Welsh Newspapers
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each most pe to iosert any thj|)g tQ jnojt competent,aB would he mo .««»••
► BIRTHS. V „„ .he 20tb Marcb, the ladv or t c°"°" °< bigh, Esq of a.8 6th iDst. at CarrCglleoi, npar Re" w"" A"">' *■»- I MARRIAG ES. rr„«sday last, ot Llanrug:, in_this county-by th. Re» James WHIiann. B;D- Ro*la»ii Btu, J f On Thursday, the Rev. J. Hdhe8, Cura. _On Tuesdt»y^ pe(,s0n, artist, to Catherine,; ggj tisZ* of Mr. Roberts, Post Offi^ of the game Town* 6 DEATHS. On the 28tb »!*•' at -Plas'tanyraW, near Pwll- t Ke«i David Esq- lafe of Saethon, in On Thursday, »Sed „59' much respected, Mr. Robyns, many »» Customs, «' » .i,« Pnrt t>f Carnarvon. °Suddenfy, at Bn'hi M'ss Williams, eldest sis- ,t 0f Sir J»h0 Williams, Bart, of B<*4le.wyddan, F,OoSsituWay week, Richard Jones, Esq. 0f lhe 1^1 near B.U.-n the 77!h year of hia age. 20th yW of bis ,age, Mr,. 8ecoo«» WMI of Mr. Francis Jones, ot tha If AffFOUT SVDOBN i- JnTo ^ears of age, P. flaeh Pagh, of Rhyd y Qamedd, near Towyn, M Merionethshire, who almost lhe apparently f0II f ojoyment of health, great grief of all tier atquaimances, | On MondSy, G H D PcoBanN E'Q' M'P* ,a"d
■)' family. W» Ilaejr Seaf, Penrhyn C»nlr. 's C/ity» f°r their residence, in Portia"" i At the fair for this Cily, on Saturday last, the sbf w of cattle was rather considerable, but t e J nriceS much lower—cows in calf were also low, f a*ei'a'je about a £ 6 Ids.—Clover seed 6<i per lb. x. The ship Esvher, of Hull, G. G Rosaodale, 'J* mas'*1* rr°m P,>rt P^nrhyn to B ston. w|tl1 > gia'es' 8f runS a leak, and was obliged to put into- Ijverpool. '.f A new heautifal packet, the Druid, was launch- ii »d 00 last from the ?)oiloing yard of f j^s«r». Clark and.- Sfickstn, Liverpool; she is 4 lltie.id«d loi the ^ortl, Wales s(a(ion with the ■'1 t-nivW* The tai«»r v.-sseI,arrived f?fi8Utnar\s onWedoesday before twoo'clock^ I I'jj^ Bhortesl passage ever maiJe. ir I the First, done i|ith a pe0, the lines of |0 a (egiUte b^odi» v-.
I' CELEBRATION 4 Of the coming of Age of the Right Hon. Lord Newborough. AFTEA a mioorityofnearly seventeen years, this amiable yonntr Nobleman attained his majo- rity on, lhticsday 14%. Ranking as he undoubt- edly does io the first cttA&i of janded proprietors in this countyj theie not being a single hundred in which some portion of his extensive property is not situate—our leaders will be much gratified to learn, that the county throughout, from the extreme points of tlynn and Kvionedd, to the shores of the Couway evinced their attachment and joy to the Old Honse of Glynllifon^ in every form of rejoicing, in Jubilee, and in kladness. To attempt to lay before our readers, in the nar- row limits of a newspaper, the whole particalars occurrina; at each mansion and town is iinppssl- 1 bie. The Charitable rauoificeoce manifested by his Lordship ou the event, is we believe without a parallel. We commence our statement at Glynltifdn, his' Lordship's seat in this county, where every ar- rangement had been made, to celebrate the auspi- cious day on the largest scale of festive hospita- lity. The Park-mates were thrown open earlx in the day, an^l the firing of 21 gùns, was the signal of invitation to the peasantry of the surroundin^ coontry, to repair to the Mansion, and ptiriake of the unsparing bflunty of their young Lord.— Two large fat oxeu, 8 years old, 'dnd weitfhip# upwards of 200 cwt. a quarter, were distributed among the poor* and an overflowing allowance of ewrte da. A bountiful dinner," &c. vrns' provided at an early hour, for the tenantry generally, of which a large number partook. After which, sa select parly of his Lordship's principal i^aaitts xi-id friends, sat down to a sumptuous repast, in the large front Hall, where the best of wines were freely circulated, and the table spread í t II every rarity the season would afford— Htfgh Rowlands, Esq. his Lordship's Ageut, presid —Tbe usual toasts were drank, and io the usual manner, with the exception of that of the noble owner, when the enthusiastic bursts of huzzas shook rhe venerable old miansion to its foundation. During the entertainment some ari propriate verses were recited, written in lhe Welsh Language, by Mr. B. Jooes, and the Rev. Mr. Williams gave an English translation, both of which webav.eingerted.-A Ball ionkplace in the Evening:, which was numerously and respect- gbiy, ai tended.- Ahoitt -[O()o psrsons in all par- took here of his-Lordship's bounty', ifnishing up. wards of tweuiy barrels of good old stingo, brewed for the occasion. And here we cannot ctose tbi^'account without bearing testimony to the zeal and ability w-irii which the »'iut-door department was arranged by his Lordship's Agent, H. Rowlands, Eq. and in-doors by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas.
