model category in nLab
Model category theory
model category, model ∞ \infty -category
Universal constructions
Producing new model structures
Presentation of (∞,1)(\infty,1)-categories
Model structures
for ∞\infty-groupoids
on chain complexes/model structure on cosimplicial abelian groups
related by the Dold-Kan correspondence
for equivariant ∞\infty-groupoids
for rational ∞\infty-groupoids
for rational equivariant ∞\infty-groupoids
for nn-groupoids
for ∞\infty-groups
for ∞\infty-algebras
general ∞\infty-algebras
specific ∞\infty-algebras
for stable/spectrum objects
for (∞,1)(\infty,1)-categories
for stable (∞,1)(\infty,1)-categories
for (∞,1)(\infty,1)-operads
for (n,r)(n,r)-categories
for (∞,1)(\infty,1)-sheaves / ∞\infty-stacks
Homotopy theory
homotopy theory, (∞,1)-category theory, homotopy type theory
flavors: stable, equivariant, rational, p-adic, proper, geometric, cohesive, directed…
models: topological, simplicial, localic, …
see also algebraic topology
Paths and cylinders
Homotopy groups
Basic facts
(∞,1)(\infty,1)-Category theory
Basic concepts
equivalences in/of (∞,1)(\infty,1)-categories
Universal constructions
Local presentation
Extra stuff, structure, properties
- Idea
- Definition
- Variants
- Properties
- Closure of morphism classes under retracts
- Redundancy in the defining factorization systems
- Basic closure properties of class of model categories
- Homotopy and Homotopy category
- Examples
- Trivial model structure
- Classical model structures
- Categorical model structures
- Parametrized model structures
- Functor and localized model structures
- Limit and colimit model structures
- Related concepts
- References
A model category (sometimes called a Quillen model category or a closed model category, but not related to “closed category”) is a context for doing homotopy theory. Quillen developed the definition of a model category to formalize the similarities between homotopy theory and homological algebra: the key examples which motivated his definition were the category of topological spaces, the category of simplicial sets, and the category of chain complexes.
So, what is a model category? For starters, it is a category equipped with three classes of morphisms, each closed under composition and called weak equivalences, fibrations and cofibrations:
The weak equivalences play the role of ‘homotopy equivalences’ or something a bit more general (such as weak homotopy equivalences). Already in the case of topological spaces, it is useful to say that two spaces have the same homotopy type if there is a map from one to the other that induces isomorphisms on homotopy groups for any choice of basepoint in the first space. These maps are more general than homotopy equivalences, so they are called ‘weak equivalences’.
The fibrations play the role of ‘nice surjections’. For example, in the category Top of topological spaces with its usual Quillen model structure on topological spaces, a locally trivial fiber bundle is a fibration. More generally the fibrations here are the Serre fibrations.
The cofibrations play the role of ‘nice inclusions’. For example, in the category Top of topological spaces with its usual model structure on topological spaces, an NDR pair is typically a cofibration.
A bit more technically: we can define an (∞,1)-category starting from any category with weak equivalences. The idea is that this (∞,1)-category keeps track of objects in our original category, morphisms between objects, homotopies between morphisms, homotopies between homotopies, and so on, ad infinitum. However, the extra structure of a model category makes it easier to work with this (∞,1)-category. We can obtain this (∞,1)-category in various ways, such as simplicial localization of the underlying category with weak equivalences, or (if the model category is simplical) the homotopy coherent nerve of the simplicial subcategory M cf⊂MM_{cf}\subset M of cofibrant-fibrant objects. We say this (∞,1)-category is presented (or modeled) by the model category, and that the objects of the model category are models for the objects of this (∞,1)(\infty,1)-category. Not every (∞,1)-category is obtained in this way (otherwise it would necessarily have all small homotopy limits and homotopy colimits).
In this sense model categories are ‘models for homotopy theory’ or ‘categories of models for homotopy theory’. (The latter sense was the one intended by Quillen, but the former is also a useful way to think.)
Recall that the idea of categories with weak equivalences is to work just with 1-morphisms instead of with n-morphisms for all nn, but to carry around extra information to remember which 1-morphisms are really equivalences in the full (∞,1)-category, i.e. isomorphisms in the corresponding homotopy category.
In a model category the data of weak equivalences is accompanied by further auxiliary data that helps to compute the (∞,1)-categorical hom-space, the homotopy category and derived functors. See homotopy category of a model category for more on that.
