opetope in nLab
Higher category theory
Basic concepts
Basic theorems
homotopy hypothesis-theorem
delooping hypothesis-theorem
stabilization hypothesis-theorem
- (n,r)-category
- Theta-space
- ∞-category/∞-category
- (∞,n)-category
- (∞,2)-category
- (∞,1)-category
- (∞,0)-category/∞-groupoid
- (∞,Z)-category
- n-category = (n,n)-category
- n-poset = (n-1,n)-category
- n-groupoid = (n,0)-category
- categorification/decategorification
- geometric definition of higher category
- algebraic definition of higher category
- stable homotopy theory
Universal constructions
Extra properties and structure
1-categorical presentations
Opetopes are one of the geometric shapes of cells in the approach to the higher category theory of n-categories and ∞-categories put forward in (Baez-Dolan 97) and developed by (Makkai) and others: opetopic ∞-categories.
A syntactic formalization of opetopic ∞-categories in the variant by Palm is opetopic type theory (Finster 12).
An overview is in chapter 4 of
- Eugenia Cheng, Aaron Lauda, Higher dimensional categories: an illustrated guidebook (pdf)
and in chapter 7 of
- Tom Leinster, Higher operads, higher categories, London Math. Soc. Lec. Note Series 298, math.CT/0305049
Opetopes were introduced here:
- John Baez, James Dolan, Higher-dimensional algebra III: nn-categories and the algebra of opetopes, Adv. Math. 135 (1998), 145–206. (arXiv:q-alg/9702014)
Some mistakes were corrected in subsequent papers:
Eugenia Cheng, The category of opetopes and the category of opetopic sets,
Th. Appl. Cat. 11 (2003), 353–374. arXiv)
Tom Leinster, Structures in higher-dimensional
category theory. (arXiv)
Makkai and collaborators introduced a slight variation they called ‘multitopes’:
Claudio Hermida, Michael Makkai, John Power, On weak higher-dimensional categories I, II Jour. Pure Appl. Alg. 157 (2001), 221–277 (journal, ps.gz files)
Michael Makkai, The multitopic ω\omega-category of all multitopic ω\omega-categories.
Cheng has carefully compared opetopes and multitopes, and various approaches to opetopic nn-categories:
Eugenia Cheng, Weak nn-categories: opetopic and multitopic foundations, Jour. Pure Appl. Alg. 186 (2004), 109–137.(arXiv)
Eugenia Cheng, Weak nn-categories: comparing opetopic foundations, Jour. Pure Appl. Alg. 186 (2004), 219–231.
She has also shown that opetopic bicategories are “the same” as the ordinary kind:
- Eugenia Cheng, Opetopic bicategories: comparison with the classical theory. (arXiv)
A higher dimensional string diagram-notation for opetopes was introduced (as “zoom complexes” in section 1.1) in
- Joachim Kock, André Joyal, Michael Batanin, Jean-François Mascari, Polynomial functors and opetopes (arXiv:0706.1033)
Animated exposition of this higher-dimensional string-diagram notation is in
Eric Finster, Opetopic Diagrams 1 - Basics (video)
Eric Finster, Opetopic Diagrams 2 - Geometry (video)
The variant of Palm opetopic omega-categories is due to
A syntactic formalization of opetopic omega-categories in terms of opetopic type theory is in
- Eric Finster, Type theory and the opetopes, talk at HDACT Ljubljana, June 2012 (pdf)
Something like an implementation of aspects of opetopic type theory within homotopy type theory is described in
Last revised on May 30, 2024 at 16:38:43. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.