The supply of CH.-i->, desrnption, at Worcester fair, on Saturday, was 14rae, but 'he sale wa's'tat'. her ff-it, there being very few pur chasers. ficef aol Mutton >fivim 5d. to 5^d — Many sheep remained unsold, CoMS wHh calves rather Good horses sold well, THE RICST OP,PROL.ICS.rhe pr(,fl;ate Drke of Wharton being one day in coaapsoy witb Swifi recounted several exlravagaoeies he had ron through; Swift kindly observed to bim. You have had your Irofics, my lord, let rtie recom- mend one more to you; take a frolic 10 be vir tuous take nit word for it, that one will do you more honour, than all, -the other frolics of your whole life," Wm. Lewis, Esq of Llyspewydd, Cardigan- shire, bas made an abatement in the rent to his tenants of the Llaollear estate, in tha! county, of from 40 to 50 per cent. The above namecfgeu tIeulaAi, bms also ordered his agent to distribute the ssm of X rO among the poor of the parishes of Llaufihaiigel Ysfrad aod Trefiiao, CLERICAL lZrpn.oov,r-A.t. the -Leicegter Ai sizes, the Rev. Richard Jiaw^g, being examioed as a witness., spoke its so low a tone of voice as to be inaudible o,ii !he Beach Mr. Justice, Park—Pray speak up, Sir. tam quite-surprised that you don't opeuk vi). This very day, a< ciMirch, you spoke in so low a toue of voice that i-caald not hear one woid from yon, near ?s 1,was to you (a lau$h.) In am quite serious,' The Clergyman that doeÍiMI speak up is good for notions. StRtNG A SO VEATE.—The former left Mr. Hancock's, file 8t James's street, on Tues day, for Brighton, in training. He will return to his old training place at Reigate in a fort- night- Neate has turned performer on the boards of the Bath Theatre, to spar with a maji named Sahty, In Torn and Jeny, at a liberal salary.— Sortie dislike this sort of training. To PRESERVS FRWITI AND FTowEns.-Mix liti of nitre "ilhlIl¡¡ of bole ammoniac and 3 ihs of clean common sand; then, in dry weathe;, take fruit of any sort, which is not fully ripe, allSwing the stalks to remain, and put them one by t>ne,into an open glass till it is quite full- cover the'glass with oil clotb closely tied dawn. Put ihe glass 3 or 4 inches down in Litie ear.ob, it) a dry cellar, and surround it on all sides to the depth of 3 or 4 inches with the above mixture — The fruit will thus be preserved quite fresh all. ttie year round. MARRi Ac. 138.—By tho 4th Geo. IV. c. 17, it is enacted, that from end after the 2611) March, 1893, all Licences shall be granted by the same persons, and in the same manner and form, and in the case of Miwr§tteilh the sameCOtlsent, and banns published in the Same manner and form, as licences and,banns weiie-respectively regulated by hie provisions of the 2(iih Geo. II, c. 33 — By hie provisions of the 2(iih Geo. II, c. 33 — By this itcf, therefore, which has received the Royat Assent, the manner of granting licences, is restor- ed as it was under the old Marriage Act, in eve- ry respect. The powec of Peculiars to grant Li. cences is also restored. I!J C
