ \Sigma^2 1_E }{ \longrightarrow } & \Omega^{\infty - 2} E \\ \big\downarrow & \nearrow \mathrlap{ {}_{c_1^E} } \\ \mathbb{C}P^\infty }
Notice that the complex projective spaces form a cotower
*=ℂP 0↪ℂP 1↪ℂP 2↪ℂP 3↪⋯↪ℂP ∞=lim⟶ℂP • \ast \,=\, \mathbb{C}P^0 \hookrightarrow \mathbb{C}P^1 \hookrightarrow \mathbb{C}P^2 \hookrightarrow \mathbb{C}P^3 \hookrightarrow \cdots \hookrightarrow \mathbb{C}P^\infty \,=\, \underset{\longrightarrow}{\lim} \mathbb{C}P^\bullet
where each inclusion stage is (by this Prop., see at cell structure of projective spaces) the coprojection of a pushout of topological spaces (or rather: of pointed topological spaces) of the form
D 2n+2 ⟶ ℂP n+1 ↑ (po) ↑ S 2n+1 ⟶h ℂ 2n+1 ℂP n \array{ D^{2n+2} & \overset{}{\longrightarrow} & \mathbb{C}P^{n+1} \\ \big\uparrow &\mathclap{^{_{(po)}}}& \big\uparrow \\ S^{2n+1} &\underset{h^{2n+1}_{\mathbb{C}}}{\longrightarrow}& \mathbb{C}P^n }
(where h ℂ 2n+1h^{2n+1}_{\mathbb{C}} is the complex Hopf fibration in dimension 2n+12n+1) hence of a homotopy pushout of underlying homotopy types (rather: of pointed homotopy types) of this form:
* ⟶ ℂP n+1 ↑ (hpo) ↑ S 2n+1 ⟶h ℂ 2n+1 ℂP n \array{ \ast & \overset{}{\longrightarrow} & \mathbb{C}P^{n+1} \\ \big\uparrow &\mathclap{^{_{(hpo)}}}& \big\uparrow \\ S^{2n+1} &\underset{h^{2n+1}_{\mathbb{C}}}{\longrightarrow}& \mathbb{C}P^n }
Therefore, a complex orientation by extension (1) is equivalently the homotopy colimiting map of a sequence
(Σ 21=c 1 E,0,c 1 E,1,c 1 E,2,⋯) \big( \Sigma^2 1 \,=\, c_1^{E,0} ,\, c_1^{E,1} ,\, c_1^{E,2} ,\, \cdots \big)
of finite-stage extensions
* ⟶ ℂP n+1 ⟶c 1 E,n+1 Ω ∞−2E ↑ (hpo) ↑ ↗ c 1 E,n S 2n+1 ⟶h ℂ 2n+1 ℂP n. \array{ \ast & \overset{}{\longrightarrow} & \mathbb{C}P^{n+1} & \overset{ c_1^{E,n+1} }{\longrightarrow} & \Omega^{\infty -2} E \\ \big\uparrow &\mathclap{^{_{(hpo)}}}& \big\uparrow & \nearrow \mathrlap{ {}_{c_1^{E,n}} } \\ S^{2n+1} &\underset{h^{2n+1}_{\mathbb{C}}}{\longrightarrow}& \mathbb{C}P^n \,. }
Moreover, by the defining universal property of the homotopy pushout, the extension c 1 E,n+1c_1^{E,n+1} of c 1 E,nc_1^{E,n} is equivalently a choice of homotopy which trivializes the pullback of c 1 E,nc_1^{E,n} to the 2n+1-sphere:
* ⟶ Ω ∞−2E ↑ c 1 E,n+1⇘ ↑c 1 E,n S 2n+1 ⟶h ℂ 2n+1 ℂP n. \array{ \ast & \overset{}{\longrightarrow} & \Omega^{\infty - 2} E \\ \big\uparrow & {}_{ c_1^{E,n+1} } \seArrow & \big\uparrow \mathrlap{ ^{_{ c_1^{E,n} }} } \\ S^{2n+1} &\underset{ h^{2n+1}_{\mathbb{C}} }{\longrightarrow}& \mathbb{C}P^n \,. }
This means, first of all, that the non-triviality of the pullback class
(h ℂ 2n+1) *(c 1 E,n)∈E˜ 2(S 2n+1)≃E 2n−1 \big( h^{2n+1}_{\mathbb{C}} \big)^\ast ( c_1^{E,n} ) \;\in\; \widetilde E^2 \big( S^{2n+1} \big) \;\simeq\; E_{2n-1}
is the obstruction to the existence of the extension/orientation at this stage.
