extensive category in nLab


Regular and Exact categories

∞-ary regular and exact categories



Category Theory


A category is extensive if it has coproducts that interact well with a certain class of pullbacks. Variations (some only terminological) include lextensive, disjunctive, and positive categories. All of these come in finitary and infinitary versions (and, more generally, κ\kappa-ary versions for any arity class κ\kappa).


Extensive categories


A finitely extensive category (or finitary extensive category) is a category EE with finite coproducts such that one, and hence all, of the following equivalent conditions holds:

  1. For any pair of objects a,ba, b the coproduct functor on slice categories is an equivalence of categories:

    (1)E /a×E /b →≃ E /(a⊔b) (X ↓ a),(Y ↓ b) ↦ (X⊔Y ↓ a⊔b) \array{ E_{/a} \,\times\, E_{/b} &\xrightarrow{\;\;\;\simeq\;\;\;}& E_{/(a \sqcup b)} \\ \left( \array{ X \\ \downarrow \\ a } \right) ,\; \left( \array{ Y \\ \downarrow \\ b } \right) &\mapsto& \left( \array{ X \sqcup Y \\ \downarrow \\ a \sqcup b } \right) }

    (e.g. Carboni, Lack & Walters 1993, Def. 2.1).

  2. Pullbacks of finite-coproduct injections along arbitrary morphisms exist and finite coproducts are disjoint and stable under pullback.

    (e.g CLW93, Prop. 2.6, Lem. 2.11)

  3. Pullbacks of finite-coproduct injections (and thus all coproduct injections) along arbitrary morphisms exist, and in any commutative diagram

    (2)x → z ← y ↓ ↓ ↓ a → a+b ← b \array{ x & \to & z & \leftarrow & y \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow & & \downarrow \\ a & \to & a+b & \leftarrow & b }

    the two squares are pullbacks if and only if the top row is a coproduct diagram

    (e.g. CLW93, Prop. 2.2).

  4. Finite coproducts are van Kampen colimits. By definition, this is just to say that one of the previous two conditions holds.


An infinitary extensive category is a category EE with all (small) coproducts such that the following analogous equivalent conditions hold:

  1. Pullbacks of coproduct injections along arbitrary morphisms exist

    and small coproducts are disjoint and stable under pullback.

  2. For any small-indexed set (a i)(a_i) of objects, the coproduct functor of slice categories, generalizing (1), is an equivalence of categories:

    ∏i∈I(E /a i)⟶∼E /(∐ ia i). \underset{i \in I}{\prod} (E_{/a_i}) \overset{\sim}{\longrightarrow} E_{/(\coprod_i a_i)} \,.

  3. Pullbacks of finite-coproduct injections (and thus all coproduct injections) along arbitrary morphisms exist, and for any family of commutative squares

    x i → z ↓ ↓ f a i → ∐ ia i\array{ x_i & \to & z \\\downarrow &&\downarrow^f \\ a_i & \to & \coprod_i a_i }

    in which the bottom family of morphisms is the coproduct injections and the right-hand morphism is always the same, the top family are the injections of a coproduct diagram (hence z=∐ ix iz = \coprod_i x_i) if and only if all the squares are pullbacks.

  4. All small coproducts are van Kampen colimits.


If an extensive category also has finite limits, it is called lextensive or disjunctive.

(Note that the more usual default meaning of ‘disjunctive’, unlike the other terms, is the infinitary case.)

Superextensive sites

Any extensive category admits a Grothendieck topology whose covering families are (generated by) the families of inclusions into a coproduct (finite or small, as appropriate). We call this the extensive coverage or extensive topology. The codomain fibration of any extensive category is a stack for its extensive topology.

In general, we call a site superextensive if its underlying category is extensive, its covering families are generated by (finite or small) families, and its coverage includes the extensive one. See superextensive site for more details.

Pre-lextensive categories

Extensivity is an “exactness” condition, analogous to being a exact category or a pretopos (a pretopos being precisely a category that is exact and finitary-extensive). The corresponding “regularity” condition analogous to being a regular category or a coherent category is not well-known, but is not hard to write down.

Let us say (without making any assertion that this is good or permanent terminology) that a category is pre-lextensive if

  1. it has a strict initial object 00 (equivalently, its subobject preorders have pullback-stable bottom elements), and
  2. whenever A↣XA\rightarrowtail X and B↣XB\rightarrowtail X are disjoint subobjects (i.e. A∩B=0A\cap B=0), they have a pullback-stable union (which is then automatically a disjoint and stable coproduct).