I'll HI %■ Carnarvonshire and Anglesey DISPENSARY. DONATION; -t5O The Riefet Hon. Lo,d Newb.orough. 0 0 Colonel P eacock (in addition to his, t. I 0 present annual subscription. 5 TO BE LET, -,■■■ 4nd entered upon immediately, A Lt that well established WATER CORN j\ GRIST MILL, called or known by the name of Felio bach, otherwise PeTfeddgoed Mill, si- tuate within about one, mile. of this city. and late in fhe tenure or occupation of Mr, Humphrey Williams, as Tenant from year to year. for particulars, apply to Messrs ROBERTS -and HUGHES, Solicitors, Bangor. < 1823. c r TO COVER THIS SEASON, AT ONE POUND PER MAEE, (GROOM'S FEE INCLUDED) OTHM A Remarkable fine jet black horse, *f?hput any white, five years old, fifteen hands three inches high sound, and free from blemish, with fiae action, likely to get good banters and coach horses. Got by Madryn/which was got by Orange- flowjer, out of a Druggist mare.—OTIIKLLO'S J)aw« was Totteridgej Grand.am Melissa, out of a Sir Peter mare. frf- Will attend Lladercbymedd and Lrangetm Markets, and occasionally at Beaumaris, and Oiher parts of Anglesey. Traethmawr Embankment. I THE Undersigned, the Commissioner ap- « pointed by a<i Act of Parliament, passed in tbe I st and 2d yean. of the reign of King George the Fourth, intituled, An Act to alter of arnend •' an. Act of his late Majesty's reign, intituled an «« jict to enable his Majesty to vest the said Lands U of Traethmawr, dividing the counties oj Carnar- von a,id Merioneth, in fft/liatit Alerander ftia- "docks, Esq. and for building quays and other *4 works, for the purpose of facilitating the land- 66 loading, and unloading of ships and vessels, •• frequenting the harbour of Port Madoc, in the said county of Carnarvon Do hereby give Notice, That a Meeting will be held at the Madosk Arm? in Tremadoc, in the county of Carnarvon, on Tuesday, the 22d day of April instant, at {he hour of eleven o'c[L)ck in the forenoon, for the purpose of reading over my award, made under the authority of the said Acts, or one of them, previously to my then executing two parts thereof. Bated thia 2d day of April, 1823. JOHN MATTHEWS pen Yllont, n<Lou; Móld
A WI) L GO RO III A N DYFODIAD 4KGLWYD NEIVliOROUGLl, 4KGLWYD NEIVliOROUGLl, ,c O'R GI-VN LLIFON, I'W OEO Ebricx 3, 1823. Pur yw ei glod Por y Glyn." CANWN oil accenioii '<' awr, Dall anwy) enaid llonwavrr, Dirglod Atglwydd. Dan rbod yo rhwydd, Sain ebrwydd *syn y wybren, i Gyda gwyrtd y goedwig h^n^ i v;' 'J Dfwy osifg boed ar esiyn, H' Wir glon i'r Glyn, F. gefir ytv ein igif,,kel ] Uectdy w'n ei oed wiwddvo hael 5 Hepil haptis, Dewr hil di rus, Daipnus waed y Wyniald, Grawn di us. goroo cl Diodid a'i Dad Wedv'n, Wr glwys o'J Glyn. Nl'whro' øydd mewobria 8,do, felewn gwirfawl Mon ac Arfon, MawrjantMeirion, A thant a thon, Prif feirddion, pa'r fwy urddas, Canits(i ron'.ia Cuti ai dras. j Etholir cerdd a thelyn, ] Hir glod i'r Glyn. Pan derfydd penau dirfawr, j 'Caerau 'j wlad IJanceir ¡law" A maen myuor, Gof-faeo gyfor, l'p goror yo ddigariad, Gofeu stor, gwna ^wyr ei stad, Gof-adail gyfa wedy'o, O glod i'r Glyn. „ K f Noddwr yw, dan nawdd yr ton, Trugarog ai rai gwirtoo j i Benna bonedd, Y Mab a'i oiedd, > O duedd mwyo wraodawiad, Yn torri gwjedd at dair gwlad Hir yfed heb warafyn, Aer glan o'r Glyn. yfwn yn llwyr fewn ein llwngr, 5Cair floedd rhowo gyda 'r (raS^agcs tiolf-fyd gaffo Trwy'r byd tra no, s Rhawg Iwyddo ei Arglwyddiaeth, Na foed go'bylh am fyd gwaetb j A gweled Aer i'w gatjn, Drwy glod i'r Glyn. Del adsain ein dyledswydd, Addas ynfoddus i'w wydd Deau y (leI; A chao uellel J I'w afel sy mor ddifai, A mwynaidd, (el mie'ti ddi flii t + Gwech oes fo' heddyw 'o gychwyn, 0 glod i'r Glyn. P. A.MON. t SjQft'r. -t Fem of Gwych. Translation of an Ode on the Birth-day o p oj Lord Newborough, Jtprd? 