polynomial in nLab




Group theory

Ring theory

Module theory



Definitions and meanings

Let RR be a commutative ring. A polynomial with coefficients in RR is an element of a polynomial ring over RR. A polynomial ring over RR consists of a set XX whose elements are called “variables” or “indeterminates”, and a function X→R[X]X \to R[X] to (the underlying set of) a commutative RR-algebra that is universal among such functions, so that R[X]R[X] is the free commutative RR-algebra generated by XX; a polynomial is then an element of the underlying set of R[X]R[X].

With these preliminary remarks out of the way, we recall some of the more syntactic considerations with an example.


The set of polynomials in one variable zz with coefficients in RR, also called the set of univariate polynomials, is the set R[ℕ]R[\mathbb{N}] of all formal linear combinations on elements n∈ℕn \in \mathbb{N}, thought of as powers z nz^n of the variable zz. As a string of symbols, a polynomial is frequently represented by a form like

a nz n+⋯+a 1z+a 0, a_n z^n + \cdots + a_1 z + a_0 \,,

where nn is an arbitrary natural number and a 0,…,a n∈Ra_0, \dots, a_n \in R, subject to the usual fine print (where we work modulo the congruence generated by equations of the form

0z n+1+a nz n+⋯+a 1z+a 0=a nz n+⋯+a 1z+a 0 0 z^{n+1} + a_n z^n + \cdots + a_1 z + a_0 = a_n z^n + \cdots + a_1 z + a_0

so that we ignore coefficients of zero). (The degree of a polynomial is the maximum nn for which a na_n is nonzero, in which case the leading term of the polynomial is a nz na_n z^n. A polynomial is constant if its degree is 00. The degree of the zero polynomial may be left chastely undefined, although for some purposes it may be convenient to define it as −1-1 or as −∞-\infty. Even 00 is possible if one is prepared to observe some fine print. Chacun à son goût.)

This set is equipped with an RR-module structure (where formal linear combinations are added and scalar-multiplied as usual) and also with the structure of a ring, in fact a commutative algebra over RR, denoted R[z]R[z] and called the polynomial ring or ring of polynomials, with ring multiplication

R[z]⋅R[z]→R[z] R[z] \cdot R[z] \to R[z]

the unique one that bilinearly extends the multiplication of monomials given by

z k⋅z l=z k+l. z^k \cdot z^l = z^{k+l} \,.

Thus, one way to construct a polynomial ring is first to construct the free commutative monoid generated by a set XX (the monoid of monomials), and then to construct the free RR-module generated by the underlying set of that monoid, extending the monoid multiplication to a ring multiplication by bilinearity.

In addition to the ring structure, there is a further operation R[z]×R[z]→R[z]R[z] \times R[z] \to R[z] which may be described as “substitution” or “composition”; see Remark below for a general description (which applies in fact to any Lawvere theory).


In the case of univariate polynomials, since the function type R[z]→R[z]R[z] \to R[z] is a function R R -algebra with the commutative R R -algebra homomorphism to constant functions C:R→(R[z]→R[z])C:R \to (R[z] \to R[z]), there exists a commutative R[z]R[z]-algebra homomorphism i:R[z]→(R[z]→R[z])i:R[z] \to (R[z] \to R[z]) inductively defined by i(s(r))≔C(r)i(s(r)) \coloneqq C(r) for r∈Rr \in R and i(z)≔id R[z]i(z) \coloneqq id_{R[z]}. The substitution or composition of univariate polynomials (−)∘(−):R[z]×R[z]→R[z](-) \circ (-):R[z] \times R[z] \to R[z] is the uncurrying of ii, p∘q≔i(p)(q)p \circ q \coloneqq i(p)(q) for p∈R[z]p \in R[z] and q∈R[z]q \in R[z].

Moreover, there is a noncommutative analogue of polynomial ring on a set XX, efficiently described as the free RR-module generated by the (underlying set of the) free monoid on XX. This carries also a ring structure, with ring multiplication induced from the monoid multiplication. A far-reaching generalization of this construction is given at distributive law.

Finally: polynomial algebras may be regarded as graded algebras (graded over ℕ\mathbb{N}). Specifically: let us regard R[X]R[X] as the free RR-module generated by (the underlying set of) the free commutative monoid F(X)F(X). The monoid homomorphism F(!):F(X)→F(1)≅ℕF(!): F(X) \to F(1) \cong \mathbb{N} induced by the unique function !:X→1!: X \to 1 gives an ℕ\mathbb{N}-fibering of F(X)F(X) over ℕ\mathbb{N}, with typical fiber F(X) nF(X)_n whose elements are called monomials of degree nn. Then the homogeneous component of degree nn in R[X]R[X] is the RR-submodule generated by the subset F(X) n⊂F(X)F(X)_n \subset F(X). The elements of this component are called homogeneous polynomials of degree nn.



The polynomial ring R[z]R[z] is the free RR-algebra on one generator (the variable zz).


By the definition of free objects one needs to check that algebra homomorphisms

f:R[z]→K f : R[z] \to K

to another algebra K are in natural bijection with functions of sets

f¯:*→K \bar f : * \to K

from the singleton to the set underlying KK. Take f¯≔f(z)\bar f \coloneqq f(z). Using RR-linearity, this is directly seen to yield the desired bijection.

