Avalanche Journal Newspaper Archives, Oct 27, 1972, p. 68
- ️Fri Oct 27 1972
Page 68 of Oct 27 1972 Issue of Avalanche Journal in Lubbock, Texas
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Avalanche-Journal (Newspaper) - October 27, 1972, Lubbock, Texas Chas a Guy retires to close Long career at a of my Diber 27 1972lubkk Jan 30 1931 he also was vie president and a director of the publications he became director of the Amarillo Globe news publishing co in 1932 position he held until recent Dis solution of the company Upo Purchase by Morris common cations corporation Dorrance Roderick left i Post As publisher with the Ava Lanch journal in 1928 to be come publisher of the Al Pas times and Herald in 1931 he again joined by Guy Becam majority stockholder of the e paso times after Sale of the evening Herald to the Scripps Howard organization which combined it with their afternoon Elpaso Post official of Border paper Guy became a director and vice president of the Al past times then a Post he held unti Sale of the paper earlier Thi year to the Gannett newspapers the Lubbock editors professional and civic accomplish ments read like a who who o he newspaper profession he is past president of the Vest Texas press association a past director of the prestigious american society of newspaper editors a boar member for the past 25 years s the Texas election Bureau he organization responsible for he accurate vote count in Ai statewide elections a past director of the Texas press association and past president of he Texas associated pressed tors association Guy has been an academic member since 1921 of Sigma la Chi honorary profession journalism fraternity he is a longtime member and first continued from Page one til5 basis and i want to continue in a few civic in which to me Are at filling important needs of in my mind and Guy said i always will be an Avalanche Jour Nal Man nobody lays aside loyally As he does a coat he no longer will Wear thus the new owners and the whole organization of the newspapers i wish nothing but the Best and All the William s Morris i who Heads the new owner ship and the Avalanche journals new chief executive Robert r Norris Are sound and Able newspaper people and Good citizens they with the highly competent a staff undoubtedly will continually and continuously produce a grow ing improving newspaper Here certainly they de serve the support and the encouragement of the peo ple of West Texas and East Ern new Mexico toward this Norris Genera manager of the Avalanche Jour Nal said of Guys retire ment announcement we know that not Only or Guy be missed at the Avalanche journal but that the Community will miss seeing his Fine column we realize that this will give him an Opportunity and the Freedom to travel and do some of the things he has been unable to do in the past from a personal stand Point i am grateful that he could remain with the papers after Morris communications corporation acquired them in order that he might help us become better acquainted with the business and civic leaders of the Community we wish him the Norris added in Guys time the a papers grew from a combined circulation of around to its present combined total of More than also during his tenure As editor publisher the a has consistently won state National awards in eve a category from photos to news features a jail news i editorials investigative re porting reporting under Fuad inc pressure and Community service native of Dullin inc Charles Armor Guy was born in Baltimore March 30 1902 the son of Chas a and Hoo scr fur education Jennie w Guy Long he amended Public schools Inal cd cry Georgetown and terms to the lubbock1 1 enc Oville Hul received Hoard and has been a 1o of his pc College n both Public school and Tion in Tulsa his fall or University level Educ Lional a in the Oil business Laling moves to wherever the e been a member of the Oil was Guy graduated from Tulsa Central in 1919 he then p of graduated from the University jm1 s j a of Oklahoma in with h b c s in English and a certificate 111ics in journalism he received and honorary doctor of Laws from1 services for mrs Oilie Delta n Texas tech University in 79 who was found dead Roswell n started in Tulsa her residence at k Bailor f defendant the award was while he was still in this morning will he at10 am totalling was High school that Guy broke into monday at Parkway drive it Deal psf h11 cite the newspaper business Star Church of Christ claimed that a in the sports department of Bill Brvant minister will