3, 1823. BY Tng AU-THOR. Now let us siag wish accent rais'd, With joyful soul posses', ToNewborough's fame, and tune amaz'd The fircnameot to rest; The forest trees obedit-nt throng, <7 celebrate the Giynn with song. TMs^is the Jong desired .lay, piTa8' 1 *s °f age, Y2 U °f the Wynns, all gay, V CSood, vahant, happy, ,a,e, An honor io his noble sires, J Tbei pride of Glynn with joy appears. NeMwough's the subject of our lay, From this to Mona's bounds, Chief I)ards i,lid minsirels tribute pay, To hun and his around, Selected Ode and harper's string Shall long proclaim the fame of Glynn. When mighty orbs in darkness set, And lofty towers fall, And monuments; of marble get To be neglected all, Besi, mooument this side the grave, is tenants' hearts Newborough will have. sucer)urs under 0 He is our God, Merciful to the poor, A tender heart of noblest blood, With bounteous open door, L g may we drink thi unsparing c-ups on The heir of Glynn while we stand uf>. Now to the bottom drink this toast, With th(irid'rinr, three times three, Longlifé to Newborough, Cambria's boast, Health and prosperity; Amen, and he for ever seen Alike an heir and Lord at Glyn. May this, our humble duty sbowtt, A due acceptance find It surely will, for Newb >rougU's kn»*a As noble 'as he's kind I. And may this day, art agi* begin, Of Glory, to the heir of Glyn -'I-t'-H" At Bodyean, anofher Mansion of hi,; Lordship's j similar rejoicings took; place, and a Urge parI y of G^nilemeii sat down to at) Robert Thomas Carreg, Eiq. in the-Chaff, i In short, at, Pwilheli, Clynnog, Nevin, &c Velry and feasiidg ^as the order of the day, and ill the Evening illuminations, firing of caotiois, rockets, &c. the latter of which bad a peculiar!) fine' effect from the village of Clynnog, being seen over a great part of the county, of Anglesey; i: indee<I, there W.is tarely a house in tile iex'teniivo idis'ricts of Llynn and Eviouedd, but te»t:Q^d their jjy upon the occasion. I At Carnrrvon, early in the day, a salute of 21 v guns was fired from the, Fort at Coed■ helen, the -of R. Thomas, E«q. which was re crhoed from the Battery oil lhe Town V\ al|i,thp Fort on the hill above the Hotel, and the field -pieces planted at tlie: Castle-gatcs,■■ Barrels of Ale were drank on the green-j1 aboiit £ 30 was dis trihated to the poor, a.nd I wo fat osen, similar to those before mentioned.— Being-the time of .the Great Sessions, the Grand Jury, and a large party of Gentlemen dined at the Hotel, in cele bratidu of the day-.the Rev. H. Joneli, Deputy Mayor, in the Chair, Vice, Rice Thocias, b^q.- upwards of SO dined also at the G;iat l<>». In the evening a large bonfire on the heights of Coed helen, Was the signal of as general an illu- mination as ever took place in the good old town of Carnarvon, The Of Newbo- rough, 00 the opposite shores of Anglesey, where his Lordship has considerable properly, appear- ed a blase of light. We have authenticated the followinZ..Iit),r.al donations of his Lordship, in consequence of this eventful (lay-501. to the A luH houses at Ll«n- dwroW, his, Lordship's resident ¡nrish-Sill, h) the National School at Carnarvon—ioi, to the district 'Society for Promoting Christian Know- |eage_231, to the Brittslv and t oreign Bible di'tio—SllZ. to the Dispensary at B*ngor-5(U. to di'tio—SllZ. to the Dispensary at Bangot-501. to the National School dilto, Mod 50t. to the Chart ty for SVidows and Orphans of Clergymen be sides money to a large amount to (he dia-t-rent in (he here hrs extensive proper IV i« -«itaated.