St Louis Globe Democrat Archives, Aug 15, 1945, p. 1
- ️Wed Aug 15 1945
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St Louis Globe-Democrat (Newspaper) - August 15, 1945, St Louis, Missouri Vol. 71-no. 88-part one St. Louis wed Day i morning August iri0ctioxs--2u panes. Til pee cents War ends Japan accepts Gen. Mac Arthur to give orders to emperor the note of surrender Washington aug. 14 a the text of the japanese gov emment s message accepting Suriender terms As made Public by the White House tonight follows communication of the japanese government of aug. 14, 1945, addressed to the governments of the United states great Britain the soviet Union and China " with reference to the japanese gov emment s note of aug. 10 regarding their acceptance of the provisions of the Potsdam declaration and the reply of the governments of the United states great Britain the soviet Union and China sent by american Secretary of state Byrnes under the Date of aug. 11, the japanese government has the Honor to communicate to the governments of the four Powers As follows "1. His majesty the emperor has issued an Imperial Prescript regarding Japan s acceptance of the provisions of the Potsdam declaration. 2. His majesty the emperor is prepared to authorize and insure the signature by his government and the Imperial general Headquarters of necessary terms for carrying out the provisions of the Potsdam Declara Tion. His majesty is also prepared to Issue his commands to All the military naval and air authorities of Japan and All the forces under their control wherever located to cease Active operations to surrender arms and to Issue such other orders As May be required by the supreme commander of the Allied forces for the execution of the above mentioned Washington aug. 14 a Iapani surrendered unconditionally tonight. History s most destructive War is Over except for formalities. President Truman released the stirring news at 6 p. M., St. Louis time. Arrangements still must be completed for the signing of formal surrender terms. Gen. Douglas Macarthur has been appointed supreme Allied commander to receive the surrender. Then a i Day win be proclaimed. Meantime the president announced the Allied armed forces have been ordered to suspend Ohen Sive still Champion and while tiie world celebrated with Latr twined he ordered a japanese nov of Ament which once had promised to dictate peace terms in the White House to Stop the War on All fronts. Through Secretary of state Byrnes and the Swiss legation or. Truman did the dictating. He decreed that the japanese government direct prompt cessation of hostilities by japanese forces. Notify Macarthur of the effective Date and hour of cessation and Send emissaries to the general to arrange formal sur Render. In addition he announced plans for slashing army draft Calls from 80,000 to 50,000 a month and forecast the return of 5,000,000 to 5,500,000 soldiers to civilian life within 12 or 18 months. As the news became known hundreds of washingtonians raced to the White House to join hundreds already massed around the grounds. Or. Truman accompanied by mrs. Truman walled out on the porch and stepped up to a hastily erected microphone. To waved and smiled and Spolito briefly. For millions of americans for hundreds of millions of Allied people his surrender announcement signified Victory peace and the eventual return of loved ones from War. To millions who sleep beneath Stark White crosses it meant their sacrifices had not been in vain. For Japan As for already vanquished Germany it meant the end of Savage Conquest and aggression dismemberment of an Empire won by blood spilling disarmament and occupation. Those were the terms of the Allied declaration of Potsdam decreeing unconditional surrender to which Japan acceded. Once the japanese sphere had stretched from Attu to timor and Java and India. Once Japan kept half a billion people enslaved under Iron Rule and threatened to enfold another half billion. Terrific Cost to Japan now she is Defeated without invasion but at a terrific Cost. For the United states the Price of Victory in world War ii was More than 1,000,000 casualties an expenditure of some $300,000,-000,000. Or. Truman read the formal statement relayed from emperor Hirohito through the Swiss government in which the japanese ruler pledged tha surrender on the terms Laid Down by the big three conference at Potsdam. The president made the historic announcement to a huge crowd of reporters who had been virtually living in the White House for Days in anticipation of just such a development. Smiling and surrounded by his staff the president told the press that the japanese had decided to accept