i Tiv directed her to the Tulsa i f Sec Tribune inter moving to the be work and Tulsa world during College he in ormer Deacon of the presbyterian Church of Lub Ock Active in civic affairs in the area of civic Endeavor no matter where he might travel returned to Praise is Home served in most every Public capacity or which there was no Finan Al return he served several terms to Linja a Quarter of a Century n the directorate of the Lub Ock cd cd several terms Otaling 17 years on the direct orate of the Panhandle South Lains fair and As a past presi ent of the fair he also is a past president of e Lubbock downtown rotary advisory Board of Lubbock Christian College since its inception for the past 18 years he a been a director of the for Worth Denver railway past director of the West Texa chamber of Commerce Guy also has served As member of the Texas commis Sion on alcoholism for 13 year under three different governors Price Daniel John Connall and Preston Smith High masonic honors Guy is a member of yellow House Lodge Macken Zie Lodge Al Pas consistory scottish rite o free masonry and has the de tee of 33rd honorary in re Spect to the latter Guy i among Only a handful of Wes texans to hold this High Mason pc Honor he also is a member of the legion of Honor order of Demolay in addition to his wide rang no interest in civic affairs education masonic activities Anc newspaper work Guy also maintained a Lively and wide ranging interest in politics state National and foreign of airs he was on a firs name basis Vith the great and near great n Many Fields of Endeavor for much of the More than half Century he was engaged in newspaper work made foreign visits he was a member of an Ivory group on occupation f Germany Austria and Tri Ste following cessation of hos Wilities in world War h and a number of the advisory group Ato operations in Italy in 958 he also was the represent Tive of president Lyndon b Ohnson at the official observe nce in West Germany on com lotion of the Marshall plan in 967 closer Home he was Public a formation advisor to the Cen ral flying training command Josaf and made numerous inspection trips to u s air orce facilities Guy who Long kidded his lore reluctant colleagues about Leir aversion to flying was the St Lubbock Ite to get into an i plane and Fly to another City rom fort Worth in 926 he also was the first Lub Ock civilian to Fly an Ocean Ith the Usan in 1946the at lactic twice evil Appeal court backs losing Law the seventh court of Civ appeals in Amarillo has upheld the states sunday closing Lav in an opinion issued on the Cas involving Cark Gamble inc Cooks discount department store and Sunda co in Lub Bock the suit fas instituted by the state of Texas during the ten ure of Tom Purdom in the county attorneys office the Case was tried in 140th District court and judge William r Shaver issued a permanent in Junction forbidding the defend ants from Selling or offering of Sale on consecutive Days of sat urday and sunday any of the terns banned by the state sunday closing Law the defendants operation involved a contract to sell the store inventory on saturday night to Sunda co Sunda co oper ated the store on sunday and sold Back to Cark Gamble Foi Busi less the Case was based on store Isles on the dates oct 9 ant 0 1971 the state maintained thai Indaco was the agent for Cooks a Point upheld by the appellate court in the opinion written by chief Justice James a Ellis he court found the arrange ment with Sunda co to be a Veo action of the state closing Law ind that such conduct is subject o the injunctive remedy provided by the state Law the jury verdict in the Dis Rich court also had declared Indaco to be an agent of Cooks that Issue being the Only one submitted by judge Haver Ife threatened woman claims n testimony mrs sue Jaynes Harrison 20 f Lubbock testified this morn no that she was forced to a Many two negro men the ight of july 21 1970 in the robbery at the w a Mcnary evidence 3715 36th St testimony was nearing an and shortly before noon in the in 99th District court of Lub Guy was the first chair guv is married to the former Edge Howard c Davison Lubbock a Grace Mote Matador torm coliseum commission i 1 and recently was to the new civic Center com Mission he also was the first of the Elpaso Timo chairman of the first City Ning and zoning commission nil held the same distinction on the cites initial Airport com Mission they have three sons Chas a Tucson stockbroker Dorrance executive editor of the Elpaso times and George in the classified