It follows that if these obstructions all vanish, then a complex EE-orientation does exist.
A sufficient condition for this is, evidently, that the reduced EE-cohomology of all odd-dimensional spheres vanishes, hence, that the graded EE-cohomology ring E •E_\bullet is trivial in odd degrees (an even cohomology theory).
(see also Lurie, Lecture 6, Remark 4)
In terms of orientations of fibers of complex vector bundles
In terms of genera
Complex orientation in the above sense is indeed universal MU-orientation in generalized cohomology:
(Hopkins 99, section 4, Lurie, lecture 6, theorem 8)
See at universal complex orientation on MU.
Examples of complex orientable cohomology theories:
(complex cobordism)
For E=MUE = MU complex cobordism cohomology theory, the canonical map
BU(1)→≃MU(1)→MU B U(1) \stackrel{\simeq}{\to} MU(1) \to MU
defines a complex orientation.
Cohomology ring of BU(1)B U(1)
Given a complex oriented cohomology theory (E •,c 1 E)(E^\bullet, c^E_1) according to def. , then there are isomorphisms of graded rings
E •(BU(1))≃E •(*)[[c 1 E]]E^\bullet(B U(1)) \simeq E^\bullet(\ast)[ [ c_1^E ] ]
(between the EE-cohomology ring of BU(1)B U(1) and the formal power series (but see remark ) in one generator of even degree over the EE-cohomology ring of the point);
E •(BU(1)×BU(1))≃E •(*)[[c 1 E⊗1,1⊗c 1 E]]E^\bullet(B U(1) \times B U(1)) \simeq E^\bullet(\ast)[ [ c_1^E \otimes 1 , 1 \otimes c_1^E ] ].
We may realize the classifying space BU(1)B U(1) as the infinite complex projective space ℂP ∞=lim⟵ nℂP n\mathbb{C}P^\infty = \underset{\longleftarrow}{\lim}_n \mathbb{C}P^n (exmpl.). There is a standard CW-complex-structure on the classifying space ℂP ∞\mathbb{C}P^\infty, given by inductively identifying ℂP n+1\mathbb{C}P^{n+1} with the result of attaching a single 2n2n-cell to ℂP n\mathbb{C}P^n (prop.). With this structure, the unique 2-cell inclusion i:S 2↪ℂP ∞i \;\colon\; S^2 \hookrightarrow \mathbb{C}P^\infty is identified with the canonical map S 2→BU(1)S^2 \to B U(1).
Then consider the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for the EE-cohomology of ℂP n\mathbb{C}P^n.
H •(ℂP n,E •(*))⇒E •(ℂP n). H^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^n, E^\bullet(\ast)) \;\Rightarrow\; E^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^n) \,.
Since (prop.) the ordinary cohomology with integer coefficients of projective space is
H •(ℂP n,ℤ)≃ℤ[c 1]/((c 1) n+1), H^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^n, \mathbb{Z}) \simeq \mathbb{Z}[c_1]/((c_1)^{n+1}) \,,
where c 1c_1 represents a unit in H 2(S 2,ℤ)≃ℤH^2(S^2, \mathbb{Z})\simeq \mathbb{Z}, and since similarly the ordinary homology of ℂP n\mathbb{C}P^n is a free abelian group (prop.), hence a projective object in abelian groups (prop.), the Ext-group vanishes in each degree (Ext 1(H n(ℂP n),E •(*))=0Ext^1(H_n(\mathbb{C}P^n), E^\bullet(\ast)) = 0) and so the universal coefficient theorem (prop.) gives that the second page of the spectral sequence is
H •(ℂP n,E •(*))≃E •(*)[c 1]/(c 1 n+1). H^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^n, E^\bullet(\ast)) \simeq E^\bullet(\ast)[ c_1 ] / (c_1^{n+1}) \,.
