shrinking lemma (changes) in nLab
We now prove this in increasing generality, first for binary open covers (lemma 2 below), then for finite covers (lemma 3), then for locally finite countable covers (lemma 4), and finally for general locally finite covers (lemma 1, proof below). It is only the last statement that needs the axiom of choice.
Since U 1∪U 2=XU_1 \cup U_2 = X it follows (by de Morgan's law) that their complements X\U iX \backslash U_i are disjoint closed subsets. Hence by normality of (X,τ)(X,\tau) there exist disjoint open subsets
V 1⊃X\U 2AAAV 2⊃X\U 1. V_1 \supset X \backslash U_2 \phantom{AAA} V_2 \supset X \backslash U_1 \,.
By their disjointness, we have the following inclusions:
V 1⊂X\V 2⊂U 1. V_1 \subset X \backslash V_2 \subset U_1 \,.
In particular, since X\V 2X \backslash V_2 is closed, this means that Cl(V 1)⊂X\V 2Cl(V_1) \subset X \backslash V_2.
Hence it only remains to observe that V 1∪U 2=XV_1 \cup U_2 = X, by definition of V 1V_1.
To begin with, consider {U 1,∪i=2nU i}\{ U_1, \underoverset{i = 2}{n}{\cup} U_i\}. This is a binary open cover, and hence lemma 2 gives an open subset V 1⊂XV_1 \subset X with V 1⊂Cl(V 1)⊂U 1V_1 \subset Cl(V_1) \subset U_1 such that {V 1,∪i=2nU i}\{V_1, \underoverset{i = 2}{n}{\cup} U_i\} is still an open cover, and accordingly so is
{V 1}∪{U i} i∈{2,⋯,n}. \{ V_1 \} \cup \left\{ U_i \right\}_{i \in \{2, \cdots, n\}} \,.
Similarly we next find an open subset V 2⊂XV_2 \subset X with V 2⊂Cl(V 2)⊂U 2V_2 \subset Cl(V_2) \subset U_2 and such that
{V 1,,V 2}∪{U i} i∈{3,⋯,n} \{ V_1, ,V_2 \} \cup \left\{ U_i \right\}_{i \in \{3, \cdots, n\}}
is an open cover. After nn such steps we are left with an open cover {V i⊂X} i∈{1,⋯,n}\{V_i \subset X\}_{i \in \{1, \cdots, n\}} as required.
As in the proof of lemma 3, there exist V iV_i for i∈ℕi \in \mathbb{N} such that V i⊂Cl(V i)⊂U iV_i \subset Cl(V_i) \subset U_i and such that for every finite number, hence every n∈ℕn \in \mathbb{N}, then
∪i=0nV i∪∪i=n+1∞U i=∪i=0nXU i. \underoverset{i = 0}{n}{\cup} V_i \cup \;=\; \underoverset{i = 0}{n}{\cup} n+1}{\infty}{\cup} U_i \,. \;=\; X\,.
Now the extra assumption that {U i⊂X} i∈I\{U_i \subset X\}_{i \in I} is locally finite implies that every x∈Xx \in X is contained in only finitely many of the U iU_i, hence that for every x∈Xx \in X there exists n x∈ℕn_x \in \mathbb{N} such that
x ∈ ∉∪i=0n x+1n x∞U i. x \in \notin \underoverset{i = 0}{n_x}{\cup} n_x+1}{\infty}{\cup} U_i \,.
This implies that for every eachxx then
x∈∪i=0n xV i⊂∪i∈ℕV i x \in \underoverset{i = 0}{n_x}{\cup} V_i \subset \underset{i \in \mathbb{N}}{\cup} V_i
hence that {V i⊂X} i∈ℕ\{V_i \subset X\}_{i \in \mathbb{N}} is indeed a cover of XX.
We now invoke Zorn's lemma to generalize the shrinking lemma for finitely many patches (lemma 3) to arbitrary sets of patches:
of the general shrinking lemma 1
Let {U i⊂X} i∈I\{U_i \subset X\}_{i \in I} be the given locally finite cover of the normal space (X,τ)(X,\tau). Consider the set SS of pairs (J,𝒱)(J, \mathcal{V}) consisting of
a subset J⊂IJ \subset I;
an II-indexed set of open subsets 𝒱={V i⊂X} i∈I\mathcal{V} = \{V_i \subset X\}_{i \in I}
with the property that
(i∈J⊂I)⇒(Cl(V i)⊂U i)(i \in J \subset I) \Rightarrow ( Cl(V_i) \subset U_i );
(i∈I\J)⇒(V i=U i)(i \in I \backslash J) \Rightarrow ( V_i = U_i ).
