RecName: Full=Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase NSD3; AltName: Full=N - Protein - NCBI
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RecName: Full=Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase NSD3; AltName: Full=Nuclear SET domain-containing protein 3; AltName: Full=Protein whistle; AltName: Full=WHSC1-like 1 isoform 9 with methyltransferase activity to lysine; AltName: Full=Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome ...
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: Q9BZ95.1
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Articles about the NSD3 gene
Elevated expression of nuclear receptor-binding SET domain 3 promotes pancreatic cancer cell growth.
[Cell Death Dis. 2021]
Elevated expression of nuclear receptor-binding SET domain 3 promotes pancreatic cancer cell growth.
Cell Death Dis. 2021 Oct 6; 12(10):913. Epub 2021 Oct 6.
NSD3-Induced Methylation of H3K36 Activates NOTCH Signaling to Drive Breast Tumor Initiation and Metastatic Progression.
[Cancer Res. 2021]
NSD3-Induced Methylation of H3K36 Activates NOTCH Signaling to Drive Breast Tumor Initiation and Metastatic Progression.
Jeong GY, Park MK, Choi HJ, An HW, Park YU, Choi HJ, Park J, Kim HY, Son T, Lee H, et al. Cancer Res. 2021 Jan 1; 81(1):77-90. Epub 2020 Sep 23.
Silencing of histone methyltransferase NSD3 reduces cell viability in osteosarcoma with induction of apoptosis.
[Oncol Rep. 2017]
Silencing of histone methyltransferase NSD3 reduces cell viability in osteosarcoma with induction of apoptosis.
Liu Z, Piao L, Zhuang M, Qiu X, Xu X, Zhang D, Liu M, Ren D. Oncol Rep. 2017 Nov; 38(5):2796-2802. Epub 2017 Sep 4.
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