Jaemo Park (changes) in nLab

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Selected writings

On orientifolds and discrete torsion:

On Green-Schwarz action functionals for the D-branes (including the DBI action):

On the Green-Schwarz sigma-model of the M5-brane including the self-dual higher gauge field and double dimensional reduction to the D4-brane:

On Green-Schwarz sigma models for D-branes:

On K3 orientifolds (𝕋 4/G ADE\mathbb{T}^4/G_{ADE}) in type IIA string theory, hence for D8-branes and D4-branes:

On super-orbifolds as target spaces in superstring theory (orbi-superspace):

On the 3d-3d correspondence:

On 3d superconformal gauge field theory (ABJM model):

  • Kazuo Hosomichi, Ki-Myeong Lee, Sangmin Lee, Sungjay Lee, Jaemo Park, 𝒩=5,6\mathcal{N}=5,6 Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories and M2-branes on Orbifolds, JHEP 0809:002, 2008 (arXiv:0806.4977)

  • Kazuo Hosomichi, Ki-Myeong Lee, Sangmin Lee, Sungjay Lee, Jaemo Park, 𝒩=4\mathcal{N}=4 Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories with Hyper and Twisted Hyper Multiplets, JHEP 0807:091,2008 (arXiv:0805.3662)

On D4-D8 brane intersections with application to geometric engineering of QCD (“holographic QCD”, such as the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model):

On E-strings:

Last revised on July 10, 2020 at 16:45:45. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.