Crime-May-09-1918-3758338 | NewspaperArchive

■ For .the third time In leas tlmn bH He was then tossed in* it waitingV-v. : ^ v i: v / \ U i auto and whislted Out, of the cityiveefcs Ashland mob last night tar« . ■ - Ttile mob accompanying;in autos, in afed and feathered A «Htzen of Germanlatesf Vfyictlni is WilliamsVfttl •( •fcV itlonely spot in thfe country lws Clothing wad stripped from him and hoi tarI^haralnt# 62-hyears, old, who was | geared oyer his body. Only his,.ftrne r ,. •___nihhed.dtltoousted as--';inc6me assesdr' twomonths ago, bftan charges of pro*Gei• * r, / '* • * * J . ^ . *. *k ! * * . .* ^ *mahl$iii[ had •been: made against; .him. Landrint was seized / oar his way i ho^e to supj^r when a mobpi about h surrounded s Itfti*.. ^ One toto-■|-4D^-of Mandcufls outp;,his^stsi-escaped. Feathers were rubbeft dfttothe* soft tiftrC ■; Afterte^tlto;';to^ departedto ftna hia way hNoarrests have been tnade though officers-are seeking leaders of the:.. -r^V ......mob. ' TV ’