refinement (changes) in nLab

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In general, let U=(U i) i::I U = (U_i)_{i: (U_i)_{i \colon I} and V=(V j) j::J V = (V_j)_{j: (V_j)_{j \colon J} be two families offamilies (indexed sets) of objects of some category CC. We say that VV is a refinement of UU if there is a function f::J→I f: f \colon J \to I of indices and a morphism V j→U f(j)V_j \to U_{f(j)} for each j∈Jj \in J.

A common special case is the concept of refinement of open covers, example 4 below.


We state a list of examples, beginning with general cases and then consecutively making them more specific.


Very often we do this in the slice category C/XC/X for some object XX. If you spell this out, then you have families (U i→X) i(U_i \to X)_i and (V j→X) j(V_j \to X)_j of morphisms to XX; VV is a refinement of UU if there are a function f:J→If: J \to I and a commutative diagram

(1)V j → U f(j) ↘ ↙ X \array{ V_j &&\to&& U_{f(j)} \\ & \searrow && \swarrow \\ && X }

for each jj.


More specifically, apply this to the poset of subobjects of XX. Then you have families (U i↪X) i(U_i \hookrightarrow X)_i and (V j↪X) j(V_j \hookrightarrow X)_j of subobjects of XX; VV is a refinement of UU if there are a function f:J→If: J \to I and a commutative diagram (1) for each jj.


Yet more specifically, apply this to the lattice of subsets of some set XX. Then you have families (U i⊆X) i(U_i \subseteq X)_i and (V j⊆X) j(V_j \subseteq X)_j of subsets of XX; VV is a refinement of UU if there is a function f:J→If: J \to I such that each V jV_j is contained in U f(j)U_{f(j)}.

Yet more specifically, let the families of subsets be indexed by themselves. Then have collections U⊆𝒫XU \subseteq \mathcal{P}X and V⊆𝒫XV \subseteq \mathcal{P}X of subsets of XX; VV is a refinement of UU if for each jj there is an ii such that V jV_j is contained in U iU_i.

Actually, this definition is slightly weaker than the previous one in the absence of the axiom of choice. Perhaps in that case the general definition should say that for each jj there is an ii and a morphism V j→U iV_j \to U_i.


(refinement of open covers ) \linebreak Special cases of example3 include refinement of filters and refinement of open covers of topological spaces.

Special Let cases of example3(X,τ)(X,\tau) include be refinement a of filters topological space , and refinement let ofopen covers{U i⊂X} i∈I\{U_i \subset X\}_{i \in I} be a set of topological open spaces subsets which covers XX in that ∪i∈IU i=X\underset{i \in I}{\cup} U_i \;= \;X.

Let Then a(X,τ)(X,\tau)refinement be of this open cover is a set of open subsetstopological space{V j⊂X} j∈J\{V_j \subset X\}_{j \in J} , and which let is still an{U i⊂X} i∈I\{U_i \subset X\}_{i \in I}open cover be in a itself set and of such that for eachopen subsetsj∈Jj \in J which there exists ancoversi∈Ii \in I withXV j⊂U i X V_j \subset U_i in that ∪i∈IU i=X\underset{i \in I}{\cup} U_i \;= \;X.

Then a refinement of this open cover is a set of open subsets {V j⊂X} j∈J\{V_j \subset X\}_{j \in J} which is still an open cover in itself and such that for each j∈Jj \in J there exists an i∈Ii \in I with V j⊂U iV_j \subset U_i.

On the other hand, you might want to generalise the case of open covers to covers or covering sieves on a site. In that case, the general definition still applies; you have covering families (U i→X) i(U_i \to X)_i and (V j→X) j(V_j \to X)_j of some object XX; VV is a refinement of UU if there are a map f:J→If: J \to I and a commutative diagram (1) for each jj.


Refinement of open covers is a concept appearing in the definition of

Last revised on June 21, 2024 at 17:43:23. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.