localization of a monoid in nLab
Algebraic theories
Algebras and modules
Higher algebras
symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
Model category presentations
Geometry on formal duals of algebras
Monoid theory
monoid theory in algebra:
The concept of localization of a monoid, the localization of a category with a single object. Could be generalized to localization of monoid objects in a cartesian monoidal category CC. The localization of a ring is a localization of a monoid object in Ab.
For commutative monoids
Let (M,1,*)(M,1,*) be a commutative monoid object in SetSet and let SS be a commutative submonoid of MM. Then the localization of MM away from SS, S −1MS^{-1}M, is the set of equivalences on M×SM \times S, (m 1,s 1)∼(m 2,s 2)(m_1,s_1) \sim (m_2,s_2) such that there is an element u:Su:S where m 1⋅s 2⋅u=m 2⋅s 1⋅um_1 \cdot s_2 \cdot u = m_2 \cdot s_1 \cdot u.
Write ms −1m s^{-1} for the equivalence class of (m,s)(m,s). On this set, the product is defined by
(m 1s 1 −1)⋅(m 2s 2 −1)≔(m 1⋅m 2)(s 1⋅s 2) −1. (m_1 s_1^{-1}) \cdot (m_2 s_2^{-1}) \coloneqq (m_1 \cdot m_2) (s_1 \cdot s_2)^{-1} \,.
For non-commutative monoids
Analogue of noncommutative localization for noncommutative monoid objects in SetSet instead of AbAb.
Group completion
The group completion of a commutative monoid MM is the localization of MM away from MM.
Last revised on December 27, 2023 at 15:17:39. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.