advertising department of the a j the defendant a White Wom an said she was forced into an automobile by the men As she left work at a private club in East Lubbock she testified that Ner was threatened before Long interested in education to lev t every level Guy served two j Mcclive terms in the t a jury in judge William r shavers Moth District court thursday afternoon returned a and after the robbery and later was released at a club where she took a taxi Home or and mrs Mcnally and their son Andy that they wore 20 testified bound and Pony Tail disarmament Parley proposed by Britain by William n Oatis United nations the worlds major Powers today api Britain called on Ai to take part in the soviet pro posed world disarmament con Ference in a new Effort the arms race to Hal i possibly go steady with you Norman you wont be old enough for a Drivers License for six More decline in beef prices reported by Don Kendall Washington a con umers paid less for beef Las North because of a slide in attle prices and the first dip in middleman markups since Las Une the agriculture depart ment said today the september retail Price o beef a key indicator in the cos f living was slightly less thar per Pound on an Allcut Asis including hamburger As veil As Steak that was almost three cents Ess than in August and ends cheaper than the record Ligh in july in August How ver the Price cattlemen to Consumers was a record ends per Pound per cent drop last month according to a Market Basket report on Arm produced food the mid Leman share for beef was ends per Pound a decline of 3 per cent in a month statistically however the gagged and thai the men were armed with a pistol and a knife and wore a handkerchief and a stocking Over their faces they said that the woman was not armed and that she bound mrs Mcnally at the in verdict costly to the City of Lubbock in a Case arising of lne a car motorcycle collision taken from the 13 1970 at the intersection of Avenue u and 50th Street Clifford Onley brought the suit against the City and also named the Driver of the car mrs Bill it Home were to in coins from a Safe a Mink coat and other valuables neither of the men has been charged officials said was a for the Arra daily oklahoman be directed by East Mound cemetery in Matador arrangements Are funeral following graduation of Guy worked for the Reno american and later on the Bristow record this was during the Oil Boom in Bristow when persons were gift into mail out of a list office Sot up for moved Here in 1021 that the flagman directions took precedence Over traffic Sie Milf Home mrs Lee had been a resident Tolof Lubbock the last six years j of Orlwin services before moving to Lub Lukk she had resided in Afton she was a i member of the Parkway Church of Christ in City today Albert Lloyd Wolfforth Dies Albert Samuel Lloyd 82 of Wolf Forth died at to Day at colonial nursing Home he moved to the Lubbock area in 1962 from Gulf port miss survivors include the wife Vernell a daughter mrs Juan Ita Strong of Wolf Forth three make one sons j b Lloyd of Lon Market beef middleman beef margin was per cent More than last Une and per cent More Han a year ago All grocery store foods aver ged per cent less in sep Ember but per cent More Lan a year earlier last week the Bureau of la or statistics reported take Home food in september Rose per cent from August but us a officials said their report covered Only food produced on american farms and did not in clude imported items and sea food products the bus report also covers meat prices Only for the first week in a month while the us a surveys beef and pork for the entire month bran Down Given broken Down further the us a report showed that of the average retail beef Price of just under per Pound the farm value was cents in september Down from in August and the summer Peak of last june and july when cattle prices were higher farm value is not the Price producers get for cattle but it s their share of what con Sumers pay at retail stores it requires nearly pounds of Ive steer for example to of super Low the peaks in Early summer a total Market Basket of food items theoretically enough to feed a typical family for a year Cost an annual rate of 320 in september Down s2 from the record highs reported for july and August of the total the farm snare was in september up from in August the middleman share for transportation proc Essing and merchandising was in september Down Sll from s792 reported the month earlier Rise explained noting the increase in the Market