unconditional surrender and mentioned that the reporters would not have to take any notes. Or Truman said prepared statements would be available they left and three were issued one detailing Macarthur s appoint ment and containing the japanese note a second disclosing the immediate cutbacks in the draft and the third in which or. Truman congratulated one of the hardest a working groups of War workers the Federal employees who were on the Job for the past four years. Entitled to Holiday the president said they were entitled to a Holiday tomorrow and thursday with pay and Only Skeleton forces should be maintained. Literally beaming with pleasure close associates of the president around his desk when the announcement was made included Admiral of the flies William d. I Leahy personal chief of staff Truman s announcement my Sam tots. Aug. M., a. Zap Enersto the army Doc Las a. Macarthur who told he filipinos i will Olurin and 1iil it no signed tool Lii to a ovoid the enemy he Wilip Jird on tho Dinul Back. President ninian s Nunno Cinco mint specs i Lily it ii Obird inc Arthur Only for the to accept for Miil. still the Complete Soldier to never leaves the role of commander and Lender. Call him arrogant and theal Ricl. Hut the Best qualified a to to Irviv judges in the american armed. .rx.r��,. 1forces have raised him As a Gen i Ndon aug. 16 \\e.ln.s.ln, to Sorn logy. And his officers a a Reuters dispel l f arc fiercely Loyal. Paris said today hat Mars Lible he knows tho japanese and by Petain had been con Vidd an i All accounts they respect and fear sentenced to death. Him. The general started learn Jling Paris aug 14 a tho labour tho japanese shortly after of marshal Henri Philippe i Timi his graduation from West Point was placed in the of i i l when he served a Brief tour in Man jury tonight at 9 15 Nevlock that country. He has been finding after tho former Vichy Hoof of out More Ever since in the Philip state had declared emotionally pics around which islands his the threshold of death i swear i military career has entered that i have served the 89-year-old Rose in the prisoner s Dock for his ii uhf occupied Germany occupation too is an old Story. To Macarthur. After world War plea and afterwards the mid Ceil he served with the army of of Little courtroom echoed with applause until the Ermini in had president of the court quieted the demonstration and ordered the jury to begin deliberations. The jury s verdict on whether Petain is guilty of a 1 o 111 n k against tho internal safety of France As Well As the Senenec if he is found guilty a ill be announced simultaneously threat quoted just before the Fate of the s9-year-old Petain was to so to the jury the name of his wife entered the Payen chief Ron Sci for Petain in his Appeal to the jurors quoted Petain s wife is saying the germans Lead i i at ened to Deport French children if Pierre Laval was not Hrosik it Back into the Petain government. Typical of the marshals pose to the germans Payen said the incident in which the Marsha had protested to the allies at inst the invasion of North Africa. Judges to vote when a Pinckney tuck. Am can charge d affaires at Miny. Brought Petain a letter from 1 resident Roosevelt saying t f Sion was not intended for Conquest Petain patted Nicus shoulder while Reading of in Call the time and hum Mimi i be Marseillaise Payen fior Lared earlier Payen had told the j i drs that Petain had tended that the death Seni enee in absent a passed by a French will be called or. Truman added. His recommendation was that Sel Collve service reduce inductions immediately from 80,000 a month to 50,000. Soft Clito service director Lewis b. Hershey following or. Truman s Inspru Elfons tonight telegraphed All state directors ordering them to Stop at once the induction of All registrants 26 years of age or older. Occupy i Ion forces it is too Early to propose a definite figure for the occupation forces which will be required in the Pacific 12 months from now or what reduction it May be possible to make in the strength of the army Force now allotted to occupation duties in Europe the president said in a statement it is apparent however that we can release As Many men As can he brought Home by the Means available during the next army releases will be seeded by air and sea transportation in an Effort to attain that 6,000,000 to 5.500,000 figure he said or. Truman said that in Justice to millions of men who have Given Long and faithful service under tho difficult and hazardous conditions of the Pacific War and elsewhere overseas a constant flow of replacements to the occupational continued on Page 3a i
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