split quaternion in nLab
The split-quaternions are an algebra over the real numbers. Every split quaternion qq may be represented as
q=a 0+a 1i+a 2j+a 3k q = a_0 + a_1 i + a_2 j + a_3k
where the basis elements satisfy the following products:
×\times | i | j | k |
i | -1 | k | -j |
j | -k | +1 | -i |
k | j | i | +1 |
and conjugation t *=a 0−a 1i−a 2j−a 3kt^* = a_0 - a_1 i - a_2 j - a_3k.
These are closely related to the quaternions, as the generators satisfy similarly-looking relations. They are obtained from the split-complex numbers through the generalization of the Cayley-Dickson construction.
Related concepts
See also
- Wikipedia, Split-quaternion
On projective spaces over split-quaternions:
- Konrad Voelkel, Motivic cell structures for projective spaces over split quaternions, 2016 (freidok:11448, pdf)
Last revised on November 3, 2023 at 05:16:33. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.