exact sequence in nLab
Category theory
Homological algebra
(also nonabelian homological algebra)
Basic definitions
Stable homotopy theory notions
Homology theories
An exact sequence may be defined in a semi-abelian category, and more generally in a homological category. It is a sequential diagram in which the image of each morphism is equal to the kernel of the next morphism.
Definition in additive categories
Let π\mathcal{A} be an additive category (often assumed to be an abelian category, for instance π=R\mathcal{A} = RMod for RR some ring).
An exact sequence in π\mathcal{A} is a chain complex C β’C_\bullet in π\mathcal{A} with vanishing chain homology in each degree:
βnββ.H n(C)=0. \forall n \in \mathbb{N} . H_n(C) = 0 \,.
A short exact sequence is an exact sequence, def. of the form
β―β0β0βAβBβCβ0β0ββ―. \cdots \to 0 \to 0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0 \to 0 \to \cdots \,.
One usually writes this just β0βAβBβCβ00 \to A \to B \to C \to 0β or even just βAβBβCA \to B \to Cβ.
Explicitly, a sequence of morphisms
0βAβiBβpCβ0 0 \to A \stackrel{i}\to B \stackrel{p}\to C \to 0
is short exact, def. , precisely if
ii is a monomorphism,
pp is an epimorphism,
and the image of ii equals the kernel of pp (equivalently, the coimage of pp equals the cokernel of ii).
The third condition is the definition of exactness at BB. So we need to show that the first two conditions are equivalent to exactness at AA and at CC.
This is easy to see by looking at elements when πβR\mathcal{A} \simeq RMod, for some ring RR (and the general case can be reduced to this one using one of the embedding theorems):
The sequence being exact at
0βAβB 0 \to A \to B
means, since the image of 0βA0 \to A is just the element 0βA0 \in A, that the kernel of AβBA \to B consists of just this element. But since AβBA \to B is a group homomorphism, this means equivalently that AβBA \to B is an injection.
Dually, the sequence being exact at
BβCβ0 B \to C \to 0
means, since the kernel of Cβ0C \to 0 is all of CC, that also the image of BβCB \to C is all of CC, hence equivalently that BβCB \to C is a surjection.
In this case, BB may be decomposed as the biproduct AβCA \oplus C (with ii and pp the usual biproduct inclusion and projection); this sense in which BB is βsplitβ into AA and CC is the origin of the general terms βsplit (mono/epi)morphismβ.
Definition in pointed sets
It is also helpful to consider a similar notion in the case of a pointed set.
In the category Set *Set_* of pointed sets, a sequence
(A,a) βf (B,b) βg (C,c) \array{ (A, a) & \overset{f}{\to} & (B, b) & \overset{g}{\to} & (C, c) }
is said to be exact at (B,b)(B, b) if imf=g β1(c)im f = g^{-1}(c).
For concrete pointed categories (ie. a category π\mathcal{C} with a faithful functor F:πβSet *F: \mathcal{C} \to Set_*), a sequence is exact if the image under FF is exact.
In the case of (abelian) categories like AbAb and RβModR-Mod, the two notions of exactness coincide if we pick the point of each group/module to be 00. Such a general notion is useful in cases such as the long exact sequence of homotopy groups where the homotopy βgroupsβ for small nn are just pointed sets without a group structure.
Computing terms in an exact sequence
A typical use of a long exact sequence, notably of the homology long exact sequence, is that it allows to determine some of its entries in terms of others.
The characterization of short exact sequences in prop. is one example for this: whenever in a long exact sequence one entry vanishes as in β β0βC nββ \cdot \to 0 \to C_n \to \cdot or β βC nβ0ββ―\cdot \to C_n \to 0 \to \cdots, it follows that the next morphism out of or into the vanishing entry is a monomorphism or epimorphism, respectively.
In particular:
If part of an exact sequence looks like
β―β0βC n+1ββ nC nβ0ββ―, \cdots \to 0 \to C_{n+1} \stackrel{\partial_n}{\to} C_n \to 0 \to \cdots \,,
then β n\partial_n is an isomorphism and hence
C n+1βC n. C_{n+1} \simeq C_n \,.
Exactness and quasi-isomorphisms
Short exact sequences and quotients
The following are some basic lemmas that show how given a short exact sequence one obtains new short exact sequences from forming quotients/cokernels (see Wise).
Let π\mathcal{A} be an abelian category.
AβBβCβ0 A \to B \to C \to 0
an exact sequence in π\mathcal{A} and for XβBX \to B any morphism in π\mathcal{A}, also
AβB/XβC/Xβ0 A \to B/X \to C/X \to 0
is a short exact sequence.
We have an exact sequence of complexes of length 2
0 β X βid X β 0 β β β β A β B β C β 0 \array{ 0 &\to& X &\stackrel{id}{\to}& X &\to& 0 \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow & & \downarrow & & \downarrow \\ A &\to& B &\to& C &\to& 0 }
and the exact sequence to be demonstrated is degreewise the cokernel of this sequence. So the statement reduces to the fact that forming cokernels is a right exact functor.
0βAβBβC 0 \to A \to B \to C
an exact sequence and XβAX \to A any morphism, also
0βA/XβB/XβC 0 \to A/X \to B/X \to C
is exact.
Specific examples
Let π=β€\mathcal{A} = \mathbb{Z}Mod β\simeq Ab. For nββn \in \mathbb{N} with nβ₯1n \geq 1 let β€ββ nβ€\mathbb{Z} \stackrel{\cdot n}{\to} \mathbb{Z} be the linear map/homomorphism of abelian groups which acts by the ordinary multiplication of integers by nn. This is clearly an injection. The cokernel of this morphism is the projection to the quotient group, which is the cyclic group β€ nββ€/nβ€\mathbb{Z}_n \coloneqq \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}. Hence we have a short exact sequence
0ββ€ββ nβ€ββ€ n. 0 \to \mathbb{Z} \stackrel{\cdot n}{\to} \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}_n \,.
Classes of examples
A standard introduction is for instance in section 1.1 of
The quotient lemmas from above are discussed in
- Jonathan Wise, The Snake Lemma (pdf)
in the context of the salamander lemma and the snake lemma.
Last revised on April 1, 2021 at 11:08:27. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.