separated morphism of schemes in nLab
Algebraic geometry
Classical algebraic geometry
- algebraic equation, semialgebraic set
- maximal spectrum, Zariski topology
- locally ringed space
- affine variety, algebraic variety
- (quasi)projective variety
- algebraic curve, elliptic curve
- regular map, rational map
- birational geometry
- resolution of singularities
- quasicoherent sheaf, coherent sheaf
- Kähler manifold, Hodge theory
- normal variety
- blowup, tangent cone
- Kähler differential
- geometric invariant theory
- algebraic group, abelian variety
Algebraic schemes
- prime spectrum, affine scheme
- projective scheme
- open subscheme, closed subscheme
- reduced scheme, noetherian scheme
- regular scheme, quasiseparated scheme
- relative scheme, proper morphism
- separated morphism of schemes
- proper morphism of schemes
- flat topology, etale topology
- quasicompact morphism, fpqc topology
- Picard scheme, Quot scheme, Hilbert scheme
- formally smooth morphism, crystal
Cohomology theories
- Weil cohomology theory, Weil conjecture
- Hodge conjecture, standard conjectures
- motive, noncommutative motive
- homological mirror symmetry
Let f:X→Yf : X \to Y be a morphism of schemes. Write Δ:X→X× YX\Delta : X \to X \times_Y X for the diagonal morphism.
The morphism ff is called separated if Δ(X)\Delta(X) is a closed subspace of X× YXX \times_Y X.
A scheme XX is called separated if the terminal morphism X→SpecℤX \to \operatorname{Spec} \mathbb{Z} is separated.
Let XX be a scheme (resp. a locally noetherian scheme), f:X→Yf: X\to Y a morphism of schemes (resp. a morphism locally of finite type). The following conditions are equivalent.
ff is separated.
The diagonal morphism X→X× YXX\to X\times_Y X is quasicompact, and for every affine scheme Y′=SpecAY' = Spec A in which AA is a valuation ring (resp. a discrete valuation ring), any two morphisms from Y′→XY'\to X which coincide at the generic point of Y′Y' are equal.
The diagonal morphism X→X× YXX\to X\times_Y X is quasicompact, and for every affine scheme of the form Y′=SpecAY' = Spec A in which AA is a valuation ring (resp. a discrete valuation ring), any two sections of X′=X(Y′)X' = X(Y') which coincide at the generic point of Y′Y' are equal.
This is the valuative criterion of separatedness. See Hartshorne or EGA II for more details.
Last revised on August 24, 2024 at 14:05:25. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.