By the standard construction of the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence (here) in this identification the element c 1c_1 is identified with a generator of the relative cohomology
E 2((ℂP n) 2,(ℂP n) 1)≃E˜ 2(S 2) E^2((\mathbb{C}P^n)_2, (\mathbb{C}P^n)_1) \simeq \tilde E^2(S^2)
(using, by the above, that this S 2S^2 is the unique 2-cell of ℂP n\mathbb{C}P^n in the standard cell model).
This means that c 1c_1 is a permanent cocycle of the spectral sequence (in the kernel of all differentials) precisely if it arises via restriction from an element in E 2(ℂP n)E^2(\mathbb{C}P^n) and hence precisely if there exists a complex orientation c 1 Ec_1^E on EE. Since this is the case by assumption on EE, c 1c_1 is a permanent cocycle. (For the fully detailed argument, see (Pedrotti 16)).
The same argument applied to all elements in E •(*)[c]E^\bullet(\ast)[c], or else the E •(*)E^\bullet(\ast)-linearity of the differentials (prop.), implies that all these elements are permanent cocycles.
Since the AHSS of a multiplicative cohomology theory is a multiplicative spectral sequence (prop.) this implies that the differentials in fact vanish on all elements of E •(*)[c 1]/(c 1 n+1)E^\bullet(\ast) [c_1] / (c_1^{n+1}), hence that the given AHSS collapses on the second page to give
ℰ ∞ •,•≃E •(*)[c 1 E]/((c 1 E) n+1) \mathcal{E}_\infty^{\bullet,\bullet} \simeq E^\bullet(\ast)[ c_1^{E} ] / ((c_1^E)^{n+1})
or in more detail:
ℰ ∞ p,•≃{E •(*) ifp≤2nandeven 0 otherwise. \mathcal{E}_\infty^{p,\bullet} \simeq \left\{ \array{ E^\bullet(\ast) & \text{if}\; p \leq 2n \; and\; even \\ 0 & otherwise } \right. \,.
Moreover, since therefore all ℰ ∞ p,•\mathcal{E}_\infty^{p,\bullet} are free modules over E •(*)E^\bullet(\ast), and since the filter stage inclusions F p+1E •(X)↪F pE •(X)F^{p+1} E^\bullet(X) \hookrightarrow F^{p}E^\bullet(X) are E •(*)E^\bullet(\ast)-module homomorphisms (prop.) the extension problem trivializes, in that all the short exact sequences
0→F p+1E p+•(X)⟶F pE p+•(X)⟶ℰ ∞ p,•→0 0 \to F^{p+1}E^{p+\bullet}(X) \longrightarrow F^{p}E^{p+\bullet}(X) \longrightarrow \mathcal{E}_\infty^{p,\bullet} \to 0
split (since the Ext-group Ext E •(*) 1(ℰ ∞ p,•,−)=0Ext^1_{E^\bullet(\ast)}(\mathcal{E}_\infty^{p,\bullet},-) = 0 vanishes on the free module, hence projective module ℰ ∞ p,•\mathcal{E}_\infty^{p,\bullet}).
In conclusion, this gives an isomorphism of graded rings
E •(ℂP n)≃⊕pℰ ∞ p,•≃E •(*)[c 1]/((c 1 E) n+1). E^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^n) \simeq \underset{p}{\oplus} \mathcal{E}_\infty^{p,\bullet} \simeq E^\bullet(\ast)[ c_1 ] / ((c_1^{E})^{n+1}) \,.