baskets farm value officials said the Rise was due mainly to substantially higher prices for frying chickens and wheat prices have soared since late july because of huge Export sales to the soviet in on but bread prices in sep tember showed a slight decline rom cents per loaf in a gust to cents last month the farm value of products in a loaf of bread however Rose to cents from in August meaning a shrinking of Middle Man margins pork the second most popu a meat Rose again to a record Price average of cents per Pound reflecting historical highs for live hogs this year compared with a year ago the Price of pork was per cent higher in supermarkets and the share returned to farm ers was per cent More department officials say More cattle Are expected to be marketed this fall but that Ami prices will remain fairly Teady through the Winter noted prophetess due to appear Here in february Jeane Dixon internationally known prophetess and seer has been booked for a Public appearance at the Lubbock municipal auditorium on feb 2 at 8 mrs will appear in Lubbock under sponsorship of the Texas Alpha chapter of Phi Sigma sorority details on ticket sales will be announced latter most people began hear ing about mrs in a gust 1952 when she predicted that a Democrat would be elected to the presidency in the Early 1960s but would be assassinated be fore he completed his first term in office the Washington Prophe Tess predicted last october at an appearance in Loving ton n that red China would be admitted to the United nations she also forecast the assassination of sen Robert Kennedy in California and has predicted the downfall of the two Par to system and the existing form of american govern ment mrs Neta Tillman presi Dent of the sponsoring organization attended mrs Dixons Lovington performance oct 22 1971 and since then has been trying to make arrangements for her to come to Lubbock she said mrs Dixons performance is to be non profit and that All mrs Dixon receives from her appearance Here will be donated to children to Chil Dren inc the Phi Sigma Alpha so Moriety a civic minded so Cial organization has five chapters in Lubbock All the chapters will be cooperating in ticket sales efforts she said Joseph Godber Britain min ister of state for foreign and Commonwealth affairs told the general Assembly main political committee that such a conference would make sense Only if All the nuclear weapon Powers took part the United states and China both have expressed opposition to a world disarmament Confer ence in addition China and France have Long boycotted the armament committee objectives cited Godber stressed that a world conference should aim at achieving an appropriate forum which represents the Reali ties of world Power rather than As an end in As a first step a Compromise could be worked out on the basis of an Argentine proposal to set up a 10nation committee to study the chances of Success for a world conference Godber said in a prepared speech addressing a news Confer ence thursday night Godbyr said Britain would take part in world disarmament Confer ence Only if All the five nuclear Dowers and most other major lations agree to take part prospects dim he said the absence of two of rhe nuclear Powers France and was one of the main Laws of the 25nation Geneva committee once a world disarmament conference is convened All the nuclear Powers would be involved in negotiations Godber said the conference would Dis cuss the Broad issues and then Delegate the detailed work to a Small body which might super sede the Geneva committee in added he admitted that present prospects Tor disbarment talks involving All the nuclear pow ers were not very but Aid Britain was willing to con Niue backstage discussions on he soviet proposal Beach a Homer Lloyd of Chicago and Claude farm prices of live cattle Al though slightly higher recently Guy joined the Woeklk Plains Ark f win of 57th St were to be Ovd of Jakarta Indonesia i Are still about per head be survivors include six sons a be Ford Daniel Lee of re 7 in Sanders me with the Rev 192 As associate editor the editor Jarvis Ray Lee both of was to the incur s f h in Plains journal had Lee and Robert Shock Cem Terv late in 1923 the Cotil acc of Phoenix Goodwin 70 was dead on a iwo Brothers Clarence and Pledger Lloyd both of Bir Mingl Ham one sister mrs Lillian Lollar of Seattle 10 grandchildren and four great grandchildren Security guard shot to de Atli printing Plant was located a daughter mrs 10th Street and Texas of Lubbock three Highland