Møller operator (changes) in nLab

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Algebraic Quantum Field Theory

algebraic quantum field theory (perturbative, on curved spacetimes, homotopical)



field theory:

Lagrangian field theory


quantum mechanical system, quantum probability

free field quantization

gauge theories

interacting field quantization



States and observables

Operator algebra

Local QFT

Perturbative QFT



In scattering theory the Møller operator intertwines the observables of the free theory with those of the interacting theory.


In quantum mechanics

The quantum states |ψ(t)⟩ I\vert \psi(t)\rangle_I in the interaction picture of quantum mechanics are by definition (this equation) related to the asymptotic free states |ψ range ⟩ \vert\psi\range \vert\psi\rangle by

|ψ(t)⟩ I=exp(−tiℏH free)exp(tiℏH free+tiℏV)|ψ⟩ \vert \psi(t)\rangle_I \;=\; \exp\left({\tfrac{- t}{i \hbar} H_{free}}\right) \exp\left({\tfrac{t}{i \hbar} H_{free} + \tfrac{t}{i \hbar} V} \right) \vert \psi \rangle

and conversely

|ψ⟩=exp(−tiℏH free+tiℏV)exp(+tiℏH free)⏟|ψ(t)⟩ I \vert \psi \rangle \;=\; \underbrace{ \exp\left({\tfrac{- t}{i \hbar} H_{free} + \tfrac{t}{i \hbar} V} \right) \exp\left({\tfrac{+ t}{i \hbar} H_{free}}\right) } \vert \psi(t)\rangle_I

the suitable limit for t→∓∞t \to \mp \infty of the operator under the brace is called the Møller operator

Ω±≔limt→∓∞exp(−tiℏH free+tiℏV)exp(+tiℏH free) \Omega{\pm} \;\coloneqq\; \underset{t \to \mp \infty}{\lim} \exp\left({\tfrac{- t}{i \hbar} H_{free} + \tfrac{t}{i \hbar} V} \right) \exp\left({\tfrac{+ t}{i \hbar} H_{free}}\right)

(e.g. BEM 01)

In quantum field theory

In perturbative quantum field theory the maps that intertwine the Wick algebra of quantum observables of the free field theory with the interacting field algebra are, on regular polynomial observables. the derivatives of the Bogoliubov formula of the given S-matrix 𝒮\mathcal{S} for the given interaction S intS_{int} with respect to source fields:

ℛ(−)≔𝒮(S int) −1⋆ H(𝒮(S int)⋆ F(−)) \mathcal{R}(-) \;\coloneqq\; \mathcal{S}(S_{int})^{-1} \star_H (\mathcal{S}(S_{int}) \star_F (-))

(Here ⋆ H\star_H denotes the star product induced by the Wightman propagator, hence the Wick algebra-product, while ⋆ F\star_F denotes the star product induced by the Feynman propagator, hence the time-ordered product. The inverse (−) −1(-)^{-1} is taken with respect to ⋆ H\star_H.)

This ℛ(−)\mathcal{R}(-) is referred to as the quantum Møller operator in (Hawkins-Rejzner 16, below def. 5.1). (But notice that in many previous articles in perturbative AQFT, by the same authors and by others, the very same operator is referred to just as the “intertwining operator”, or similar.)


Discussion in quantum mechanics:

  • A. Baute, I. Egusquiza, J. Muga, Møller operators and Lippmann-Schwinger equations for step-like potentials (arXiv:quant-ph/0104043)

Discussion in relativistic perturbative quantum field theory in the rigorous formulation of causal perturbation theory/perturbative AQFT:

Last revised on October 8, 2019 at 09:47:45. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.