A first consequence is that the projection maps
E •((ℂP ∞) 2n+2)=E •(ℂP n+1)→E •(ℂP n)=E •((ℂP ∞) 2n) E^\bullet((\mathbb{C}P^\infty)_{2n+2}) = E^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^{n+1}) \to E^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^{n}) = E^\bullet((\mathbb{C}P^\infty)_{2n})
are all epimorphisms. Therefore this sequence satisfies the Mittag-Leffler condition (def., exmpl.) and therefore the Milnor exact sequence for generalized cohomology (prop.) finally implies the claim:
E •(BU(1)) ≃E •(ℂP ∞) ≃E •(lim⟶ nℂP n) ≃lim⟵ nE •(ℂP n) ≃lim⟵ n(E •(*)[c 1 E]/((c 1 E) n+1)) ≃E •(*)[[c 1 E]], \begin{aligned} E^\bullet(B U(1)) & \simeq E^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^\infty) \\ & \simeq E^\bullet( \underset{\longrightarrow}{\lim}_n \mathbb{C}P^n ) \\ &\simeq \underset{\longleftarrow}{\lim}_n E^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^n) \\ &\simeq \underset{\longleftarrow}{\lim}_n ( E^\bullet(\ast) [c_1^E] / ((c_1^E)^{n+1}) ) \\ & \simeq E^\bullet(\ast)[ [ c_1^E ] ] \,, \end{aligned}
where the last step is this prop..
Formal group law
Let again BU(1)B U(1) be the classifying space for complex line bundles, modeled, in particular, by infinite complex projective space ℂP ∞)\mathbb{C}P^\infty).
There is a continuous function
μ:ℂP ∞×ℂP⟶ℂP ∞ \mu \;\colon\; \mathbb{C}P^\infty \times \mathbb{C}P \longrightarrow \mathbb{C}P^\infty
which represents the tensor product of line bundles in that under the defining equivalence, and for XX any paracompact Hausdorff space (notably a CW-complex, since all CW-complexes are paracompact Hausdorff spaces), then
[X,ℂP ∞×ℂP ∞] ≃ ℂLineBund(X) /∼×ℂLineBund(X) /∼ [X,μ]↓ ↓ ⊗ [X,ℂP ∞] ≃ ℂLineBund(X) /∼, \array{ [X, \mathbb{C}P^\infty \times \mathbb{C}P^\infty] &\simeq& \mathbb{C}LineBund(X)_{/\sim} \times \mathbb{C}LineBund(X)_{/\sim} \\ {}^{\mathllap{[X,\mu]}}\downarrow && \downarrow^{\mathrlap{\otimes}} \\ [X,\mathbb{C}P^\infty] &\simeq& \mathbb{C}LineBund(X)_{/\sim} } \,,
where [−,−][-,-] denotes the hom-sets in the (Serre-Quillen-)classical homotopy category and ℂLineBund(X) /∼\mathbb{C}LineBund(X)_{/\sim} denotes the set of isomorphism classes of complex line bundles on XX.
Together with the canonical point inclusion *→ℂP ∞\ast \to \mathbb{C}P^\infty, this makes ℂP ∞\mathbb{C}P^\infty an abelian group object in the classical homotopy category (an abelian H-group).
Let (E,c 1 E)(E, c_1^E) be a complex oriented cohomology theory. Under the identification
E •(ℂP ∞)≃π •(E)[[c 1 E]],E •(ℂP ∞×ℂP ∞)≃π •(E)[[c 1 E⊗1,1⊗c 1 E]] E^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^\infty) \simeq \pi_\bullet(E)[ [ c^E_1 ] ] \;\;\;\,, \;\;\; E^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^\infty \times \mathbb{C}P^\infty) \simeq \pi_\bullet(E)[ [ c^E_1 \otimes 1 , \, 1 \otimes c^E_1 ] ]
π •(E)[[c 1 E]]≃E •(ℂP ∞)⟶E •(ℂP ∞×ℂP ∞)≃π •(E)[[c 1 E⊗1,1⊗c 1 E]] \pi_\bullet(E) [ [ c^E_1 ] ] \simeq E^\bullet(\mathbb{C}P^\infty) \longrightarrow E^\bullet( \mathbb{C}P^\infty \times \mathbb{C}P^\infty ) \simeq \pi_\bullet(E)[ [ c_1^E \otimes 1, 1 \otimes c_1^E ] ]
of pullback in EE-cohomology along the maps from lemma constitutes a 1-dimensional graded-commutative formal group law (exmpl.) over the graded commutative ring π •(E)\pi_\bullet(E) (prop.). If we consider c 1 Ec_1^E to be in degree 2, then this formal group law is compatibly graded.
The associativity and commutativity conditions follow directly from the respective properties of the map μ\mu in lemma . The grading follows from the nature of the identifications in prop. .
