Dirac operator (changes) in nLab

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Spin geometry

spin geometry, string geometry, fivebrane geometry


Spin geometry

spin geometry

rotation groups in low dimensions:

Dynkin labelsp. orth. groupspin grouppin groupsemi-spin group

see also

String geometry

string geometry

Fivebrane geometry

Ninebrane geometry

Index theory




For S→XS \to X a spinor bundle over a Riemannian manifold (X,g)(X,g), a Dirac operator on SS is an differential operator on (sections of) SS whose principal symbol is that of c∘dc \circ d, where dd is the exterior derivative and cc is the symbol map.

More abstractly, for DD a Dirac operator, its normalization D(1+D 2) −1/2D(1+ D^2)^{-1/2} is a Fredholm operator, hence defines an element in K-homology.

Origin and role in Physics

The first relativistic Schrödinger type equation found was Klein-Gordon. At first it did not look that K-G equation could be interpreted physically because of negative energy states and other paradoxes. Paul Dirac proposed to take a square root of Laplace operator within the matrix-valued differential operators and obtained a Dirac equation; matrix valued generators involved representations of a Clifford algebra. It also had negative energy solutions, but with half-integer spin interpretation which was appropriate the Pauli exclusion principle together with the Dirac sea picture came at rescue (Klein-Gordon is now also useful with more modern formalisms).



In components

The tangent bundle of an oriented Riemannian nn-dimensional manifold MM is an SO(n)SO(n)-bundle. Orientation means that the first Stiefel-Whitney class w 1(M)w_1(M) is zero. If w 2(M)w_2(M) is zero than the SO(n)SO(n) bundle can be lifted to a Spin(n)Spin(n)-bundle. A choice of connection on such a Spin(n)Spin(n)-bundle is a SpinSpin-structure on MM. There is a standard 2 [n/2]2^{[n/2]}-dimensional representation of Spin(n)Spin(n)-group, so called Spin representation. If nn is odd it is irreducible, and if nn is even it decomposes into the sum of two irreducible representations of equal dimension S +S_+ and S −S_-. Thus we can associate associated bundles to the original Spin(n)Spin(n) bundle PP with respect to these representations. Thus we get the spinor bundles E ±:=P× Spin(n)S ±→ME_\pm := P\times_{Spin(n)} S_\pm\to M and E=E +⊕E −E = E_+\oplus E_-.

Gamma matrices, which are the representations of the Clifford algebra

γ aγ b+γ bγ a=−2δ abI \gamma_a \gamma_b + \gamma_b \gamma_a = -2\delta_{ab} I

γ 5=i n(n+1)/2γ 1⋯γ n,γ 5 2=I \gamma_5 = i^{n(n+1)/2}\gamma_1\cdots\gamma_n, \,\,\,\,\gamma^2_5 = I

thus act on such a space; certain combinations of products of gamma matrices with partial derivatives define a first order Dirac operator Γ(E)→Γ(E −)\Gamma(E)\to\Gamma(E_-); there are several versions, in mathematics is pretty important the chiral Dirac operator

Γ(M,E +)→Γ(M,E −) \Gamma(M,E_+)\to \Gamma(M,E_-)

given by local formula

∑ aγ ae a μ(x)∇ μ1+γ 52 \sum_a \gamma^a e^\mu_a(x) \nabla_\mu \frac{1+\gamma_5}{2}

where e a μ(x)e^\mu_a(x) are orthonormal frames of tangent vectors and ∇ μ\nabla_\mu is the covariant derivative with respect to the Levi-Civita spin connection. The expression 1+γ 52\frac{1+\gamma_5}{2} is the chirality operator.

In Euclidean space the Dirac operator is elliptic, but not in Minkowski space.

The Dirac operator is involved in approaches to the Atiyah-Singer index theorem about the index of an elliptic operator: namely the index can be easier calculated for Dirac operator and the deformation to the Dirac operator does not change the index. An appropriate version of a Dirac operator is a part of a concept of the spectral triple in noncommutative geometry a la Alain Connes.


Eta invariant and functional determinant

The eta function (see there for more) of a Dirac operator DD expresses the functional determinant of its Laplace operator H=D 2H = D^2.

