empty bundle in nLab
In as far as a general bundle over some base object BB is a morphism E→BE \to B into BB, out of some “total space” object EE, the empty bundle over BB is the one whose total space is “empty”, hence whose projection map is the empty function.
In TopologicalSpaces an empty bundle has the empty topological space as its total space, while in SimplicialSets the empty bundle has the the empty simplicial set as its total space, etc.:
∅ ↓ B. \array{ \varnothing \\ \big\downarrow \\ B \mathrlap{\,.} }
Generally, one may speak of empty bundles internal to any ambient category in which the initial object is strict (e.g. any topos) in that every morphism to the initial object is an isomorphism, so that
(1)∃(X→∅)⇔X≃∅. \exists \big( X \overset{}{\rightarrow} \varnothing \big) \;\;\;\;\; \Leftrightarrow \;\;\;\;\; X \simeq \varnothing \,.
In topological spaces
In TopologicalSpaces, any empty bundle
is a locally trivial fiber bundle with typical fiber the empty topological space,
because any product topological space with the empty topological space is itself empty:
B×∅≃∅ B \times \varnothing \;\simeq\; \varnothing
is a Serre fibration (in fact a Hurewicz fibration),
because none of the commuting squares that one would have to lift in actually exist, by (1):
D n ⟶¬∃ ∅ ↓ ↓ D n×I ⟶ B \array{ D^{n} &\overset{ \not \exists }{\longrightarrow}& \varnothing \\ \big\downarrow && \big\downarrow \\ D^n \times I &\longrightarrow& B }
In simplicial sets
Similarly, in SimplicialSets every empty bundle
is a Kan fibration,
since none of the commuting squares that one would have to lift in actually exist, by (1):
Λ k n ⟶¬∃ ∅ ↓ ↓ Δ n ⟶ B \array{ \Lambda_k^n &\overset{ \not \exists }{\longrightarrow}& \varnothing \\ \big\downarrow && \big\downarrow \\ \Delta^n &\longrightarrow& B }
(keeping in mind that the 0-simplex has no horns, hence that all horns are inhabited).
In equivariant bundle theory
Empty fiber bundles play a central role in the context of equivariant bundles, where they frequently appear as fixed loci of non-empty bundles.
Last revised on April 17, 2023 at 10:33:02. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.