connection on a bundle gerbe (changes) in nLab
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∞\infty-Chern-Weil theory
Differential cohomology
Connections on bundles
Higher abelian differential cohomology
Higher nonabelian differential cohomology
Fiber integration
Application to gauge theory
connection on a 2-bundle / connection on a gerbe / connection on a bundle gerbe
A connection on a bundle gerbe is a slight variant of a Cech-realization of a degree 3 Deligne cohomology cocycle.
old content, needs to be polished
Like a connection on a locally trivialized bundle is encoded in a Lie algebra-valued connection 11-form on YY, the connection on a bundle gerbe gives rise to a Lie-algebra valued 22-form on YY (this shift in degree is directly related to the step from second to third integral cohomology). This 22-form is sometimes addressed as the curving 22-form of a bundle gerbe.
But there is more data necessary to describe a connection on a bundle gerbe. The details of the definition – which is evident for line bundle gerbes but more involved for principal bundle gerbes – can be naturally derived from a functorial concept of parallel surface transport, just like connection 11-forms on bundles can be derived from parallel line transport.
For line bundle gerbes
A connection (also known as “connection and curving”) on a line bundle gerbe
B→pY [2]→→Y→πX B \stackrel{p}{\to} Y^{[2]} \stackrel{\to}{\to} Y \stackrel{\pi}{\to} X
a 2-form on YY
B∈Ω 2(Y) B \in \Omega^2(Y)
a connection ∇\nabla on the line bundle B→Y [2]B \to Y^{[2]}
such that
π 1 *B−p 2 *B=F ∇ \pi_1^*B \; -\; p_2^*B \;=\; F_\nabla
together with an extension of the bundle gerbe product μ\mu to an isomorphism
μ ∇:p 12 *(B,∇)⊗p 23 *(B,∇)→p 13 *(B,∇) \mu_\nabla \;:\; p_{12}^* (B,\nabla) \;\; \otimes p_{23}^* (B,\nabla) \;\to\; p_{13}^* (B,\nabla)
of line bundles with connection.
Notice that this condition ensures that dBd B is a 33-form on YY which agrees on double intersections
p 1 *dB=p 2 *dB. p_1^* d B \;\; = \;\; p_2^* d B \,.
This means that dBd B actually descends to a 3-form on XX.
The curvature associated with the connection on a line bundle gerbe is the unique 3-form on XX
H∈Ω 3(X) H \in \Omega^3(X)
such that
π *H=dB. \pi^* H = d B \,.
The deRham class [H][H] of this 3-form is the image in real cohomology of the class in integral coholomology classifying the bundle gerbe.
For principal bundle gerbes
A connection on a GG-principal bundle gerbe is
a Lie(G)\mathrm{Lie}(G)-valued 2-form on YY
B∈Ω 2(Y,Lie(G)) B \in \Omega^2(Y,\mathrm{Lie}(G))
together with a Lie(Aut(G))\mathrm{Lie}(\mathrm{Aut}(G))-valued 1-form on YY
A∈Ω 1(Y,Lie(Aut(G))) A \in \Omega^1(Y,\mathrm{Lie}(\mathrm{Aut}(G)))
and a certain twisted notion of connection on the GG-bundle BB
satisfying a couple of conditions that reduce to those described above in the case G=U(1)G = U(1).
For the case that F A+adB=0F_{A} + \mathrm{ad} B = 0, these conditions are nothing but a tetrahedron law on a 2-functor from 2-paths in YY to the category Σ(GBiTor)\Sigma(G\mathrm{BiTor}). This is discussed in math.DG/0511710.
For the more general case a choice for these conditions that harmonizes with the conditions found for (proper) gerbes with connection by Breen & Messing in math.AG/0106083 has been given by Aschieri, Cantini & Jurčo in
Surface transport
From a line bundle gerbe with connection one obtains a notion of parallel transport along surfaces in a way that generalizes the procedure for locally trivialized fiber bundles with connection.
Recall that in the case of fiber bundles, the holonomy associated to a based loop γ\gamma is obtained by
choosing a triangulation of the loop (i.e., a decomposition into intervals) such that each vertex sits in a double intersection U ijU_{ij} and such that each edge sits in a patch U iU_i
choosing for each edge a lift into Y=⊔ iU iY = \sqcup_i U_i
choosing for each vertex a lift into Y [2]=⊔ ijU i∩U jY^{[2]} = \sqcup_{ij} U_i\cap U_j
assigning to each edge lifted to U iU_i the transport computed from the connection 1-form a ia_i
assigning to each vertex lifted to U i∩U jU_i \cap U_j the value of the transition function g ijg_{ij} at that point
multiplying these data in the order given by γ\gamma .
For bundle gerbes this generalizes to a procedure that assigns a triangulation to a closed surface, that lifts faces, edges, and vertices to single, double and triple intersections, respectively, and which assigns the exponentiated integrals of the 2-form over faces, of the connection 1-form over edges, and assigns the isomorphism μ ijk\mu_{ijk} to vertices.
For the abelian case (line bundle gerbes) this procedure has been first described in
- K. Gawedzki & N. Reis, WZW branes and Gerbes (arXiv)
based on
- O. Alvarez, Topological quantization and cohomology Commun. Math. Phys. 100 (1985), 279-309.
Further discussion can be found in
- A. Carey, S. Johnson & M. Murray, Holonomy on D-branes, (arXiv)
Gawedzki and Reis showed this way that the Wess-Zumino term in the WZW-model is nothing but the surface holonomy of a (line bundle) gerbe.
In terms of string physics this means that the string (the 22-particle) couples to the Kalb-Ramond field – which hence has to be interpreted as the connection (“and curving”) of a gerbe – in a way that categorifies the coupling of the electromagnetically charged (11-)particle to a line bundle.
The necessity to interpret the Kalb–Ramond field as a connection on a gerbe was originally discussed in
- D. Freed and E. Witten Anomalies in string theory with D-branes, Asian J. Math. 3 (1999), 819-851 (arXiv)
Underlying the Gawedzki–Reis formula is a general mechanism of transition of transport 22-functors, described in
- Urs Schreiber, Konrad Waldorf, Connections on non-abelian gerbes and their holonomy, Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 28, 2013, No. 17, pp 476-540. (TAC, arXiv:0808.1923, web)
and similarly in
- Joao Faria Martins, Roger Picken, A Cubical Set Approach to 2-Bundles with Connection and Wilson Surfaces (arXiv)
This applies to more general situations than ordinary line bundle gerbes with connection.
The generalization (“Jandl gerbes”) to unoriented surfaces (hence to type I strings)
- K. Waldorf, C. Schweigert & U. S., Unoriented WZW Models and Holonomy of Bundle Gerbes (arXiv)
Further references
In relation to ordinary differential cohomology:
- Byungdo Park, Differential cohomology and gerbes: An introduction to higher differential geometry, lecture notes (2023) [[pdf](, pdf]
Discussion of transgression and higher holonomy in Deligne cohomology (for bundle gerbes with connection) over orbifolds:
- Ernesto Lupercio, Bernardo Uribe, Holonomy for Gerbes over Orbifolds, J. Geom.Phys. 56 (2006) 1534-1560 [[arXiv:math/0307114](, doi:10.1016/j.geomphys.2005.08.006]
Last revised on February 8, 2024 at 11:50:05. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.