recollement in nLab
Category theory
Modalities, Closure and Reflection
The recollement situation is a diagram of six additive functors
πβ²β΅i !βΆi *β΅i *πβ΅j *βΆj *β΅j !πβ³ \mathcal{A}' \stackrel{\overset{i^*}{\longleftarrow}}{\stackrel{\overset{i_*}{\longrightarrow}}{\underset{i^!}{\longleftarrow}}} \mathcal{A}\stackrel{\overset{j_!}{\longleftarrow}}{\stackrel{\overset{j^*}{\longrightarrow}}{\underset{j_*}{\longleftarrow}}}\mathcal{A}''
among three abelian or triangulated categories satisfying a strong list of exactness and adjointness axioms.
The paradigmatic situation is about the categories of abelian sheaves πβ²=Sh(C)\mathcal{A}' = Sh(C), π=Sh(X)\mathcal{A} = Sh(X), πβ³=Sh(U)\mathcal{A}'' = Sh(U), where UβXU\subset X is an open subset of a topological space, C=X\UC = X\backslash U the complement, and the functors among the sheaf categories are induced by the open embedding j:UβͺXj \colon U\hookrightarrow X and closed embedding i:CβͺXi \colon C\hookrightarrow X. As suggested by this example, recollement may in fact be regarded as the additive or triangulated version of Artin gluing.
A modern treatment for the recollement of abelian categories is in (Franjou-Pirashvili 04), where the following axioms are listed:
(i) j !β£j *β£j *j_!\dashv j^*\dashv j_*
(ii) the unit Id πβ³βj *j !Id_{\mathcal{A}''}\to j^* j_! and the counit j *j *βId πβ³j^* j_*\to Id_{\mathcal{A}''} are iso (hence j *j_\ast and j !j_! are fully faithful)
(iii) i *β£i *β£i !i^*\dashv i_*\dashv i^!
(iv) the unit Id πβ²βi !i *Id_{\mathcal{A}'}\to i^! i_* and the counit i *i *βId πβ²i^* i_*\to Id_{\mathcal{A}'} are iso
(v) the functor i *:πβ²βKer(j *)i_*:\mathcal{A}'\to Ker(j^*) is an equivalence of categories.
In fact (i) and (ii) for j *:πβπβ³j^*:\mathcal{A}\to\mathcal{A}'' enable one to define πβ²\mathcal{A}' as the full subcategory of π\mathcal{A} whose objects aa satisfy j *a=0j^* a = 0 such that one satisfies the recollement situation.
A standard treatment for the sequence of triangulated functors
πβ²βi *πβj *πβ³ \mathcal{D}' \overset{i_*}{\to} \mathcal{D}\overset{j^*}{\to}\mathcal{D}''
is in (Beilinson-Bernstein-Deligne 82) where in 1.4.3 the following axioms are listed
(a) i *=i !i_* = i_! admits a triangulated left adjoint i *i^* and triangulated right adjoint i !i^!
(b) j *=j !j^* = j^! admits a triangulated left adjoint j *j_* and triangulated right adjoint j !j_!
(c) j *i *=0j^* i_* = 0 (hence by adjointness, also i *j !=0i^*j_! = 0 and i !j *=0i^! j_*=0)
(d) given dβObπd\in Ob{\mathcal{D}}, there exist (necessarily unique) distinguished triangles
i !i !dβdβj *j *dβ(i !i !d)[1] i_! i^! d \to d\to j_* j^* d\to (i_! i^! d) [1]
j !j !dβdβi *i *dβ(j !j !d)[1] j_! j^! d \to d\to i_* i^* d\to (j_! j^! d) [1]
(e) i *,j *,j !i_*, j_*, j_! are full embeddings.
Again in good situations, less data is needed to provide the recollement.
- The forgetful functor from global equivariant stable homotopy theory to plain stable homotopy theory exhibits a recollement,
See at global equivariant stable homotopy theory β Relation to plain stable homotopy theory.
V. Franjou, T. Pirashvili, Comparison of abelian categories recollements, Doc. Math. 9 (2004), 41β56, MR2005c:18008, pdf
A.A. Beilinson, J. Bernstein, Pierre Deligne, Faisceaux pervers. Analysis and topology on singular spaces, I (Luminy, 1981), 5β171, Asteβrisque 100, Soc. Math. France, Paris 1982.
In references
- E. Cline, B. Parshall, L. Scott, Finite dimensional algebras and highest weight categories, J. Reine Angew. Math, 1988, 391: 85β99, MR90d:18005, goettingen
- E. Cline, B. Parshall, L. Scott, Algebraic stratification in representative categories, J. of Algebra 117, 1988, 504β521.
one studies the following kind of sources of recollement situations for triangulated categories: kk is a commutative field, AA a finite dimensional unital associative kk-algebra, ee an idempotent, and D b(A)D^b(A) the bounded derived category of right AA-modules. Suppose eA(1βe)=0eA(1-e) = 0 and the global dimension of AA is finite. Then there is a recollement of triangulated categories involving D b(eAe)D^b(eAe), D b(A)D^b(A) and D b((1βe)A(1βe))D^b((1-e)A(1-e)).
- S. Koenig, Tilting complexes, perpendicular categories and recollements of derived module categories of rings., MR92k:18009, doi
- Qinghua Chen,Yanan Lin, Recollements of extension algebras, Science in China 46, 4, 2003 pdf
Another source of examples is due MacPherson and Vilonen
Kari Vilonen, Perverse sheaves and finite dimensional algebras, Trans. A.M.S. 341 (1994), 665β676, MR94d:16012, doi
Michael Artin, Grothendieck Topologies. Harvard University, 1962.
Yuri Berest, Oleg Chalykh, Farkhod Eshmatov, Recollement of deformed preprojective algebras and the Calogero-Moser correspondence, Mosc. Math. J. 8 (2008), no. 1, 21β37, 183, arxiv/0706.3006, MR2009h:16030
Roy Joshua, pdf
Yang Han, Recollements and Hochschild theory, arxiv/1101.5697
For treatment in the setting of β\infty-categories:
Jacob Lurie, section A.8 of Higher Algebra,
Clark Barwick, Saul Glasman, A note on stable recollements (arXiv:1607.02064)
Last revised on April 22, 2017 at 06:07:48. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.