Beilinson-Drinfeld algebra (changes) in nLab

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A Beilinson-Drinfeld algebra (or BD-algebra for short) is like a BV-algebra with nilpotent BV-operator, but over formal power series in one formal parameter ℏ\hbar, and such that the Gerstenhaber bracket is proportional to that parameter.

This means that one may think of a BD-algebra as an ℏ\hbar-parameterized formal family of algebras which for ℏ=0\hbar = 0 are Poisson 0-algebras and for ℏ≠0\hbar \neq 0 they look superficially like BV-algebras. But see remark 1 below.

Such BD-algbras are used to formalize formal deformation quantization in the context of the BV-BRST formalism (in Costello-Gwilliam).



A quantum BV complex or Beilinson-Drinfeld algebra is

  1. a differential graded-commutative algebra AA (whose differential we denote by Δ\Delta) over the ring ℝ[[ℏ]]\mathbb{R} [ [ \hbar ] ] of formal power series over the real numbers in a formal constant ℏ\hbar,

  2. equipped with a Poisson bracket {−,−}\{-,-\} of the same degree as the differential

such that

  • the following equation holds for all elements a,b∈Aa,b \in A of homogeneous degree |a|,|b|∈ℤ{\vert a\vert}, {\vert b\vert} \in \mathbb{Z}

    Δ(a⋅b)=(Δa)⋅b+(−1) |a|aΔb+ℏ{a,b} \Delta( a \cdot b) = (\Delta a) \cdot b + (-1)^{\vert a\vert} a \Delta b + \hbar \{a,b\}

(e.g. Costello-Gwilliam, def., Gwilliam 13, def. 2.2.5)

algebraic deformation quantization

dimensionclassical field theoryLagrangian BV quantum field theoryfactorization algebra of observables
general nnP-n algebraBD-n algebra?E-n algebra
n=0n = 0Poisson 0-algebraBD-0 algebra? = BD algebraE-0 algebra? = pointed space
n=1n = 1P-1 algebra = Poisson algebraBD-1 algebra?E-1 algebra? = A-∞ algebra


The notion was introduced in

A discussion is in section 2.4 of

See also

  • Owen Gwilliam ,

    Owen Gwilliam, Factorization algebras and free field theories PhD thesis (2013) (pdf)

    Factorization algebras and free field theories PhD thesis (2013) (pdf)
  • Martin Doubek, Branislav Jurčo, Lada Peksová, Ján Pulmann, Connected sum for modular operads and Beilinson-Drinfeld algebras, arXiv:2210.06517

  • Constantin-Cosmin Todea, BD algebras and group cohomology, Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 359 (2021) no. 8, 925–937 doi

Last revised on October 18, 2022 at 12:55:30. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.