Cohomology ring of BU(n)B U(n)
For EE a complex oriented cohomology theory and n∈ℕn \in \mathbb{N}, restriction along the canonical map
(BU(1)) n⟶BU(n) (B U(1))^n \longrightarrow B U(n)
induces an isomorphism
E •(BU(n))⟶≃(π •E)[[c 1 E,⋯,c n E]]≃E •((BU(1)) n) Σ n↪E •((BU(1)) n)≃(π •E)[[(c 1 E) 1,⋯(c 1 E) n]], E^\bullet(B U(n)) \stackrel{\simeq}{\longrightarrow} (\pi_\bullet E)[ [ c^E_1, \cdots, c^E_n ] ] \simeq E^\bullet((B U(1))^n)^{\Sigma_n} \hookrightarrow E^\bullet((B U(1))^n) \simeq (\pi_\bullet E)[ [(c_1^E)_1, \cdots (c_1^E)_n ] ] \,,
of E •(BU(n))E^\bullet(B U(n)) with the cyclic group-invariants in E •((BU(1)) n)E^\bullet((B U(1))^n), hence with the power series ring in the elementary symmetric polynomials c i Ec_i^E (the generalized Chern classes) in the c 1 Ec_1^E-s (the generalized first Chern classes of prop. ).
Use this proposition to reduce to the situation for ordinary Chern classes. (e.g. Lurie 10, lecture 4)
Canonical orientation on complex vector bundles
The follows says that complex oriented cohomology theories in the sense of def. , indeed canonically have an orientation in generalized cohomology for the (spherical fibration of) any complex vector bundle.
For more details see at universal complex orientation on MU.
Observe that the sphere bundle S(ζ n)→BU(n)S(\zeta_n) \to B U(n) of the universal complex vector bundle is equivalently the canonical map BU(n−1)→BU(n)B U(n-1) \to B U(n).
This follows form the fact that S 2n−1≃U(n)/U(n−1)S^{2n-1} \simeq U(n)/U(n-1) and that hence the unit sphere bundle is equivalently the quotient of the U(n)U(n)-universal principal bundle by U(n−1)U(n-1)
U(n) ⟶ * ↓ BU(n)↦S 2n−1≃ U(n)/U(n−1) ⟶ BU(n−1) ↓ BU(n). \array{ U(n) &\longrightarrow& \ast \\ && \downarrow \\ && B U(n) } \;\;\;\; \stackrel{}{\mapsto}\;\;\;\; \array{ S^{2n-1} \simeq & U(n)/U(n-1) &\longrightarrow& B U(n-1) \\ & && \downarrow \\ & && B U(n) } \,.
The unit ball bundle B(ζ n)B(\zeta_n) is weakly equivalent to BU(n)B U(n), and under this identification the map S(ζ n)→B(ζ n)S(\zeta_n) \to B(\zeta_n) is equivalent to BU(n−1)→BU(n)B U(n-1) \to B U(n).
For EE a complex oriented cohomology theory, its nnth generalized Chern class c n Ec^E_n, prop. , identified as an element of E •(B(ζ n),S(ζ n))E^\bullet(B(\zeta_n), S(\zeta_n)) via prop. , is a Thom class.
(e.g. Lurie 10, lecture 5, prop. 6)
Textbook accounts:
Pierre Conner, Edwin Floyd, around Theorem 7.6 of: The Relation of Cobordism to K-Theories, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 28 Springer 1966 (doi:10.1007/BFb0071091, MR216511)
Frank Adams, part II, section 2 of: Stable homotopy and generalised homology, 1974
John Michael Boardman, Section 5 of: Stable Operations in Generalized Cohomology [pdf, pdf] in: Ioan Mackenzie James (ed.) Handbook of Algebraic Topology Oxford 1995 (doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-81779-2.X5000-7)
Stanley Kochmann, section 4.3 of: Bordism, Stable Homotopy and Adams Spectral Sequences, AMS 1996
Doug Ravenel, Section 4.1 of: Complex cobordism and stable homotopy groups of spheres
Dai Tamaki, Akira Kono, Section 3.2 in: Generalized Cohomology, Translations of Mathematical Monographs, American Mathematical Society, 2006 (ISBN: 978-0-8218-3514-2)
Introduction includes
Riccardo Pedrotti, Complex oriented cohomology, generalized orientation and Thom isomorphism, 2016, 2018 (pdf)
The perspective of chromatic homotopy theory originates in
- Mike Hopkins, Complex oriented cohomology theories and the language of stacks, 1999 course notes (pdf)
and is further developed in
Jacob Lurie, Chromatic Homotopy Theory, Lecture notes, 2010 (web)
Lecture 4 Complex-oriented cohomology theories (pdf)
Lecture 6 MU and complex orientations (pdf)
See also the references at equivariant cohomology – References – Complex oriented cohomology-.
