Jean-Louis Loday (changes) in nLab

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Jean-Louis Loday (1946-2012) was a French mathematician who, at the time of his passing, was Directeur de Recherche au CNRS based in Strasbourg. He is well known for his work in algebraic K-theory, in the development of cyclic homology and more recently for work on operads and Leibniz algebras.

Selected writings

Introducing the notion of crossed modules of Lie algebras:

  • Christian Kassel, Jean-Louis Loday: appendix of: Extensions centrales d’algèbres de Lie, Annales de l’Institut Fourier, 32 4 (1982) 119-142 [[numdam:AIF_1982__32_4_119_0](]

On cyclic homology (cyclic objects, cyclic spaces, … ):

On homotopy types with finite homotopy groups:

  • Jean-Louis Loday, Spaces with finitely many nontrivial homotopy groups, J.Pure Appl. Alg., 24, (1982), 179–202.

On crossed simplicial groups:

  • Zbigniew Fiedorowicz, Jean-Louis Loday, Crossed simplicial groups and their associated homology, Trans. AMS 326 (1991) 57-87 [[doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-1991-0998125-4](]

On operads:

On the relation between free loop spaces/cyclic loop spaces and Hochschild homology/cyclic homology:


  • Jean-Louis Loday, Teimuraz Pirashvili, Universal enveloping algebras of Leibniz algebras and (co)homology, Math. Ann. 296, 139-158 (1993), pdf

  • Jean-Louis Loday, Teimuraz Pirashvili, The tensor category of linear maps, Georg. Math. J. vol. 5, n.3 (1998) 263–276.

  • D. Guin-Walery and J.-L. Loday, 1981, Obstructions à l’excision en K-théorie algèbrique, in Evanston Conference on Algebraic K-theory, 1980, volume 854 of Lecture Notes in Maths., 179 – 216, Springer.

Last revised on September 4, 2024 at 16:43:29. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.