Index and partition function


Let (X,g)(X,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold and ℰ\mathcal{E} a smooth super vector bundle and indeed a Clifford module bundle over XX. Consider a Dirac operator

D:Γ(X,ℰ)→Γ(X,ℰ) D \colon \Gamma(X,\mathcal{E}) \to \Gamma(X, \mathcal{E})

with components (with respect to the ℤ 2\mathbb{Z}_2-grading) to be denoted

D=[0 D − D + 0], D = \left[ \array{ 0 & D^- \\ D^+ & 0 } \right] \,,

where D −=(D +) *D^- = (D^+)^\ast. Then D +D^+ is a Fredholm operator and its index is the supertrace of the kernel of DD, as well as of the heat kernel of D 2D^2:

ind(D +) ≔dim(ker(D +))−dim(coker(D +)) =dim(ker(D +))−dim(ker(D −)) =sTr(ker(D)) =sTr(exp(−tD 2))∀t>0. \begin{aligned} ind(D^+) & \coloneqq dim(ker(D^+)) - dim(coker(D^+)) \\ & = dim(ker(D^+)) - dim(ker(D^-)) \\ & = sTr(ker(D)) \\ & = sTr( \exp(-t \, D^2) ) \;\;\; \forall t \gt 0 \end{aligned} \,.

This appears as (Berline-Getzler-Vergne 04, prop. 3.48, prop. 3.50), based on (MacKean-Singer 67).


partition functions in quantum field theory as indices/genera/orientations in generalized cohomology theory:

ddpartition function in dd-dimensional QFTsuperchargeindex in cohomology theorygenuslogarithmic coefficients of Hirzebruch series
0push-forward in ordinary cohomology: integration of differential formsorientation
1spinning particleDirac operatorKO-theory indexA-hat genusBernoulli numbersAtiyah-Bott-Shapiro orientation MSpin→KOM Spin \to KO
endpoint of 2d Poisson-Chern-Simons theory stringSpin^c Dirac operator twisted by prequantum line bundlespace of quantum states of boundary phase space/Poisson manifoldTodd genusBernoulli numbersAtiyah-Bott-Shapiro orientation MSpin c→KUM Spin^c \to KU
endpoint of type II superstringSpin^c Dirac operator twisted by Chan-Paton gauge fieldD-brane chargeTodd genusBernoulli numbersAtiyah-Bott-Shapiro orientation MSpin c→KUM Spin^c \to KU
2type II superstringDirac-Ramond operatorsuperstring partition function in NS-R sectorOchanine elliptic genusSO orientation of elliptic cohomology
heterotic superstringDirac-Ramond operatorsuperstring partition functionWitten genusEisenstein seriesstring orientation of tmf
self-dual stringM5-brane charge
3w4-orientation of EO(2)-theory


Textbooks include

The relation to index theory is discussed in

based on original articles such as

  • H. MacKean, Isadore Singer, Curvature and eigenvalues of the Laplacian, J. Diff. Geom. 1 (1967)
  • Michael Atiyah, Raoul Bott, V. K. Patodi, On the heat equation and the index theorem, Invent. Math. 19 (1973), 279–330.

See also

  • Daniel Freed, Geometry of Dirac operators , 1987 (1987) ( [[pdf](,pdf, pdf ) ]

  • C. Nash, Differential topology and quantum field theory, Acad. Press 1991.

  • Eckhard Meinrenken, Clifford algebras and Lie groups, Lecture Notes, University of Toronto, Fall 2009.

  • Jing-Song Huang, Pavle Pandžić, J.-S. Huang, P. Pandzic, Dirac Operators in Representation Theory,. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2006, 199 pages; short version Dirac operators in representation theory, 48 pp. pdf

  • J.-S. Huang, Pavle Pandžić, Dirac cohomology, unitary representations and a proof of a conjecture of Vogan, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 15 (2002), 185—202.

  • R. Parthasarathy, Dirac operator and the discrete series, Ann. of Math. 96 (1972), 1-30.

Last revised on August 14, 2022 at 15:55:44. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.