G-set (changes) in nLab
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Group Theory
- group, ∞-group
- group object, group object in an (∞,1)-category
- abelian group, spectrum
- super abelian group
- group action, ∞-action
- representation, ∞-representation
- progroup
- homogeneous space
Classical groups
Finite groups
Group schemes
Topological groups
Lie groups
Super-Lie groups
Higher groups
Cohomology and Extensions
Related concepts
Representation theory
geometric representation theory
representation, 2-representation, ∞-representation
Geometric representation theory
Given a topological group GG, a (continuous) GG-set is a set XX equipped with a continuous group action μ:G×X→X\mu: G \times X \to X, where XX is given the discrete topology.
In the case where GG is a discrete group, the continuity requirement is void, and this is just a permutation representation of the discrete group GG.
Note that since XX must be given the discrete topology, this behaves rather unlike topological G-spaces. In particular, a topological group does not act continuously on itself, in general. Thus this notion is not too useful when GG is a “usual” topology group like SU(2)SU(2). Instead, the topology on the group acts as a filter of subgroups (where the filter contains the open subgroups), and each element of a continuous GG-set is required to have a “large” stabilizer.
The GG-sets form a category, where the morphisms are the GG-invariant maps. See category of G sets.
Relation to GG-orbits
\begin{remark}\label{GActionsAndGOrbits} ($G$-sets are the free coproduct completion of $G$-orbits) \linebreak Let G∈Grp(Set)G \,\in\, Grp(Set) be a discrete group. Since every G-set XX decomposes as a disjoint union of transitive actions, namely of orbits of elements of XX, the defining inclusion of the orbit category into $G Set$ exhibits the latter as the free coproduct completion of the orbit category (see also this Prop.). \end{remark}
For topological groups
Let GG be a topological group, and XX be a set with a GG action μ:G×X→X\mu: G \times X \to X. Then the action is continuous if and only if the stabilizer of each element is open.
Suppose μ\mu is continuous. Since XX has the discrete topology, {x}\{x\} is an open subset of XX. So μ −1({x})\mu^{-1}(\{x\}) is open. So we know the stabilizer
I x={g∈G:g⋅x=x}={g∈G:(g,x)∈μ −1({x})} I_x = \{g \in G: g \cdot x = x\} = \{g \in G: (g, x) \in \mu^{-1}(\{x\})\}
is open.
Conversely, suppose each such set is open. Given any (necessarily open) subset A⊆XA \subseteq X, its inverse image is
μ −1(A)=⋃ a∈Aμ −1({a}). \mu^{-1}(A) = \bigcup_{a \in A} \mu^{-1}(\{a\}).
So it suffices to show that each μ −1({a})\mu^{-1}(\{a\}) is open. We have
μ −1({a})=⋃ x∈X{g∈G:g⋅x=a}×{x}. \mu^{-1}(\{a\}) = \bigcup_{x \in X}\{g \in G: g \cdot x = a\} \times \{x\}.
Thus we only have to show that for each a,x∈Xa, x \in X, the set {g∈G:g⋅x=a}\{g \in G: g \cdot x = a\} is open. If there is no such gg, then this is empty, hence open. Otherwise, let g 0g_0 be such that g 0⋅x=ag_0 \cdot x= a. Then we have
{g∈G:g⋅x=a}=g 0⋅I x. \{g \in G: g \cdot x = a\} = g_0 \cdot I_x.
Since g 0g_0 is a homeomorphism, and I xI_x is open, this is open. So done.
Discrete groups
In the following examples, all groups are discrete.
A ℤ 2\mathbb{Z}_2-set is a set equipped with an involution.
Any permutation π:X→X\pi : X \to X gives XX the structure of a ℤ\mathbb{Z}-set, with the action of ℤ\mathbb{Z} on XX defined by iterated composition of π\pi or π −1\pi^{-1}.
GG is itself a GG-set via the (left or right) regular representation.
A normal subgroup N⊲GN \lhd G defines a GG-set by the action of conjugation.
For GG a finite group then Mackey functors on finite GG-sets are equivalent to genuine G-spectra.
Continuous groups
- The group Σ N\Sigma_N of permutations of the natural numbers can be given the topology generated by the stabilizers of finite subsets of NN. This acts continuously on NN. This is used in the construction of the basic Fraenkel model. See also nominal sets.
action: a GG-set is a set with an action of the given group, GG.
An early account (where the term “representation group” is used to refer to a finite set equipped with a permutation action):
- William Burnside, On the Representation of a Group of Finite Order as a Permutation Group, and on the Composition of Permutation Groups, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1901 (doi:10.1112/plms/s1-34.1.159)
For a more modern account see
- Tammo tom Dieck, chapter 1 of Transformation Groups and Representation Theory, Springer 1979
Basic exposition of GG-sets as a Grothendieck topos:
- Jaap van Oosten, (eg. p. 32 in:) Topos Theory (2018) [[pdf](https://webspace.science.uu.nl/~ooste110/syllabi/topostheory.pdf), pdf]
Last revised on November 29, 2023 at 16:30:36. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.