{V i⊂X} i∈I\{V_i \subset X\}_{i \in I} is an open cover of XX.
Equip the set SS with a partial order by setting
((J 1,𝒱)≤(J 2,𝒲))⇔((J 1⊂J 2)and(∀i∈J 1(V i=W i))). \left( (J_1, \mathcal{V}) \leq (J_2, \mathcal{W}) \right) \Leftrightarrow \left( \left( J_1 \subset J_2 \right) \,\text{and}\, \left( \underset{i \in J_1}{\forall} \left( V_i = W_i \right) \right) \right) \,.
By definition, an element of SS with J=IJ = I is an open cover of the required form.
We claim now that a maximal element (J,𝒱)(J, \mathcal{V}) of (S,≤)(S,\leq) has J=IJ = I.
For assume on the contrary that there were i∈I\Ji \in I \backslash J. Then we could apply the construction in lemma 2 to replace that single V iV_i with a smaller open subset V′ iV'_i to obtain 𝒱′\mathcal{V}' such that Cl(V′ i)⊂V iCl(V'_i) \subset V_i and such that 𝒱′\mathcal{V}' is still an open cover. But that would mean that (J,𝒱)<(J∪{i},𝒱′)(J,\mathcal{V}) \lt (J \cup \{i\}, \mathcal{V}'), contradicting the assumption that (J,𝒱)(J,\mathcal{V}) is maximal. This proves by contradiction that a maximal element of (S,≤)(S,\leq) has J=IJ = I and hence is an open cover as required.
We are reduced now to showing that a maximal element of (S,≤)(S,\leq) exists. To achieve this we invoke Zorn's lemma. Hence we have to check that every chain in (S,≤)(S,\leq), hence every totally ordered subset has an upper bound.
So let T⊂ST \subset S be a totally ordered subset. Consider the union of all the index sets appearing in the pairs in this subset:
K≔∪(J,𝒱)∈TJ. K \;\coloneqq\; \underset{(J,\mathcal{V}) \in T }{\cup} J \,.
Now define open subsets W iW_i for i∈Ki \in K picking any (J,𝒱)(J,\mathcal{V}) in TT with i∈Ji \in J and setting
W i≔V iAAAi∈K. W_i \coloneqq V_i \phantom{AAA} i \in K \,.
This is independent of the choice of (J,𝒱)(J,\mathcal{V}), hence well defined, by the assumption that (T,≤)(T,\leq) is totally ordered.
Moreover, for i∈I\Ki \in I\backslash K define
W i≔U iAAAi∈I\K. W_i \coloneqq U_i \phantom{AAA} i \in I \backslash K \,.
We claim now that {W i⊂X} i∈I\{W_i \subset X\}_{i \in I} thus defined is a cover of XX. Take an arbitrary point x∈Xx \in X. If x∈U ix \in U_i for some i∉Ki \notin K, we have U i=W iU_i = W_i and therefore xx is in ∪i∈IW i\underset{i \in I}{\cup} W_i. Otherwise, combining with the assumption that {U i⊂X} i∈I\{U_i \subset X\}_{i \in I} is locally finite, the set J xJ_x of indices i∈Ii \in I such that x∈U ix \in U_i is finite and J x⊂KJ_x \subset K. Since (T,≤)(T,\leq) is a total order, it must contain an element (J,𝒱)(J, \mathcal{V}) such that J x⊂JJ_x \subset J. And since that 𝒱\mathcal{V} is a cover and xx cannot belong to any U iU_i with ii outside of J xJ_x, it must be that x∈∪i∈J xV i⊂∪i∈JV ix \in \underset{i \in J_x}{\cup} V_i \subset \underset{i \in J}{\cup} V_i, and hence xx is in ∪i∈IW i\underset{i \in I}{\cup} W_i.
This shows that (K,𝒲)(K,\mathcal{W}) is indeed an element of SS. It is clear by construction that it is an upper bound for (T,≤)(T ,\leq ). Hence we have shown that every chain in (S,≤)(S,\leq) has an upper bound, and so Zorn’s lemma implies the claim.
The example (a Dowker space) of a normal space with a (not locally-finite) countable cover to which the shrinking lemma does not apply is given in