preimage in nLab



Type theory

natural deduction metalanguage, practical foundations

  1. type formation rule
  2. term introduction rule
  3. term elimination rule
  4. computation rule

type theory (dependent, intensional, observational type theory, homotopy type theory)

syntax object language

homotopy levels




Given a function f:X→Yf: X \to Y and a subset SS of YY, the preimage (sometimes also called the inverse image, though that may mean something different) of SS under ff is a subset of XX, consisting of those arguments whose values belong to SS.

That is,

f *(S)={a:X|f(a)∈S}. f^*(S) = \{ a: X \;|\; f(a) \in S \} .

A traditional notation for f *f^* is f −1f^{-1}, but this can conflict with the notation for an inverse function of ff (which indeed might not even exist). In fact f *f^\ast is borrowed from a notation for pullbacks; indeed, a preimage is an example of a pullback:

f *(S) ↪ X ↓ (pb) ↓f S ↪ Y\array{ f^\ast(S) & \hookrightarrow & X \\ \downarrow & (pb) & \downarrow \mathrlap{f} \\ S & \hookrightarrow & Y }

Notice also that f *f^\ast may be regarded as an operator P(Y)→P(X)P(Y) \to P(X) between power sets. Power sets P(X)P(X) are exponential objects 2 X2^X in the topos SetSet; under this identification the pre-image operator f *f^\ast is thereby identified with the map 2 f:2 Y→2 X2^f: 2^Y \to 2^X (variously called “pulling back along ff or substituting along ff) obtained by currying the composite map

2 Y×X→1×f2 Y×Y→eval2.2^Y \times X \stackrel{1 \times f}{\to} 2^Y \times Y \stackrel{eval}{\to} 2.

The appearance of the asterisk as a superscript in f *f^\ast serves as a reminder of the contravariance of the map f↦f *=2 ff \mapsto f^\ast = 2^f. Similarly, one uses a subscript notation such as f *f_* (or sometimes f !f_!) for the direct image, considered as an operator f *:2 X→2 Yf_\ast: 2^X \to 2^Y in the covariant direction.

Naturally all of this generalizes to the context of toposes, where the set 22 is replaced by the subobject classifier Ω\Omega and f *=Ω ff^\ast = \Omega^f, with a pullback description similar to the above.


As emphasized by Lawvere, the quantifiers ∃ f,∀ f\exists_f, \forall_f are vastly generalized by the concept of enriched Kan extensions which provide left and right adjoints to pulling-back operators V f:V D→V CV^f: V^D \to V^C for VV-enriched functors f:C→Df: C \to D.

Iterated preimages

For partial endofunctions, one could also consider iterating the construction of the preimage of the partial endofunction.

For every set TT and subset S⊆TS \subseteq T, let f:S→Tf:S \to T be a function from the subset SS to TT. Given any subset R⊆TR \subseteq T, the preimage f −1(R)f^{-1}(R) by definition is a subset of SS and thus a subset of TT. One could restrict the domain of ff to f −1(R)f^{-1}(R) and the codomain of ff to RR, and find the preimage of f −1(R)f^{-1}(R) under ff, or the 2-fold iterated preimage of RR under ff:

f −2(R)≔{x∈S|∃b∈f −1(R).f(x)=b}f^{-2}(R) \coloneqq \{x \in S \vert \exists b \in f^{-1}(R).f(x) = b\}

One could repeat this definition indefinitely, which could be formalised by the indexed sets f −n(R)f^{-n}(R) representing the nn-fold iterated preimage of RR under ff.

f −0(R)≔Rf^{-0}(R) \coloneqq R

and for n∈ℕn \in \mathbb{N},

f −(n+1)(S)≔{x∈S|∃b∈f −(n)(R).f(x)=b}f^{-(n+1)}(S) \coloneqq \{x \in S \vert \exists b \in f^{-(n)}(R).f(x) = b\}

One example of an iterated preimage is the set of iterated differentiable functions and the iterated continuously differentiable functions C n(ℝ)C^n(\mathbb{R}), which are the nn-th iterated preimage of all functions and pointwise continuous functions on the real numbers under the derivative/Newton-Leibniz operator respectively.

Infinitely iterated preimages

The above definition of an iterated preimage is inductive; one could also consider the coinductive version of above. This leads to infinitely iterated preimages:

For every set TT and subset S⊆TS \subseteq T, let f:S→Tf:S \to T be a function from the subset SS to TT. Given any subset R⊆TR \subseteq T, the infinitely iterated preimage is defined as the largest subset f −∞(R)⊆Tf^{-\infty}(R) \subseteq T such that the preimage of f −∞(R)f^{-\infty}(R) under ff is f −∞(R)f^{-\infty}(R) itself.

One example of an infinitely iterated preimage is the set of smooth functions C ∞(ℝ)C^\infty(\mathbb{R}), which is the infinitely iterated preimage of pointwise continuous functions under the derivative/Newton-Leibniz operator.

For a generalisation to sheaves, see inverse image.


Last revised on June 17, 2022 at 23:04:30. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.