coefficient (changes) in nLab
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There are two different meansing meanings of the termcoefficient in mathematics, one
and one
The two notion do however conincide coincide forordinary homology/ordinary cohomology expressed as singular homology/singular cohomology. See remark 1 below.
In algebra and analysis
In algebra and analysis, a coefficient is an element of a ring (or rig) RR that appears in scalar multiplication; more generally, coefficients are elements of RR that appear in a linear combinations. Thus, we multiply a coefficient by an element of an RR-module MM (which may even be an algebra, associative or not) to get another element of MM.
For example, given a polynomial P=∑ na nx nP = \sum_n a_n x^n over RR in the variable xx, each a n∈Ra_n \in R is the coefficient on x nx^n in PP. The module MM here is the symmetric algebra over RR.
In cohomology and homology
In cohomology coefficients are what the cohomology takes values in. For ordinary cohomology H •(−,A)H^\bullet(-,A) the abelian group AA is the coefficient group. For generalized (Eilenberg-Steenrod) cohomology H •(−,E)H^\bullet(-,E) the given spectrum EE that represents it is the coefficient spectrum. Dually for homology.
It is this notion of “coefficient” that appears in terms like
Last revised on May 30, 2015 at 09:10:39. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.