CP violation (changes) in nLab
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physics, mathematical physics, philosophy of physics
Surveys, textbooks and lecture notes
theory (physics), model (physics)
experiment, measurement, computable physics
Structural phenomena
Types of quantum field thories
Roberto Peccei, The Strong CP Problem and Axions, Lect. Notes Phys.741:3-17,2008 (arXiv:hep-ph/0607268)
Strong CP problem and axion Phenomenology, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 58 (2013) (pdf)
See also
Wikipedia, Strong CP problem
Wikipedia, CP violation
Argument for absence of CP-violation for the strong nuclear force (QCD):
Wen-Yuan Ai, Juan S. Cruz, Bjorn Garbrecht, Carlos Tamarit, Absence of CP violation in the strong interactions [[arXiv:2001.07152](https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.07152)]
published as: Consequences of the order of the limit of infinite spacetime volume and the sum over topological sectors for C P violation in the strong interactions Phys. Lett. B 822 (2021) 136616 [[doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136616](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136616)]
Wen-Yuan Ai, Bjorn Garbrecht, Carlos Tamarit, CP conservation in the strong interactions, Universe 10 5 (2024) 189 [[arXiv:2404.16026](https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.16026), doi:10.3390/universe10050189]
On flavour physics, CP violation and flavour anomalies:
- Antonio Pich, Flavour Dynamics and Violations of the CP Symmetry, Lectures at the 2017 and 2019 CERN - Latin-American Schools of High-Energy Physics (arXiv:1805.08597)
Discussion in the context of string theory:
- Peter Svrcek, Edward Witten, Axions In String Theory, JHEP 0606:051,2006 (arXiv:hep-th/0605206)
Discussion specificlly in the context of M-theory on G2-manifolds G₂-manifolds/ G2-MSSM G₂-MSSM is in (Svrcek-Witten 06, section 6) and
- Bobby Acharya, Konstantin Bobkov, Piyush Kumar, An M Theory Solution to the Strong CP Problem and Constraints on the Axiverse, JHEP 1011:105,2010 (arXiv:1004.5138)
Last revised on July 18, 2024 at 10:46:37. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.