This is intended to complete the table of analogies:

regular categoryexact category
coherent categorypretopos
pre-lextensive categorylextensive category

Regular/exact categories have quotients of (some) congruences. Exact categories have quotients of all congruences, while regular ones have quotients only of congruences that are kernel pairs. Another way to say that is that in a regular category, you can conclude that the quotient of some congruence exists if you can exhibit another object of which the quotient would be a subobject if it existed. Similarly, pre-/lextensive categories have disjoint unions. Lextensive categories have all disjoint unions (= coproducts), while in a pre-lextensive category you can conclude that a pair of objects X,YX,Y have a disjoint union if you can exhibit another object in which XX and YY can be embedded disjointly. Finally, coherent categories/pretoposes have both quotients and disjoint unions, or equivalently quotients and not-necessarily-disjoint unions, with the same sort of relationship between the two.

Evidently a pre-lextensive category is lextensive as soon as any two objects can be embedded disjointly in a third. Pre-lextensive categories also suffice for the interpretation of disjunctive logic.

Being pre-lextensive is also sufficient to define the extensive topology and show that it is subcanonical, since it implies that whatever disjoint coproducts exist must be pullback-stable. The codomain fibration of a pre-lextensive category is not necessarily a stack for its extensive topology, but this condition is weaker than extensivity. It is true, however, that if CC is a pre-lextensive category whose codomain fibration is a stack for its extensive topology, and in which the disjoint coproduct 1+11+1 exists, then CC is extensive, for arbitrary disjoint (binary) coproducts can then be obtained by descent along the covering family (1→1+1,1→1+1)(1\to 1+1, 1\to 1+1).




(in extensive categories connected objects are primitive under coproduct)
An object XX in an extensive category 𝒞\mathcal{C} is a connected object (in that the hom-functor 𝒞(X,−):𝒞→Set\mathcal{C}(X,-) \,\colon\, \mathcal{C} \to Set preserves coproducts) if and only if in any coproduct decomposition X≃U+VX \simeq U + V, exactly one of UU, VV is not the initial object.


In one direction, assume that XX is connected and consider an isomorphism X→∼X 1⊔X 2X \xrightarrow{\sim} X_1 \sqcup X_2 to a coproduct. By assumption of connectedness, this morphism factors through one of the summands, say through X 1X_1, as shown in the bottom row of the following diagram:

Consider then the pullback of the total bottom morphism along the inclusion i 2i_2 of the other summand. Since pullbacks of isomorphisms are isomorphisms, the resulting top left object must be (isomorphic to) X 2X_2, as shown. On the other hand, by the pasting law this pullback factors into two pullback squares, as shown above. But the pullback on the right gives the initial object, since coproducts are disjoint in an extensive category (see above). This exhibits a morphisms X 2→∅X_2 \to \varnothing. But since the initial objects in extensive categories are strict initial objects, this must be an isomorphism, X 2≃∅X_2 \simeq \varnothing. By the same argument, X 1X_1 cannot be an initial object, since otherwise XX would be too, which it is not by assumption of connectedness (Rem. ). Hence we have shown that exactly one of the two summands in X≃X 1⊔X 2X \simeq X_1 \sqcup X_2 is initial.

In the other direction, assume that XX has non non-trivial coproduct decomposition and consider any morphism f:X→Y+Zf \colon X \to Y + Z into a coproduct. By extensivity, this implies (2) a coproduct decomposition X=U+VX = U + V with U≔f *(i Y)U \coloneqq f^\ast(i_Y) and V≔f *(i Z)V \coloneqq f^\ast(i_Z). But, by assumption, either UU or VV is initial, meaning that XX is isomorphic to either VV or UU, respectively, so that ff factors through either YY or XX, respectively. In other words, ff belongs to exactly one of the two subsets hom(X,Y)↪hom(X,Y+Z)\hom(X, Y) \hookrightarrow \hom(X, Y + Z) or hom(X,Z)↪hom(X,Y+Z)\hom(X, Z) \hookrightarrow \hom(X, Y + Z).

Another useful fact is that any extensive category with finite products is distributive.


See also:

Last revised on July 16, 2023 at 22:06:29. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.