initial object in nLab
Category theory
Limits and colimits
An initial object in a category 𝒞\mathcal{C} is an object ∅\emptyset such that for all objects x∈𝒞x \,\in\, \mathcal{C}, there is a unique morphism ∅→∃!x\varnothing \xrightarrow{\exists !} x with source ∅\varnothing. and target xx.
An initial object in a poset is a bottom element.
Likewise, the empty category is an initial object in Cat, the empty space is an initial object in Top, and so on.
The trivial group is the initial object (in fact, the zero object) of Grp and Ab.
The ring of integers ℤ\mathbb{Z} is the initial object of Ring.
The field of rational numbers ℚ\mathbb{Q} is the initial object of Field 0Field_0 (category of fields with characteristic 00) and the prime field 𝔽 p\mathbb{F}_p is the initial object of Field pField_p (category of fields with characteristic pp), but none are the initial object of Field (category of all fields), which actually doesn’t have one at all.
The initial object of a coslice category x/Cx/C is the identity morphism x→xx \to x.
An initial object in a category of central extensions of a given algebraic object is called a universal central extension.
Left adjoints to constant functors
Let 𝒞\mathcal{C} be a category.
The following are equivalent:
𝒞\mathcal{C} has a terminal object;
the unique functor 𝒞→*\mathcal{C} \to \ast to the terminal category has a right adjoint
*⊥⟶⟵𝒞 \ast \underoverset {\underset{}{\longrightarrow}} {\overset{}{\longleftarrow}} {\bot} \mathcal{C}
Under this equivalence, the terminal object is identified with the image under the right adjoint of the unique object of the terminal category.
Dually, the following are equivalent:
𝒞\mathcal{C} has an initial object;
the unique functor 𝒞→*\mathcal{C} \to \ast to the terminal category has a left adjoint
𝒞⊥⟶⟵* \mathcal{C} \underoverset {\underset{}{\longrightarrow}} {\overset{}{\longleftarrow}} {\bot} \ast
Under this equivalence, the initial object is identified with the image under the left adjoint of the unique object of the terminal category.
Since the unique hom-set in the terminal category is the singleton, the hom-isomorphism characterizing the adjoint functors is directly the universal property of an initial object in 𝒞\mathcal{C}
Hom 𝒞(L(*),X)≃Hom *(*,R(X))=* Hom_{\mathcal{C}}( L(\ast) , X ) \;\simeq\; Hom_{\ast}( \ast, R(X) ) = \ast
or of a terminal object
Hom 𝒞(X,R(*))≃Hom *(L(X),*)=*, Hom_{\mathcal{C}}( X , R(\ast) ) \;\simeq\; Hom_{\ast}( L(X), \ast ) = \ast \,,
Cones over the identity
By definition, an initial object is equipped with a universal cocone under the unique functor ∅→C\emptyset\to C from the empty category. On the other hand, if II is initial, the unique morphisms !:I→x!: I \to x form a cone over the identity functor, i.e. a natural transformation ΔI→Id C\Delta I \to Id_C from the constant functor at the initial object to the identity functor. In fact this is almost another characterization of an initial object (e.g. MacLane, p. 229-230):
Suppose I∈CI\in C is an object equipped with a natural transformation p:ΔI→Id Cp:\Delta I \to Id_C such that p I=1 I:I→Ip_I = 1_I : I\to I. Then II is an initial object of CC.
Obviously II has at least one morphism to every other object X∈CX\in C, namely p Xp_X, so it suffices to show that any f:I→Xf:I\to X must be equal to p Xp_X. But the naturality of pp implies that Id C(f)∘p I=p X∘Δ I(f)\Id_C(f) \circ p_I = p_X \circ \Delta_I(f), and since p I=1 Ip_I = 1_I this is to say f∘1 I=p X∘1 If \circ 1_I = p_X \circ 1_I, i.e. f=p Xf=p_X as desired.
If II is initial, then there is a cone (! X:I→X) X∈Ob(C)(!_X: I \to X)_{X \in Ob(C)} from II to Id CId_C. If (p X:A→X) X∈Ob(C)(p_X: A \to X)_{X \in Ob(C)} is any cone from AA to Id CId_C, then p X=f∘p Yp_X = f \circ p_Y for any f:Y→Xf:Y\to X, and so in particular p X=! X∘p Ip_X = !_X \circ p_I. Since this is true for any XX, p I:A→Ip_I: A \to I defines a morphism of cones, and it is the unique morphism of cones since if qq is any morphism of cones, then p I=! I∘q=1 I∘q=qp_I = !_I \circ q = 1_I \circ q = q (using that ! I=1 I!_I = 1_I by initiality). Thus (! X:I→X) X∈Ob(C)(!_X: I \to X)_{X \in Ob(C)} is the limit cone.
Conversely, if (p X:L→X) X∈Ob(C)(p_X: L \to X)_{X \in Ob(C)} is a limit cone for Id CId_C, then f∘p Y=p Xf\circ p_Y = p_X for any f:Y→Xf:Y\to X, and so in particular p X∘p L=p Xp_X \circ p_L = p_X for all XX. This means that both p L:L→Lp_L: L \to L and 1 L:L→L1_L: L \to L define morphisms of cones; since the limit cone is the terminal cone, we infer p L=1 Lp_L = 1_L. Then by Lemma we conclude LL is initial.
Textbook accounts:
Francis Borceux, Section 2.3 in Vol. 1: Basic Category Theory of: Handbook of Categorical Algebra, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications 50 Cambridge University Press (1994) (doi:10.1017/CBO9780511525858)
Last revised on October 29, 2024 at 10:51:35. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.