Garth Warner (changes) in nLab

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Selected writings

On Hecke operators:

  • Garth Warner: Elementary Aspects of the Theory of Hecke Operators, University of Washington (1988) [[pdf](, pdf]

On (toric) algebraic groups:

  • Garth Warner: Abelian Theory, University of Washington [[arXiv:2012.15736](, pdf]

On algebraic topology via the model categories (notably the classical model structure on topological spaces):

On general relativity (gravity):

  • Garth Warner: Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity, EPrint Collection, University Of Washington (2006) [[hdl:1773/2637](, pdf, pdf]

On (constructive) quantum field theory:

  • Garth Warner: Bosonic Quantum Field Theory, EPrint Collection, University of Washington (2008) [[hdl:1773/3710](, pdf, pdf]

via Wightman axioms:

  • Garth Warner: Quantum Field Theory Seminar (School of Wightman et al.), seminar notes, University of Washington [[pdf](, pdf]

via Haag-Kastler axioms (algebraic quantum field theory):

  • Garth Warner: Quantum Field Theory Seminar (School of Haag-Kastler et al.), seminar notes, University of Washington [[pdf](, pdf]

and for gauge theory:

  • Garth Warner: Quantum Gauge Theory, seminar notes, University of Washington [[pdf](, pdf]

On Lagrangian classical mechanics:

  • Garth Warner: Lagrangian Mechanics, EPrint Collection, University of Washington (2009) [[hdl:1773/4606](, pdf, pdf]

On $C^\ast$-algebras:

  • Garth Warner, C *C^\ast-Algebras, EPrint Collection, University of Washington (2010) [[hdl:1773/16302](, pdf, pdf]

On quantum information theory via completely positive maps (quantum channels):

  • Garth Warner: Positivity, EPrint Collection University of Washington (2010) [[hdl:1773/15549](, pdf, pdf]

On the Doplicher-Roberts reconstruction theorem:

  • Garth Warner: Reconstruction Theory, EPrint Collection, University of Washington (2011) [[hdl:1773/16351](, pdf, pdf]

On fibered categories, the Grothendieck construction and sheaves:

  • Garth Warner: Fibrations and Sheaves, EPrint Collection, University of Washington (2012) [[hdl:1773/20977](, pdf, pdf]

On (simplicial) homotopy theory via (simplicial) model categories:

On topos theory including the simplicial homotopy theory of simplicial sheaves via Cisinski model structures:

  • Garth Warner, Homotopical Topos Theory, EPrint Collection, University of Washington (2012) [[hdl:1773/19722](, pdf, pdf]

On transcendental number theory (Schanuel's conjecture, …):

  • Garth Warner: The exponential world, University of Washington (2021) [[arXiv:2105.05809](, pdf]

On descriptive set theory:

  • Garth Warner: Sets and Classes, University of Washington [[arXiv:2404.04766](, pdf]

Last revised on July 29, 2024 at 12:33:43. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.