Andre Lukas (changes) in nLab
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Selected writings:
- Zygmunt Lalak, André Lukas, Burt Ovrut, Soliton Solutions of M-theory on an Orbifold, Phys. Lett. B425 (1998) 59-70 (arXiv:hep-th/9709214)
On gaugino condensation in heterotic string theory and Horava-Witten theory:
André Lukas, Burt Ovrut, Daniel Waldram, Gaugino condensation in M theory on S 1/Z 2S^1/Z_2, Phys. Rev. D 57, 7529 (1998) (arXiv:hep-th/9711197, doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.57.7529)
André Lukas, Burt Ovrut, Daniel Waldram, Five-Branes and Supersymmetry Breaking in M-Theory, JHEP 9904:009, 1999 (arXiv:hep-th/9901017)
On M-theory on Calabi-Yau 5-folds and supersymmetric quantum mechanics:
- Alexander Haupt, Andre Lukas, Kellogg Stelle, M-theory on Calabi-Yau Five-Folds, JHEP 0905:069, 2009 (arXiv:0810.2685)
On heterotic string phenomenology with heterotic line bundle models:
Lara Anderson, James Gray, Andre Lukas, Eran Palti, Two Hundred Heterotic Standard Models on Smooth Calabi-Yau Threefolds, Phys. Rev. D 84, 106005 (2011) (arXiv:1106.4804)
Lara Anderson, James Gray, Andre Lukas, Eran Palti, Heterotic Line Bundle Standard Models JHEP06(2012)113 (arXiv:1202.1757)
Evgeny Buchbinder, Andrei Constantin, Andre Lukas, The Moduli Space of Heterotic Line Bundle Models: a Case Study for the Tetra-Quadric, JHEP03 (2014) 025 (arXiv:1311.1941)
Scan of SU(5) GUT vacua among heterotic line bundle models:
- Lara Anderson, Andrei Constantin, James Gray, Andre Lukas, Eran Palti, A Comprehensive Scan for Heterotic SU(5)SU(5) GUT models, JHEP01(2014)047 (arXiv:1307.4787)
- Andre Lukas, Line Bundles in String Model Building, talk at StringPhenomenology 2019 (indico:782251/contributions/3441850, pdf, pdf)
- Lara Anderson, James Gray, Andre Lukas, Burt Ovrut, Vacuum Varieties, Holomorphic Bundles and Complex Structure Stabilization in Heterotic Theories (arXiv:1304.2704)
On heterotic string phenomenology with heterotic line bundle models:
- Andreas Braun, Callum R. Brodie, Andre Lukas, Heterotic Line Bundle Models on Elliptically Fibered Calabi-Yau Three-folds, JHEP04 (2018) 087 (arXiv:1706.07688)
On heterotic line bundles seen in F-theory under duality between M/F-theory and heterotic string theory:
- Andreas Braun, Callum Brodie, Andre Lukas, Fabian Ruehle, NS5-Branes and Line Bundles in Heterotic/F-Theory Duality, Phys. Rev. D 98, 126004 (2018) (arXiv:1803.06190)
On computation of Yukawa couplings in heterotic string theory:
- Stefan Blesneag, Evgeny Buchbinder, Andrei Constantin, Andre Lukas, Eran Palti, Matter Field Kähler Metric in Heterotic String Theory from Localisation (arXiv:1801.09645)
and via machine learning:
- Andrei Constantin, Cristofero S. Fraser-Taliente, Thomas R. Harvey, Andre Lukas, Burt Ovrut, Computation of Quark Masses from String Theory [arXiv:2402.01615]
On realizations of the MSSM standard model of particle physics in heterotic string theory:
- Andrei Constantin, Yang-Hui He, Andre Lukas, Counting String Theory Standard Models, Physics Letters B Volume 792, 10 May 2019, Pages 258-262 (arXiv:1810.00444)
Last revised on February 5, 2024 at 03:51:53. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.