Entanglement of Sections in Schreiber
An article that we are finalizing:
Urs Schreiber\; with \; Hisham Sati \; at \; CQTS:
Entanglement of Sections:
The pushout of entangled and parameterized quantum information
Abstract. Recently Freedman & Hastings asked [arXiv:2304.01072] for a mathematical theory that would unify quantum entanglement/tensor-structure with parameterized/bundle-structure via their amalgamation (a hypothetical “pushout”) along bare quantum (information) theory — a question motivated by the role that vector bundles of spaces of quantum states play in the K-theory classification of topological phases of matter (there: parameterized over the Brillouin torus).
In reply to this question, first we make precise a form of the relevant pushout-diagram in monoidal category theory. Then we prove that it produces what is known as the external tensor product on vector bundles/K-classes, or rather on flat such bundles (flat K-theory), i.e. those equipped with monodromy encoding topological Berry phases. This external tensor product was recently highlighted in discussion of topological phases of matter by B. Mera (2020) but has not otherwise found due attention in quantum theory yet.
The bulk of our result is a further homotopy theoretic enhancement of the situation to the “derived category” ( ∞ \infty -category) of flat ∞ \infty -vector bundles (“ ∞ \infty -local systems”) equipped with the “derived functor” of the external tensor product. Concretely, we present an integral model category of simplicial functors into simplicial 𝕂 \mathbb{K} -chain complexes which conveniently presents the ∞ \infty -category of parameterized H 𝕂 H\mathbb{K} -module spectra over varying base spaces and is equipped with homotopically well-behaved external tensor product structure.
In concluding we indicate how this model category serves as categorical semantics for the “Motivic Yoga”-fragment of the recently constructed linear homotopy type theory (
, [Ri22]), which in [SS23b] we describe as a quantum programming language with classical control, dynamic lifting and topological effects. In particular, this serves to express the homotopical construction of topological anyon braid quantum gates recently described in [MSS23].
Talk presentation:
at Quantum Information and Quantum Matter
NYU Abu Dhabi, 22-26 May 2023
Related talks:
Quantum Data Types via Linear Homotopy Type Theory
talk at Workshop on Quantum Software @ QTML 2022
Naples, 12 Nov 2022
slides: pdf (view on full screen)
Effective Quantum Certification via Linear Homotopy Types,
talk at Colloquium of the Topos Institute
Part II: 24 Aug 2023
video: YT
slides: pdf (view full screen)
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all part of the project:
Last revised on May 25, 2024 at 10:09:56. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.