vector space (changes) in nLab
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- algebra, higher algebra
- universal algebra
- monoid, semigroup, quasigroup
- nonassociative algebra
- associative unital algebra
- commutative algebra
- Lie algebra, Jordan algebra
- Leibniz algebra, pre-Lie algebra
- Poisson algebra, Frobenius algebra
- lattice, frame, quantale
- Boolean ring, Heyting algebra
- commutator, center
- monad, comonad
- distributive law
Group theory
- group, normal subgroup
- action, Cayley's theorem
- centralizer, normalizer
- abelian group, cyclic group
- group extension, Galois extension
- algebraic group, formal group
- Lie group, quantum group
Ring theory
Module theory
Linear algebra
linear algebra, higher linear algebra
Basic concepts
Homological algebra
(also nonabelian homological algebra)
Basic definitions
Stable homotopy theory notions
Homology theories
For kk a field or a division ring, a vector space over kk (or a kk-vector space) is a module over the ring kk. When the vector space is fixed, its elements are called vectors, the field kk is referred to as the base field of the ground field of the vector space, and the elements of kk are called scalars.
Sometimes a vector space over kk is called a kk-linear space. (Compare ‘kk-linear map’.) If kk is only a division ring then we carefully distinguish the left kk-vector spaces and right kk-vector spaces.
The category of vector spaces is typically denoted Vect, or Vect kVect_k if we wish to make the field kk (the ground field) explicit. So
Vect k≔kMod. Vect_k \coloneqq k Mod \,.
This category has vector spaces over kk as objects, and kk-linear maps between these as morphisms.
Multisorted notion
Alternatively, one sometimes defines “vector space” as a two-sorted notion; taking the field kk as one of the sorts and a module over kk as the other. More generally, the notion of “module” can also be considered as two-sorted, involving a ring and a module over that ring.
This is occasionally convenient; for example, one may define the notion of topological vector space or topological module as an internalization in TopTop of the multisorted notion. This procedure is entirely straightforward for topological modules, as the notion of module can be given by a two-sorted Lawvere theory TT, whence a topological module (for instance) is just a product-preserving functor T→TopT \to Top. One may then define a topological vector space as a topological module whose underlying (discretized) ring sort is a field.
Every free vector space admits a basis.
The basis theorem, which is equivalent to the axiom of choice, states that every vector space is a free vector space.
vector space, dual vector space,
linear operator, matrix, determinant, eigenvalue, eigenvector
The concept of vector spaces seem to have been first introduced in:
Giuseppe Peano, Calcolo Geometrico secondo l’Ausdehnungslehre di H. Grassmann preceduto dalle Operazioni della Logica Deduttiva, Fratelli Bocca Editori, Torino, 1888, pp. XI, 171 [[Mathematica Italiana opere 138, pdf]]
(referring to Hermann Grassmann’s Ausdehnungslehre)
An early expository account is in §14 of
- Bartel Leendert van der Waerden, Moderne Algebra, Volume I, Springer, 1930.
The literature on vector spaces is now extremely large, including lots of elementary linear algebra textbooks.
- Igor R. Shafarevich, Alexey O. Remizov: §3 in: Linear Algebra and Geometry (2012) [[doi:10.1007/978-3-642-30994-6](, MAA-review]
Classics include:
- Michael Artin, Algebra
- Israel M. Gelfand, Lectures on linear algebra
- P. R. Halmos, Finite dimensional vector spaces
- M M Postnikov, Lectures on geometry, semester 2: Linear algebra
Affine spaces are sets which are torsors over the abelian group of vectors of a vector space. Thus vector spaces may serve as a basis for the affine and for the Euclidean geometry. This approach has been invented by Hermann Weyl in 1918. Dieudonné wrote an influential book on such an approach to 2d and 3d Euclidian geometry, in which the basics of vector spaces in low dimension is introduced along the way (the book is intended for high school teachers):
- Jean Alexandre Dieudonné, Linear algebra and geometry
Discussion of vector space in univalent foundations of mathematics (homotopy type theory) is announced to appear in:
- Marc Bezem, Ulrik Buchholtz, Pierre Cagne, Bjørn Ian Dundas, Daniel R. Grayson: Chapter 8 of: Symmetry (2021) [[pdf]
Last revised on August 20, 2024 at 13:12:20. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.