Hospital after Tiffer Homo Stephens of Manino i where Cwi porters is now Stuib rotifers Joe Stephens a led while the plan was Hein Midor Marvin Stephens of Tulia built and equipped Guy mad Jand Earl Stephens of Plain weekly trips to Amarillo 2fi grandchildren and the paper was printed on Conj Iree Garcal grandchildren Trad the first Plains edition published in the Lubi Bock Plant was in r o i 1924 rites saturday formed Partum lip 11 i Dorrance Roderick who at ror mrs lady head the time ran the Plains Jour Nal business office and who is currently chief executive officer of the Elpaso times and bought the Plains journal services for mrs Josephine Cadenhead 96 of 3301 27th ing an apparent heart attack he came to Lubbock in 1927 services Are pending Al res funeral Houston Topi an of duty policeman moonlighting As Aila voc Kirby Lutes Par time Security funeral set monday for Dunivan infant four persons plead guilty instructor Pilot for october at Reese selected the 54th flying training qua Ciron has named capt Hen y e Cecci As the october in tractor Pilot of the month in selecting capt Cecci for Lis Honor it col William 0 talker Squadron commander Tecl the outstanding perform nce and significant contrib ions that capt Cecci has made during his tour Here As an in Truckor Pilot a member of b flight the four persons pleaded guilt Captain has served As an in this morning in Misdemeanour cases in county courts in county Courta Law no 2 of Judee Denzil severs Alton r Brown 28 Lorenzo and Raul Luna 21 it 6 Lubbock were each assessed and Struc Tor Pilot for three his flight commander capt James r Dawdy commended capt cd acis performance is an instructor Pilot and a Leader within the flight he has red each class through the difficult costs and seven Days in jail phases of the flying training probated for eight months both were charged with Dpi in county Courta Law no 1 of judge Edwin h Boedeker Edward l Ellis 26 sol also charged with Dpi program to is exceptionally Good with below average Stu capt Cecci has served in every capacity within the flight from navigation officer to was assessed and costs and emergency procedures officer Janet Greene 4905 Goth scheduling officer in Adeli shoplifting s25 and three Days Tion to these duties the Captain n jail probated for six months is a senior runway supervisory Hipolito d o m i n k u e 7 33 unt controller As Well As an f r in minium v 1u i us u e Gullli Uller a i us to Truini Smyer pleaded innocent of airs checkout instructor and mrs Cert Dunivan Ord i Chart and was placed in cai1 a cd is a 196s Cradle rat 917 of West Virginia University i 2217 68th will be monday in re shaven memorial Park Ted Carruth minister of Pioneer Park Church of Christ will officiate with rest Tiven Singleton Wilson funeral Home in charge of arrangements the infant died at birth at wednesday in St Mary of the Plains Hospital survivors other than the parents include a sister Leah Richelle and a brother Michael Richard Bryan Dies in wreck services for Richard Wayne Bryan 18 of 190g 4th St Are pending Al Sanders funeral Home Bryan was killed in an Auto Accident tour slav in Eden s graduate in Morgantown there he earner a Bachelor of science degree n electrical Encin Crins the Carold native of Yukon a is married to the former Sapinsky and they have two children Xor Ami estimated new in conventional deposits in the a resident of Lubbock eight United states is estimated at Shawn both of the Home an dyers Bryan was a student million ions of uranium of grandparents or and mrs j Itri Nily University in san Antone of which tons Are c eager or of 2007 17th St Nio he graduated from Lub identifiable and recoverable and mrs Marie Dunivan of High school in 1972 and a sprig my a Little giant food store on South University when he re tired in june survivors include his wife two daughters mrs Elizabeth Day of it 5 Lubbock and mrs Marilyn Clark of mule shoe a brother Roy Goodwin of Eugene three Sisters mrs Eva Lee Boyd of 1716 39tii v mrs lera san and mrs Vera died about 2 p m in St Mary Hospital t c Imp conducted at 2 of Phoenix and five nip of 1924 sum1dav in Ford memorial Chapel grandchildren the two formed a later Parton first Church Lindsay Pership with 1 imn say then publisher of the Amarillo u o daily news and Post and Church with the Rev j Houston Harte of the san Standard and burial will be m Hanks of the Abilene report services set today Henry Hopson first Renews this was the joint venture of Harte Hanks Starling a hns now grown nationwide newspaper opera