If the model category happens to be a combinatorial simplicial model category A\mathbf{A} it presents the category A ∘\mathbf{A}^\circ in the form of a simplicially enriched category given by the full SSet-enriched subcategory on objects that are both fibrant and cofibrant.
The following is a somewhat terse account. For a more detailed exposition see at Introduction to Homotopy Theory the section Abstract homotopy theory.
A model structure on a category 𝒞\mathcal{C} is a choice of three distinguished classes of morphisms
cofibrations Cof⊂Mor(𝒞)Cof \subset Mor(\mathcal{C}),
fibrations Fib⊂Mor(𝒞)Fib \subset Mor(\mathcal{C}),
weak equivalences W⊂Mor(𝒞)W \subset Mor(\mathcal{C})
satisfying the following conditions:
WW makes 𝒞\mathcal{C} into a category with weak equivalences,
(meaning that it contains all isomorphisms and is closed under two-out-of-three: given a composable pair of morphisms f,gf,g, if two out of the three morphisms f,g,gff, g, g f are in WW, so is the third);
(Cof,Fib∩W)(Cof, Fib \cap W) and (Cof∩W,Fib)(Cof \cap W, Fib) are two weak factorization systems on 𝒞\mathcal{C}.
This equivalent version of the definition was observed in (Joyal, def. E.1.2), highlighted in (Riehl 09). This definition already implies all the closure conditions on classes of morphisms which other definitions in the literature explicitly ask for, see below.
The morphisms in W∩FibW \cap Fib (the fibrations that are also weak equivalences) are called trivial fibrations or acyclic fibrations
The morphisms in W∩CofW \cap Cof (the cofibrations that are also weak equivalences) are called trivial cofibrations or acyclic cofibrations.
An object is called cofibrant if the unique morphism ∅→X\emptyset \to X from the initial object is a cofibration
An object is called fibrant if the unique morphism X→*X\to * to the terminal object is a fibration.
Slight variations on the axioms
Quillen’s original definition required only finite limits and finite colimits, which are enough for the basic constructions. Colimits of larger cardinality are sometimes required for the small object argument, however. This change was popularized by Dwyer, Hirschhorn & Kan 1997, published as Dwyer, Hirschhorn, Kan & Smith 2004.
Robert W. Thomason proposed to require that the factorizations given by (ii) are actually functorial factorization systems,
resulting in the notion of a Thomason model category. Mark Hovey later included the data of such a functorial factorization (and not just its existence) into his definition of a model category. In practice, Quillen’s small object argument means that many model categories can be made to have functorial factorizations. (But not all: an example of a model category with non-functorial factorizations can be found in Isaksen 2001.)
Enhancements of the axioms
There are several extra conditions that strengthen the notion of a model category:
A monoidal model category is monoidal category that is also a model category in a compatible way.
An enriched model category is an enriched category over a monoidal category, that is also a model category in a compatible way.
An algebraic model category is one where the two defining weak factorization systems are refined to algebraic weak factorization systems.
A cofibrantly generated model category is one with a good compatible notion of cell complexes.
A combinatorial model category is a cofibrantly generated one that in addition is a locally presentable category.
An accessible model category is one on a locally presentable category that admits accessible factorizations, which can therefore be enhanced to algebraic weak factorization systems.
A left/right proper model category is one where the weak equivalences are stable under pushforward along cofibrations / pullback along fibrations
Weaker axiom systems
There are several notions of category with weak equivalences with similar but less structure than a full model category.
A category of fibrant objects has a notion of just weak equivalences and fibrations, none of cofibrations. As the name implies, all of its objects are fibrant; the canonical example is the subcategory of fibrant objects in a model category.
A Waldhausen category dually has a notion of weak equivalences and cofibrations, and all of its objects are cofibrant.
There is also a slight variant of the full notion of model category by Thomason that is designed to make the global model structure on functors more naturally accessible: this is the notion of Thomason model category.
A category with path objects is similar to a category of fibrant objects but has path space objects.
Semimodel categories relax some of the conditions on lifting properties.
Weak model categories relax these conditions even further.
Premodel categories are an even weaker notion that allows for a nice 2-categorical treatment.
Closure of morphism classes under retracts
As a consequence of the definition, the classes Cof,FibCof, Fib, and WW each
are closed under retracts in the arrow category ArrCArr C,
are closed under composition,
contain all the isomorphisms of CC.
