fixed point space in nLab




topology (point-set topology, point-free topology)

see also differential topology, algebraic topology, functional analysis and topological homotopy theory


Basic concepts

Universal constructions

Extra stuff, structure, properties


Basic statements


Analysis Theorems

topological homotopy theory




Generally, given some kind of space equipped with the action of a group, the locus of fixed points of the action may form a suitable sub-space: the fixed point space.

For topological GG-spaces

Specifically, given a topological group GG and a topological G-space, its fixed point space is the set of the set-theoretic fixed points of the GG-action, equipped with the subspace topology.

For more see at topological G-space the section Change of groups and fixed loci.

In equivariant homotopy theory

The statement of Elmendorf's theorem is essentially that the equivariant homotopy theory of topological G G -spaces is equivalently encoded in their systems of HH-fixed point spaces, as HH varies over closed subgroups of GG.

In equivariant stable homotopy theory

In equivariant stable homotopy theory the concept of fixed point spaces branches into various closely related, but different concepts:

In equivariant differential topology

In equivariant differential topology:

(Kankaanrinta 07, theorem 4.4, theorem 4.6)

(see also this MO discussion)


Fixed point adjunction

For GG a topological group, consider the category of TopologicalGSpaces.

For H⊂GH \subset G any subgroup, consider

  • the coset space G/H∈TopologicalGSpacesG/H \in Topological G Spaces;

  • the Weyl group W H(G)≔N G(H)/H∈TopologicalGroupsW_H(G) \coloneqq N_G(H)/H \in TopologicalGroups.

Observing that for X∈TopologicalGSpacesX \in Topological G Spaces the HH-fixed locus X HX^H inherits a canonical action of N(H)/HN(H)/H, we have a functor

(1)TopologicalGSpaces⟶(−) HTopologicalN(H)/HSpaces Topological G Spaces \overset{ \;\;\; (-)^H \;\;\; }{\longrightarrow } Topological N(H)/H Spaces

Notice that GG acts canonically on the left of G/HG/H, while N(H)/HN(H)/H still acts from the right (both by group multiplication on representatives):

G/H×N(H)/H ⟶ G/H (gH,nH) ↦ gHnH=gnn −1Hn⏟HH=gnH \array{ G/H \times N(H)/H &\overset{}{\longrightarrow}& G/H \\ \big( g H, n H \big) &\mapsto& g H n H \mathrlap{ \,=\, g n \underset{H}{\underbrace{n^{-1} H n}} H \,=\, g n H } }

Therefore there exists a functor in the other direction:

TopologicalN(H)/HSpaces ⟶G/H× N(H)/H(−) TopologicalGSpaces. \array{ Topological N(H)/H Spaces & \overset{ \;\;\; G/H \times_{N(H)/H} (-) \;\;\; }{\longrightarrow} & Topological G Spaces } \,.


(passage to fixed loci is a right adjoint)
These are adjoint functors, with the HH-fixed locus functor (1) being the right adjoint:

(2)TopologicalGSpaces⊥⟶(−) H⟵G/H× N(H)/H(−)TopologicalN(H)/HSpaces. Topological G Spaces \underoverset { \underset{ (-)^H }{\longrightarrow} } { \overset{ G/H \times_{N(H)/H} (-) }{ \longleftarrow } } {\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \bot \;\;\;\;\;\;\;} Topological N(H)/H Spaces \,.


To see the hom-isomorphism characterizing this adjunction, consider for X∈TopologicalN(H)/HSpacesX \in Topological N(H)/H Spaces and Y∈TopologicalGSpacesY \in Topological G Spaces a GG-equivariant continuous function

G/H× N(H)/HY⟶fX. G/H \times_{N(H)/H} Y \overset{ \;\;\; f \;\;\; }{\longrightarrow} X \,.

This restricts to an N(H)N(H)-equivariant function on the N(H)N(H)-topological subspace

Y ↪ G/H× N(H)/HY y ↦ [eH,y] \array{ Y &\overset{\;\;\;}{\hookrightarrow}& G/H \times_{N(H)/H} Y \\ y &\mapsto& \big[ e H , y \big] }

Since YY is a fixed locus for H⊂N(H)H \subset N(H), by equivariance this restriction has to factor through the HH-fixed locus X HX^H of XX:

Y ⊂ G/H× N(H)/HY f˜↓ ↓ f X H ⊂ X \array{ Y &\subset& G/H \times_{N(H)/H} Y \\ {}^{\mathllap{ \tilde f }} \big\downarrow && \big\downarrow {}^{\mathrlap{f}} \\ X^H &\subset& X }

But given that and since every other point of G/H× N(H)/HYG/H \times_{N(H)/H} Y is an image under the GG-action of a point in Y⊂G/H× N(H)/HY \subset G/H \times_{N(H)/H}, this restriction f˜\tilde f already determines ff uniquely.

Since this construction is manifestly natural in YY and XX, we have a natural bijection f↔f˜f \leftrightarrow \tilde f, which establishes the hom-isomorphism for the pair of adjoint functors in (2).

Last revised on September 22, 2024 at 06:19:50. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.