Doctor Who Online - News & Reviews - Millennium FX Depart Doctor Who After 15 Years
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After working on Doctor Who for a grand total of 15 years, it is our sad duty to report that last week's episode (12.6: Praxeus) was the final contribution from prosthetics and creature design team, Millennium FX.
Going right back to Christopher Eccleston's first episode in 2005 (1.1: Rose) Millennium FX were in charge of producing the Auton masks and arms we saw on-screen. They went on to produce countless creations for the show, including: The Ood, Davros, Clockwork Droids, Weeping Angels and Judoon (to name just a few), finally ending with the praxeus virus skin-effect from last weeks episode of the same name.
At the time of writing, it is unsure as to why the team are leaving but MFX Director, Neill Gorton confirmed the news on his Instagram page:
"So sixteen years ago the first episode of Doctor Who I worked on was the Autons - an alien intelligence that inhabits plastic and brings it to life to kill people. This is my last episode and its one about a space virus that infects people through plastic and kills them. Anyway, moving on."
We at DWO are genuinely sad to hear the news; we were actually invited to visit the MFX studios by Neill and his team way back in 2007, and were blown away by the sheer amount of hard work and detail that went into each of their creations. You can read our article from the visit, here.
We would like to wish Neill and the team at Millennium FX all the best for the future, and thank them for all their hard work on Doctor Who.
+ Purchase a range of MFX Doctor Who masks at MFX Warehouse.
+ Follow @Millennium_FX on Twitter!
[Sources: DWO, Instagram]