For CofCof and FibFib and W∩CofW \cap Cof and W∩FibW \cap Fib this and further closure properties are discussed in detail at weak factorization system in the section Closure properties.
In the presence of functorial factorizations, it follows immediately that also WW is closed under retracts: for any retract diagram may then be funtorially factored with the middle morphism factored through W∩CofW \cap Cof followed by W∩FibW \cap Fib, and so the statement follows from the above closure of these classes under retracts.
Without assuming functorial factorization the statement still holds:
Given a model category in the sense of def. , then its class of weak equivalences is closed under forming retracts (in the arrow category).
(Joyal, prop. E.1.3), highlighted in (Riehl 09)
id: A ⟶ X ⟶ A f↓ ↓ w ↓ f id: B ⟶ Y ⟶ B \array{ id \colon & A &\longrightarrow& X &\longrightarrow& A \\ & {}^{\mathllap{f}} \downarrow && \downarrow^{\mathrlap{w}} && \downarrow^{\mathrlap{f}} \\ id \colon & B &\longrightarrow& Y &\longrightarrow& B }
be a commuting diagram with w∈Ww \in W a weak equivalence. We need to show that then also f∈Wf \in W.
First consider the case that f∈Fibf \in Fib.
In this case, factor ww as a cofibration followed by an acyclic fibration. Since w∈Ww \in W and by two-out-of-three this is even a factorization through an acyclic cofibration followed by an acyclic fibration. Hence we obtain the commuting diagram
id: A ⟶ X ⟶AAAA A id↓ ↓ ∈W∩Cof ↓ id id: A′ ⟶s X′ ⟶AAtAA A′ ∈Fib f↓ ↓ ∈W∩Fib ↓ ∈Fib f id: B ⟶ Y ⟶AAAA B, \array{ id \colon & A &\longrightarrow& X &\overset{\phantom{AAAA}}{\longrightarrow}& A \\ & {}^{\mathllap{id}}\downarrow && \downarrow^{\mathrlap{\in W \cap Cof}} && \downarrow^{\mathrlap{id}} \\ id \colon & A' &\overset{s}{\longrightarrow}& X' &\overset{\phantom{AA}t\phantom{AA}}{\longrightarrow}& A' \\ & {}^{\mathllap{f}}_{\mathllap{\in Fib}} \downarrow && \downarrow^{\mathrlap{\in W \cap Fib}} && \downarrow^{\mathrlap{f}}_{\mathrlap{\in Fib}} \\ id \colon & B &\longrightarrow& Y &\underset{\phantom{AAAA}}{\longrightarrow}& B } \,,
where ss is uniquely defined and where tt is any lift of the top middle vertical acyclic cofibration against ff. This now exhibits ff as a retract of an acyclic fibration. These are closed under retract by this prop..
Now consider the general case. Factor ff as an acyclic cofibration followed by a fibration and form the pushout in the top left square of the following diagram
id: A ⟶ X ⟶AAAA A ∈W∩Cof↓ (po) ↓ ∈W∩Cof ↓ ∈W∩Cof id: A′ ⟶ X′ ⟶AAAA A′ ∈Fib↓ ↓ ∈W ↓ ∈Fib id: B ⟶ Y ⟶AAAA B, \array{ id \colon & A &\longrightarrow& X &\overset{\phantom{AAAA}}{\longrightarrow}& A \\ & {}^{\mathllap{\in W \cap Cof}}\downarrow &(po)& \downarrow^{\mathrlap{\in W \cap Cof}} && \downarrow^{\mathrlap{\in W \cap Cof}} \\ id \colon & A' &\overset{}{\longrightarrow}& X' &\overset{\phantom{AA}\phantom{AA}}{\longrightarrow}& A' \\ & {}^{\mathllap{\in Fib}} \downarrow && \downarrow^{\mathrlap{\in W }} && \downarrow^{\mathrlap{\in Fib}} \\ id \colon & B &\longrightarrow& Y &\underset{\phantom{AAAA}}{\longrightarrow}& B } \,,
where the other three squares are induced by the universal property of the pushout, as is the identification of the middle horizontal composite as the identity on A′A'. Since acyclic cofibrations are closed under forming pushouts by this prop., the top middle vertical morphism is now an acyclic fibration, and hence by assumption and by two-out-of-three so is the middle bottom vertical morphism.