As differential algebras

Polynomial rings on one generator also have the structure of a differential algebra.


For every univariate polynomial ring R[z]R[z], one could inductively define a function called a derivative or derivation

∂∂z:R[z]→R[z]\frac{\partial}{\partial z}: R[z] \to R[z]

such that

  • for all polynomials p∈R[z]p \in R[z] and q∈R[z]q \in R[z] and constant polynomials a∈R[z]a \in R[z] and b∈R[z]b \in R[z],

    ∂∂z(a⋅p+b⋅q)=a⋅∂∂z(p)+b⋅∂∂t(q)\frac{\partial}{\partial z}(a \cdot p + b \cdot q) = a \cdot \frac{\partial}{\partial z}(p) + b \cdot \frac{\partial}{\partial t}(q)

  • for all polynomials p∈R[z]p \in R[z] and q∈R[z]q \in R[z],

    ∂∂z(p⋅q)=p⋅∂∂z(q)+∂∂z(p)⋅q\frac{\partial}{\partial z}(p \cdot q) = p \cdot \frac{\partial}{\partial z}(q) + \frac{\partial}{\partial z}(p) \cdot q

  • and

    ∂∂z(z)=1\frac{\partial}{\partial z}(z) = 1

    Thus the univariate polynomial ring R[z]R[z] is a differential algebra.


In the multivariate polynomial ring R[z 1,z 2…z n]R[z_1, z_2 \ldots z_n], there is a derivation

∂∂z i:R[z 1,z 2…z n]→R[z 1,z 2…z n]\frac{\partial}{\partial z_i}: R[z_1, z_2 \ldots z_n] \to R[z_1, z_2 \ldots z_n]

for each 1≤i≤n1 \leq i \leq n called a partial derivative.


Since RR is power-associative, for every positive integer n∈ℤ +n \in \mathbb{Z}_+,

∂∂zz n+1=j(n)∘z n\frac{\partial}{\partial z}z^{n+1} = j(n) \circ z^{n}

where j:ℤ +→ℤ→R[z]j:\mathbb{Z}_+ \to \mathbb{Z} \to R[z] is the canonical function from the positive integers to R[x]R[x].


If RR is an integral domain, then for all constant polynomials a∈R[z]a \in R[z],

∂∂xa=0\frac{\partial}{\partial x}a = 0


Given a polynomial p∈R[z]p \in R[z], we define the set of antiderivatives of pp to be the fiber of the derivative at pp:

antiderivatives(p)≔{q∈R[z]|∂∂z(q)= R[z]p}\mathrm{antiderivatives}(p) \coloneqq \left\{q \in R[z] \bigg| \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(q\right) =_{R[z]} p\right\}

As domains

In the case where R=kR = k is a field, the polynomial ring k[x]k[x] has a number of useful properties. One is that it is a Euclidean domain, where the degree serves as the Euclidean function:


Let RR be a commutative ring. Given f,g∈R[x]f, g \in R[x] where the leading coefficient of gg is a unit (e.g., if gg is a monic polynomial), there are unique q,r∈k[x]q, r \in k[x] such that f=q⋅g+rf = q \cdot g + r and deg(r)<deg(g)\deg(r) \lt \deg(g).


If deg(f)<deg(g)\deg(f) \lt \deg(g), then q=0q = 0 and r=fr = f will serve. Otherwise we may argue by induction on deg(f)\deg(f), where if a mx ma_m x^m is the leading term of ff and b nx nb_n x^n the leading term of gg, then h(x)=f(x)−a mb n −1x m−ng(x)h(x) = f(x) - a_m b_n^{-1} x^{m-n}g(x) has lower degree than f(x)f(x). This proves existence. Uniqueness is clear, since if q⋅g+r=q′⋅g+r′q \cdot g + r = q' \cdot g + r' and q≠q′q \neq q', we have deg((q−q′)g)=deg(r′−r)<deg(g)\deg((q - q')g) = \deg(r' - r) \lt \deg(g) which is impossible; then r=r′r = r' quickly follows from q=q′q = q'.

See Euclidean domain for a proof.


For any commutative ring RR, if a∈Ra \in R is a root of p(x)∈R[x]p(x) \in R[x], i.e., if the value of the polynomial function p(a)p(a) is 00, then p(x)p(x) is of the form (x−a)q(x)(x - a)q(x).


Since x−ax - a is monic, we may write p(x)=(x−a)q(x)+rp(x) = (x - a)q(x) + r where deg(r)<1\deg(r) \lt 1, whence rr is a constant. By evaluating the polynomial function at x=ax = a, the term rr is 00.

This observation may be exploited in various neat ways. One is that if p(x)p(x) is a polynomial, then p(y)=p(x)+(y−x)q(x,y)p(y) = p(x) + (y - x)q(x, y) for some unique q(x,y)∈k[x,y]q(x, y) \in k[x, y]. A consequence is that the Lawvere theory of commutative kk-algebras is a Fermat theory. The derivative of pp may be defined to be q(x,x)∈k[x]q(x, x) \in k[x].


Last revised on January 12, 2025 at 19:29:36. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.