Tion Tivo papers combined Guy became editor of the Lubbock evening and sunday journal which began publication As a daily in september 1925 to continued As editor of the Der direction of Arestha Vinsin Hilry funeral Home former Lubbock Harte resident who died monday will partnership conducted at 3 p m today in funeral Home in Kos county she was in Uvalde county mrs Cadenhead was the daughter of or and mrs j w Brownfield and the wife of the late p w Cadenhead Active Pioneer rancher survivors include her Daugh Ter mrs Ethel Christian of Lubbock Avalanche journal 27th a son John w Catlen when in september 112r the Chad of Meadow two Sisters journal purchased the older mrs Ida Rush of Elpaso and morning Avalanche Guy be mrs Linnie Morrison of Globe came of four grandchildren and Lubbock great grandchildren math Falls Ore burial will he in eternal Hills cemetery there survivors include his wife two sons Henry h Hudson of Berlin and James Ray Hudson of Corvallis Ore three daughters mrs Henrietta Taylor of Klamath Falls mrs Lena Lou styles of it 7 lib Bock and mrs Lula Mae Sills of 531s 32nd 15 grandchildren and 11 great grandchild Dren Maedgen serious after surgery Charles e Maedgen or of 1009 Mesa Road was described in serious condition Here today Maedgen chief executive offi cer and chairman of the executive committee of Lubbock National Bank underwent cranial surgery at methodist Hospital thursday morning he has Long Leen among the Active civic leaders of Lubbock saturday rites set for mrs Alley 84 mrs Bertha Alley 84 of Gor Don died about 1 thursday in St Mary of the Plains Hospi Tal after several months of ill Ness services will be at saturday in the first United methodist Church in Gordon with burial in Gordon cemetery under direction of Edwards funeral Home in Strawn Sanders funeral Home handled local arrangements native of Oklahoma mrs Alley was a resident of Gordon 70 years and came to Lubbock in May to live with her Nephew Jack t Boles of 2311 29th St guard was shot three times and killed late thursday night As he stepped outside of the bar where he worked patrolman Jerry Leon spin ii 29 a three year Force Veteran had reported to duty Only min utes before the shooting set Here saturday Lave me h Kirby go of 29th St was dead on arrival shortly before noon thursday at methodist Hospital services will be at 10 saturday in first Church with the Rev Charles was a member of the first Baptist Church survivors include his mrs Oleta Bryan his father d w Bryan of Long and his grandmother mrs Bonnie Stanford of Lub Bock i Nash ambulance service sin inc if in Terr we St per Tom she ii Imor inti for Surv act k n if a Colin Ulm Rall Lionis units Calt 7472717 witnesses said Spruill stepped Taylor officiating Buri outside the Silver Dollar restau rant and bar and several moments later they heard shots Spruill was found lying in a vacant lot next to the restaurant one of the witnesses George Crossley 29 gave Spruill Mouth to Mould resuscitation he said Spruill was breathing when he was loaded into the ambulance officers said he was dead on arrival at a Hospital he was reportedly shot in the Chest with a 38caiber pistol witnesses said two men ran rom the scene immediately after the shots were fired offic ers said one of them fled in an old pickup truck the manager of the Silver Dollar said thursday was Spur is first nigh As a guard the officer is survived by his widow Marcia police said no suspects have Jeen arrested Al will be at re shaven men Ial Park under direction of san Ders funeral Home an architect in Lubbock 10 years Kirby was past president of the Texas Panhandle chapter of the american Institute of architects he moved to Lubbock from Sherman survivors include his wife a son l h Kirby or of hous ton a laughter mrs de Dean of Monroe a sister Kar Lene Kirby of Gustl Mesa cil and three peaceful gardens memorial Park a perpetual care cemetery not All cemeteries Are the same different prices attitudes service management regulations and maintenance the minutes spent to investigate May save hours of regrets phone 8632241 or drive Miles South of City limits on 87 Woodrow exit r according to Indian legend he Amazon River was formed when the Moon wept because she could not marry the Sun Lubbock Monument works authorized for Georgia Bronze and Granite til Bill Linn Call for finest Flowers friendliest service Cut serving Lubbock a Floral needs since 1939 greenhouses hours 8 of Mon thru Sot 4425 Brownfield Hwy 7993695
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