integration axiom in nLab


(integration axiom)

Let (𝒯,R)(\mathcal{T}, R) be a smooth topos and let the line object RR be equipped with the structure of a partial order (R,≀)(R, \leq) compatible with its ring structure (R,+,β‹…)(R, +, \cdot) in the obvious way.

Then for any a,b∈Ra, b\in R write

[a,b]:={x∈R|a≀x≀b} [a,b] := \{x \in R | a \leq x \leq b\}

We say that (𝒯,(R,+,β‹…,≀))(\mathcal{T},(R,+,\cdot,\leq)) satisfies the integration axiom if for all such intervals, all functions on the interval arise uniquely as derivatives on functions on the interval that vanish at the left boundary:

βˆ€f∈R [a,b]:βˆƒ!∫ a βˆ’f∈R [a,b]:(∫ a βˆ’f)(a)=0∧(∫ a βˆ’f)β€²=f. \forall f \in R^{[a,b]} : \exists ! \int_a^{-} f \in R^{[a,b]} : (\int_a^{-} f)(a) = 0 \wedge (\int_a^{-} f)' = f \,.

The axiom holds for all the smooth topos presented in MSIA, listed in appendix 2 there. See appendix 3 for the proof.