evaluation map in nLab




Let (π’ž,βŠ—,πŸ™)\big(\mathcal{C}, \otimes, \mathbb{1}\big) be a closed monoidal category. For S,D∈CS, D \in C two objects, with internal hom [S,-][S, \text{-}] right adjoint to the tensor product SβŠ—(-)S \otimes (\text{-}), the evaluation map

ev:SβŠ—[S,D]β†’D ev \;\colon\; S \otimes [S, D] \to D

is the counit of this adjunction, hence the adjunct of the identity morphism

Id:[S,D]β†’[S,D]. Id \;\colon\; [S,D] \to [S,D] \,.

Concretely for π’ž\mathcal{C} = Sets or generally on generalized elements, the evaluation map is given by evaluating a function at a value, whence the name:

SΓ—[S,D] ⟢ev D (s,f) ↦ f(s). \array{ S \times [S,D] &\overset{ev}{\longrightarrow}& D \\ \big( s ,\, f \big) &\mapsto& f(s) \mathrlap{\,.} }

If π’ž\mathcal{C} is moreover compact then for D=πŸ™D = \mathbb{1} the tensor unit we have that [S,πŸ™]=S *[S, \mathbb{1}] \,=\, S^\ast is the dual object to SS, whence the evaluation map becomes the pairing of objects with their duals

SβŠ—S *⟢evπŸ™. S \otimes S^\ast \overset{ev}{\longrightarrow} \mathbb{1} \,.

Therefore, sometimes the pairing map on dual objects may be called β€œevaluation” even when the ambient category is not compact closed.


Syntax and semantics

In a cartesian closed category the evaluation map

[X,Y]×X→evalY [X,Y]\times X \stackrel{eval}{\to} Y

is the categorical semantics of what in the type theory internal language is the dependent type whose syntax is

f:Xβ†’Y,x:X⊒f(x):Y f \colon X \to Y ,\; x \colon X \; \vdash \; f(x) \colon Y

expressing function application. On propositions ((-1)-truncated types) this is the modus ponens deduction rule.

See also

Last revised on September 10, 2023 at 13:36:43. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.