Thus the previous case now gives that the bottom left vertical morphism is a weak equivalence, and hence the total left vertical composite is.
Redundancy in the defining factorization systems
It is clear that:
But, in fact, already the cofibrations and the fibrant objects determine the model structure.
A model structure (C,W,F)(C,W,F) on a category 𝒞\mathcal{C} is determined by its class of cofibrations and its class of fibrant objects.
This statement appears for instance as (Joyal, prop. E.1.10)
Let ℰ\mathcal{E} with C,F,W⊂Mor(ℰ)C,F,W \subset Mor(\mathcal{E}) be a model category.
By remark it is sufficient to show that the cofibrations and the fibrant objects determine the class of weak equivalences. Moreover, these are already determined by the weak equivalences between cofibrant objects, because for u:A→Bu : A \to B any morphism, functorial cofibrant replacement ∅↪A^→≃A\emptyset \hookrightarrow \hat A \stackrel{\simeq}{\to} A and ∅↪B^→≃B\emptyset \hookrightarrow \hat B \stackrel{\simeq}{\to} B with 2-out-of-3 implies that uu is a weak equivalence precisely if u^:A^→B^\hat u : \hat A \to \hat B is.
By the nature of the homotopy category HoHo of ℰ\mathcal{E} and by the Yoneda lemma, a morphism u^:A^→B^\hat u : \hat A \to \hat B between cofibrant objects is a weak equivalence precisely if for every fibrant object XX the map
Ho(u^,X):Ho(B^,X)→Ho(A^,X) Ho(\hat u, X) : Ho(\hat B, X) \to Ho(\hat A, X)
is an isomorphism, namely a bijection of sets. The equivalence relation that defines Ho(A^,X)Ho(\hat A,X) may be taken to be given by left homotopy induced by cylinder objects, which in turn are obtained by factoring codiagonals into cofibrations followed by acyclic fibrations. So all this is determined already by the class of cofibrations, and hence weak equivalences are determined by the cofibrations and the fibrant objects.
Basic closure properties of class of model categories
(e.g. Hovey (1999), Exp. 1.1.6) (e.g. Hovey (1999), Rem. 1.1.7) (cf. this Example at transferred model structure)Homotopy and Homotopy category
See at
Trivial model structure
Classical model structures
The archetypical model structures are the
and the
These model categories are Quillen equivalent and encapsulate much of “classical” homotopy theory. From a higher-categorical viewpoint, they can be regarded as models for ∞-groupoids (in terms of CW complexes or Kan complexes, respectively).
The passage to stable homotopy theory is given by model structures on spectra built out of either of these two classical model structures. See at Model categories of diagram spectra for a unified treatment.
Accordingly homological algebra with its derived categories and derived functors (which may be thought of as a sub-topic of stable homotopy theory via the stable Dold-Kan correspondence) is reflected by
In fact, the original definition of model categories in Quillen67 was motivated by the analogy between constructions in homotopy theory and homological algebra.
Categorical model structures
Of interest to category theorists is that many notions of higher categories come equipped with model structures, witnessing the fact that when retaining only invertible transfors between nn-categories they should form an (∞,1)(\infty,1)-category. Many of these are called
- canonical model structures, including “categorical” model structures for
- categories
- (strict or weak) 2-categories
- strict ∞-categories, and
- strict ∞-groupoids.
Model categories have successfully been used to compare many different notions of (∞,1)-category. The following definitions of (∞,1)(\infty,1)-category all form Quillen equivalent model categories:
- simplicially enriched categories
- quasi-categories (via the Joyal model structure on simplicial sets)
- Segal categories
- complete Segal spaces
There are related model structures for enriched higher categories:
Other “higher categorical structures” can also be expected to form model categories, such as the
which generalizes the Joyal model structure from (∞,1)-categories to (∞,1)-operads.
There is also another class of model structures on categorical structures, often called Thomason model structures (not to be confused with the notion of “Thomason model category”). In the “categorical” or “canonical” model structures, the weak equivalences are the categorical equivalences, but in the Thomason model structures, the weak equivalences are those that induce weak homotopy equivalences of nerves. Thomason model structures are known to exist on 1-categories and 2-categories, at least, and are generally Quillen equivalent to the Quillen model structure on topological spaces and thus (via the singular simplicial complex and geometric realization adjunction) to the and Quillen model structure on simplicial sets.
