zero object (changes) in nLab

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Zero objects


A category with a zero object is sometimes called a pointed category.



Write *∈Set ** \in Set_* for the singleton pointed set. Suppose tt is terminal. Then C(x,t)=*C(x,t) = * for all xx and so in particular C(t,t)=*C(t,t) = * and hence the identity morphism on tt is the basepoint in the pointed hom-set. By the axioms of a category, every morphism f:t→xf : t \to x is equal to the composite

f:t→Idt→fx. f : t \stackrel{Id}{\to} t \stackrel{f}{\to} x \,.

By the axioms of an (Set *,∧)(Set_*, \wedge)-enriched category, since Id tId_{t} is the basepoint in C(t,t)C(t,t), also this composite is the basepoint in C(t,x)C(t,x) and is hence the zero morphism. So C(t,x)=*C(t,x) = * for all xx and therefore tt is also an initial object.

Analogously from assuming tt to be initial it follows that it is also terminal.



Last revised on February 4, 2024 at 00:59:01. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.