Matthias Ludewig (changes) in nLab
Showing changes from revision #4 to #5: Added | Removed | Changed
Selected writings
On 2-vector bundles for 2-vector spaces regarded (here) as algebras with bimodules between them:
- Peter Kristel, Matthias Ludewig, Konrad Waldorf, The insidious bicategory of algebra bundles [[arXiv:2204.03900](]
On 2-representations of the string 2-group on 2-vector spaces and the construction of the stringor bundle:
- Peter Kristel, Matthias Ludewig, Konrad Waldorf, A representation of the string 2-group, [[arXiv:2206.09797](]
- Matthias Ludewig, The spinor bundle on loop space and its fusion product, talk at CQTS (Apr 2023) [[web](, video: YT]
On applications of coarse geometry to topological insulators in solid state physics:
- Matthias Ludewig, Coarse geometry and its applications in solid state physics, in Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics 2nd ed, Elsevier (2024) [[arXiv:2308.06384](]
Last revised on March 26, 2024 at 19:36:22. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.