A comparison between complex orientations and H ∞H_\infty ring maps out of MUMU was given in
- Matthew Ando, Operations in complex-oriented cohomology theories related to subgroups of formal groups (PhD Thesis)
More recent developments include
Michael Hopkins, Tyler Lawson, Strictly commutative complex orientation theory (arXiv:1603.00047)
Doron Grossman-Naples, Complex Orientations are Partial Strictifications of the Unit [arXiv:2311.01663]
Refinement to equivariant complex oriented cohomology theory:
John Greenlees, Equivariant formal group laws and complex oriented cohomology theories, Homology Homotopy Appl. Volume 3, Number 2 (2001), 225-263 (euclid:hha/1139840255)
Michael Cole, John Greenlees, Igor Kriz, The universality of equivariant complex bordism, Math Z 239, 455–475 (2002) (doi:10.1007/s002090100315)
Finite-dimensional complex orientation and Ravenel’s spectra
Discussion of complex orientation (in Whitehead generalized cohomology) on (only) those complex vector bundles which are pulled back from base spaces of bounded cell-dimension (Hopkins 84, 1.2, Ravenel 86, 6.5.2) – or rather, for the most part, of Ravenel's Thom spectra X(n)X(n) and T(m)T(m) (Ravenel 84, Sec. 3) which co-represent these:
Douglas Ravenel, section 3 of: Localization with Respect to Certain Periodic Homology Theories, American Journal of Mathematics Vol. 106, No. 2 (Apr., 1984), pp. 351-414 (doi:10.2307/2374308, jstor:2374308)
Michael Hopkins, Stable decompositions of certain loop spaces, Northwestern 1984 (pdf)
Douglas Ravenel, section 6.5 of: Complex cobordism and stable homotopy groups of spheres, 1986
Ethan Devinatz, Michael Hopkins, Jeffrey Smith, Theorem 3 of: Nilpotence and Stable Homotopy Theory I, Annals of Mathematics Second Series, Vol. 128, No. 2 (Sep., 1988), pp. 207-241 (jstor:1971440)
Doug Ravenel, The first Adams-Novikov differential for the spectrum T(m)T(m), 2000 (pdf, pdf)
Ippei Ichigi, Katsumi Shimomura, The Modulo Two Homotopy Groups of the L 2L_2-Localization of the Ravenel Spectrum, CUBO A Mathematical Journal, Vol. 10, No 03, (43–55). October 2008 (cubo:1498)
Gabe Angelini-Knoll, J. D. Quigley: The Segal Conjecture for topological Hochschild homology of the Ravenel spectra, Journal of Topology 4 3 (2011) 591-622 [doi:10.1112/jtopol/jtr015, arXiv:1705.03343]
Jonathan Beardsley, A Theorem on Multiplicative Cell Attachments with an Application to Ravenel’s X(n)X(n) Spectra, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures volume 14, pages 611–624 (2019) (arXiv:1708.03042, doi:10.1007/s40062-018-0222-6)
Jonathan Beardsley, Topological Hochschild homology of X(n)X(n) (arXiv:1708.09486)
Xiangjun Wang, Zihong Yuan, The homotopy groups of L 2T(m)/(p [m2]+2,v 1)L_2 T(m)/\big(p^{[\tfrac{m}{2}]+2}, v_1 \big) for m>1m \gt 1, New York J. Math.24 (2018) 1123–1146 (pdf)
Last revised on March 9, 2025 at 10:18:08. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.