KO-theory (changes) in nLab
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Special and general types
group cohomology, nonabelian group cohomology, Lie group cohomology
cohomology with constant coefficients / with a local system of coefficients
Special notions
differential cohomology
Algebraic topology
The generalized cohomology theory represented by the KO-spectrum, hence the “orthogonal” version of complex K-theory.
This is supposed to be the generalized cohomology theory which measures D-brane charge in type I string theory/on orientifold planes.
Propertis Properties
Homotopy groups
The stable homotopy groups of KO
π n(KO)≃KO˜ 0(S n) \pi_n(KO) \,\simeq\, \widetilde {KO}^0( S^n )
n=n = | 8k+08k + 0 | 8k+18k + 1 | 8k+28k + 2 | 8k+38k + 3 | 8k+48k + 4 | 8k+58k + 5 | 8k+68k + 6 | 8k+78k + 7 |
π n(KO)=\pi_n(KO) = | ℤ\mathbb{Z} | ℤ/2\mathbb{Z}/2 | ℤ/2\mathbb{Z}/2 | 00 | ℤ\mathbb{Z} | 00 | 00 | 00 |
With Bott periodicity 8.
cohomology theories of string theory fields on orientifolds
string theory | B-field | BB-field moduli | RR-field |
bosonic string | line 2-bundle | ordinary cohomology Hℤ 3H\mathbb{Z}^3 | |
type II superstring | super line 2-bundle | Pic(KU)//ℤ 2Pic(KU)//\mathbb{Z}_2 | KR-theory KR •KR^\bullet |
type IIA superstring | super line 2-bundle | BGL 1(KU)B GL_1(KU) | KU-theory KU 0KU^0 |
type IIB superstring | super line 2-bundle | BGL 1(KU)B GL_1(KU) | KU-theory KU 1KU^1 |
type I superstring | super line 2-bundle | Pic(KU)//ℤ 2Pic(KU)//\mathbb{Z}_2 | KO-theory KOKO |
type I˜\tilde I superstring | super line 2-bundle | Pic(KU)//ℤ 2Pic(KU)//\mathbb{Z}_2 | KSC-theory KSCKSC |
On the differential K-theory for KO:
Daniel Grady, Hisham Sati, Differential KO-theory: Constructions, computations, and applications, Advances in Mathematics Volume 384, 25 June 2021, 107671 (arXiv:1809.07059, doi:10.1016/j.aim.2021.107671)
Kiyonori Gomi, Mayuko Yamashita, Differential KO-theory via gradations and mass terms (arXiv:2111.01377)
On the full twisted differential orthogonal K-theory:
- Daniel Grady, Hisham Sati, Twisted differential KO-theory [[arXiv:1905.09085](https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.09085)]
For D-brane charge
The original observation that D-brane charge for orientifolds should be in KR-theory, hence in KO-theory right on the O-planes, is due to
and was then re-amplified in
Sergei Gukov, K-Theory, Reality, and Orientifolds, Commun.Math.Phys. 210 (2000) 621-639 (arXiv:hep-th/9901042)
Oren Bergman, E. Gimon, Shigeki Sugimoto, Orientifolds, RR Torsion, and K-theory, JHEP 0105:047, 2001 (arXiv:hep-th/0103183)
With further developments in
- Varghese Mathai, Michael Murray, Daniel Stevenson, Type I D-branes in an H-flux and twisted KO-theory, JHEP 0311 (2003) 053 (arXiv:hep-th/0310164)
Discussion of orbi-orienti-folds using equivariant KO-theory is in
N. Quiroz, Bogdan Stefanski, Dirichlet Branes on Orientifolds, Phys.Rev. D66 (2002) 026002 (arXiv:hep-th/0110041)
Volker Braun, Bogdan Stefanski, Orientifolds and K-theory (arXiv:hep-th/0206158)
H. Garcia-Compean, W. Herrera-Suarez, B. A. Itza-Ortiz, O. Loaiza-Brito, D-Branes in Orientifolds and Orbifolds and Kasparov KK-Theory, JHEP 0812:007, 2008 (arXiv:0809.4238)
An elaborate proposal for the correct flavour of real equivariant K-theory needed for orientifolds is sketched in
- Jacques Distler, Dan Freed, Greg Moore, Orientifold Précis in: Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber (eds.) Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field and Perturbative String Theory Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, AMS (2011) (arXiv:0906.0795, slides)
Last revised on June 5, 2024 at 12:51:18. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.