Parametrized model structures
The parameterized version of the model structure on simplicial sets is a
which serves as a model for ∞-stack (∞,1)-toposes (for hypercomplete (∞,1)-toposes, more precisely).
Functor and localized model structures
Many model structures, including those for complete Segal spaces, simplicial presheaves, and diagram spectra, are constructed by starting with a model structure on a functor category, such as a
and applying a general technique called Bousfield localization which forces a certain class of morphisms to become weak equivalences. It can also be thought of as forcing a certain class of objects to become fibrant.
Limit and colimit model structures
Model structures can be induced on certain (usually lax) limits and colimits of diagrams of model categories.
- Grothendieck construction for model categories (lax colimits)
- model structure on sections (lax limit)
The concept of a model category originates with
- Daniel Quillen, Chapter I, Axiomatic homotopy theory in: Homotopical Algebra, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 43 Springer (1967) [doi:10.1007/BFb0097438]
and the modern form of the axioms (replacing requirement of finite (co-)limits by small (co-)limits ) is due to:
- William G. Dwyer, Philip S. Hirschhorn, Daniel M. Kan, Model Categories and More General Abstract Homotopy Theory (1997) [pdf, pdf]
Monographs and textbooks
Mark Hovey, Model Categories, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 63 AMS (1999) [ISBN:978-0-8218-4361-1, doi:10.1090/surv/063, pdf, Google books]
Mark Hovey, Errata to Model Categories (1999) [pdf, pdf]
Philip Hirschhorn, Model Categories and Their Localizations, AMS Math. Survey and Monographs 99 (2002) [ISBN:978-0-8218-4917-0, pdf toc, pdf, pdf]
William Dwyer, Philip Hirschhorn, Daniel Kan, Jeff Smith, Homotopy Limit Functors on Model Categories and Homotopical Categories, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 113, AMS 2004 (ISBN: 978-1-4704-1340-8, pdf)
J. Peter May, Kate Ponto, More Concise Algebraic Topology, The University of Chicago Press, 2012. Part 4.
Emily Riehl, Categorical Homotopy Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Scott Balchin, A Handbook of Model Categories, Algebra and Applications, 27 Springer (2021) [[doi:10.1007/978-3-030-75035-0]]
Coverage table for major sources
Topic | Quillen | Hovey | Hirschhorn | DHKS | May-Ponto | Riehl | Lurie | Balchin |
combinatorial model categories | no | no | no | no | no* | yes | yes | yes |
monoidal model categories | no | yes | no | no | yes | yes | yes | yes |
enriched model categories | no | no | no | no | yes | yes | yes | yes |
homotopy colimits | no | no | yes | yes | no* | yes | yes | yes |
Bousfield localizations | no | no | yes | no | yes | no | yes | yes |
transferred model structures | yes | no | yes | no | no | yes | yes | yes |
Reedy model structures | no | yes | yes | yes | no | yes | yes | yes |
Book chapters
For yet another introduction to model categories, with an eye towards their use as presentations of (∞,1)(\infty,1)-categories see
- Jacob Lurie, Appendix A.2 and A.3 of Higher Topos Theory
Survey articles
William Dwyer, Jan Spalinski, Homotopy theories and model categories (pdf)
in: I. M. James, Handbook of Algebraic Topology, North Holland 1995 (ISBN:9780080532981, doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-81779-2.X5000-7)
Paul Goerss, Kirsten Schemmerhorn, Model categories and simplicial methods, Notes from lectures given at the University of Chicago, August 2004, in: Interactions between Homotopy Theory and Algebra, Contemporary Mathematics 436, AMS 2007(arXiv:math.AT/0609537, doi:10.1090/conm/436)
Other sources
An account is in
and appendix E of
- André Joyal, The theory of quasi-categories and its applications (pdf, pdf)
The version of the definition in (Joyal) is also highlighted in
- Emily Riehl, A concise definition of model category, 2009 (pdf, pdf)
An introductory survey of some key concepts is in the set of slides
There is an unpublished manuscript of Chris Reedy from around 1974 that’s been circulating as an increasingly faded photocopy. It’s been typed into LaTeX, and the author has given permission for it to be posted on the net:
- Chris Reedy, Homotopy theory of model categories (pdf)
- Philip Hirschhorn, personal website: Mathematics
for errata and more.
Last revised on March 14, 2024 at 04:57:38. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.