locally pro-manifold in nLab
A Fréchet manifold modeled on ℝ ∞≔lim⟵ nℝ n\mathbb{R}^\infty \coloneqq \underset{\longleftarrow}{\lim}_n \mathbb{R}^n has the property that a smooth function out of it is locally (on a neighbourhood of each point) given by a function that depends only on a finite number of the coordinate functions on ℝ ∞\mathbb{R}^\infty (Michor 80, 9.5.9). Hence locally such an infinite-dimensional manifold looks like a pro-object in the category of finite-dimensional smooth manifolds.
The key examples of locally pro-manifolds are jet bundles of fiber bundles of finite rank (Saunders 89, Michor 80).
Floris Takens, A global version of the inverse problem of the calculus of variations, J. Differential Geom. Volume 14, Number 4 (1979), 543-562. (Euclid)
Peter Michor, Manifolds of differentiable mappings, Shiva Publishing, Orpington, 1980.
D. J. Saunders, The Geometry of Jet Bundles, vol. 142 of London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989.
Igor Khavkine, Urs Schreiber, section 2.2 of Synthetic geometry of differential equations: I. Jets and comonad structure (arXiv:1701.06238)
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