coreduced object in nLab
Presentation over a site
Discrete and concrete objects
typical contexts
Modalities, Closure and Reflection
In a context of synthetic differential geometry/differential cohesion a coreduced object is one all whose infinitesimal paths are constant. Compare the discrete objects, in which all paths are constant, meaning all discrete objects are also coreduced.
A context of differential cohesion is determined by the existence of an adjoint triple of modalities
ℜ⊣ℑ⊣&, \Re \dashv \Im \dashv \& \,,
where ℜ\Re and &\& are idempotent comonads and ℑ\Im is an idempotent monad.
A coreduced object or coreduced type is one in the full subcategory defined by the infinitesimal shape modality ℑ\Im or equivalently the infinitesimal flat modality &\&.
Note that an object XX being coreduced is the same as it being formally etale.
- A coreduced scheme is also called a de Rham space. The cohomology over such is crystalline cohomology, the quasicoherent sheaves over these define D-geometry.
- In a differential geometric setting, formally etale maps are the local diffeomorphisms, and the coreduced objects are those for which the terminal map X→1X \to 1 is a local diffeomorphism.
Last revised on August 29, 2017 at 16:19:24. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.