formal Picard group in nLab



Formal geometry

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Given an algebraic variety with Picard scheme Pic XPic_X, if the connected component Pic X 0Pic_X^0 is a smooth scheme then the completion of Pic XPic_X at its neutral global point is a formal group. This is called the formal Picard group of XX. (ArtinMazur 77, Liedtke 14, example 6.13)

This construction is the special case of the general construction of Artin-Mazur formal groups for n=1n = 1 (see also this Remark at elliptic spectrum). The next case is called the formal Brauer group.


The original account of the construction of formal Picard groups is

Modern reviews include

  • Christian Liedtke, example 6.13 in Lectures on Supersingular K3 Surfaces and the Crystalline Torelli Theorem (arXiv.1403.2538)

Last revised on November 16, 2020 at 16:53:14. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.