constant functor in nLab
Category theory
A constant functor Δd:C→D\Delta d: C\to D is a functor that maps each object of the category CC to a fixed object d∈Dd\in D and each morphism of CC to the identity morphism of that fixed object.
(The notation Δd\Delta d is suggested by the fact that if d:1→Dd: 1 \to D names an object dd of DD, then the composite
1→dD→ΔD C1 \stackrel{d}{\to} D \stackrel{\Delta}{\to} D^C
names a functor Δd:C→D\Delta d: C \to D which is the constant functor at dd. Here Δ:D→D C\Delta: D \to D^C denotes a diagonal functor.)
Viewing D≅[1,D]D \cong [1,D], it is possible to see that Δ\Delta is a base change of the functor categories D 1D^1 and D CD^C, given the functor ! C:C→1!_C: C \to 1.
More generally, we may say that a functor F:C→DF:C\to D is essentially constant if it is naturally isomorphic to a constant functor.
Note that a constant functor can be expressed as the composite
C→!1→[d]D.C \stackrel{!}{\to} 1 \stackrel{[d]}{\to} D.
Here 11 is a terminal category (exactly one object and exactly one morphism, namely the identity), and [d][d] denotes the unique functor from 11 with F(•)=dF(\bullet) = d and F(Id •)=Id dF(Id_\bullet) = Id_d. It follows that F:C→DF:C\to D is essentially constant if and only if it factors through 11 up to isomorphism.
If CC has at least one object, then there is a codescent object
C×C×C→→→C×C⇉C→1. C\times C\times C \underoverset{\to}{\to}{\to} C\times C \rightrightarrows C \to 1.
Therefore, in this case a functor F:C→DF:C\to D is essentially constant if and only if we have a natural isomorphism between the two composites C×C⇉C→FDC\times C \rightrightarrows C \xrightarrow{F} D (i.e. isomorphisms F(c 1)≅F(c 2)F(c_1)\cong F(c_2) natural in c 1,c 2∈Cc_1,c_2\in C) that satisfies a cocycle condition?. This is a categorified version of the statement that a function with inhabited domain is a constant function if and only if the images of any two elements are equal. Just as in that case, there is a distinction in the trivial case: the identity functor of the empty category satisfies this weaker condition, but is not essentially constant because there is no object for it to be constant at.
For FF any functor, a natural transformation
Δ d⇒F\Delta_d \Rightarrow F
from a constant functor into FF is precisely a cone over FF. Similarly a natural transformation
F⇒Δ dF \Rightarrow \Delta_d
is a cocone.
Last revised on July 15, 2021 at 01:47:02. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.