-Ten-beaattfol-oxe^, f-om 7 to 8 years old. were in 'different all tear. ed for the occasion b., whose «,.t! in,own avavhrneiw and. devtMedoess •« the 'Hiiii'se »f Giynilifon,-are too well known ami ap. precated to rt-q«ue eulogifltn from us. A ,i RWiT.-Tli,e loiig-lookea. r!r ii,y ushered in by Jhe firing of camion, »1>nli summoned the neighhouriiij-t'atianiry ot the Abbey ,who immediately set to work to collect q»v terhlV tor the bonfire on -lhe !<>,» of «„ro( !c, OR the demesne.near Cadair I fan Goxh, wluch a bar': fel of pitch assisted ,ibllleev,eoin;IO Waze' and li^ht home along the valley uisnj a reeltos; vota- ry ol the jolly God. Abjnit Qi*e_o clock, u*. Teiffiiit^y to the Bilcaber of about oO ), «lu#n to as £ <n>d a dittaer of btef ever sirioafeed lfpon a table. Arrer whichlhe y all fctired to the Ball-rootv, where they Wffe re galed to their hearts content, with Cwrw, that was reallv (if«. When they were all collected to- gether, ifie-v stitod op with Mr. Owen, the re- spected lenunt of the nobie farm of 1,ch¡;lIt then head, and drank the (realm of their amiable and benevolent landlord, with as hearty and èn. t.ree times three, as was ever ivellhy eqo&t numbers 00 » similar occasion, and w.biAh w«» answered from the hill wit -I ^-uus then followed the healths of (he Hon. Mi. Wynne, "and Lady Newborough Sternberg, The Ie: lert to enjoy their pipe anil their pot, fredy indulging themselves 111 the pleasing hope that- this day was the commencetnent of a new a ray and better limes to themselves and their Another dinner was soon announced iietr 100 of the neighbourtng Freeholders and Gentry, at which the Rev- Mr. Nanney, of Del- nn»n», presided, assisted by Dr. Titley, of pen. toyo. at the foot of the table, which was covered with all the substantial good things wbich the season afforded. When the cloth was removed, aud the requisite preliminaries over, the health of the Noble Lord was drank, with an enthusiasm Iat could only emanate from hearts full of es teem, for a character of which all that Is known. of it bespeaks the generous, the charitable, the fr&ifk and (fie truly noble-minded Noblemen — To this again a salute of I guns was fired; 'flic ilou. Mr. Wynne was then drank with tbe best of wishes, and also that of Lady Newbo- rough Sternberg, Wr. Wynne Bellasyse, &e. &c., -several l)atr,iot ic t,),Igfs and sentiments enliven- ed was unremittingty kept up by the worthy Chairman, whose good humour and conviviality seemed upon the occasion to have-eveti surpassed its usual bounds, and shewed the, interest be felt in the welfare of Lord New- borough, and it)e pleasure he enjoyed in common, w¡fh: his guests, in promoting those feelings of attachment which animated every oae present.— Night hat now thrown her sable ctoak over the scene, when II pyramid of fire blazed from the Thidst of some thousands of spectators on the hill, where cart load of Cttirw strengthened their lungs for thejong and loud huzza which rent the air. From th<? garden of the mansion several sky-rockets were let off* and at au amaz- ing height burst into a number of bright and beautiful stais, lo (he terror of some, and the wouderiof all ihe assembled multitude. The an. cient abode of Monks and Abbots was all light1' wid)in. and in one of the front windows was ex. hibited 'a beautify )y illuminated Transparency, painted by ftt) eminent artist/representing at full lensth, the f^i>ble Lord and his Brother, arm in arai, pojtffing to and admiring a neat new built Farm house, with its appropriate offices, yards, troll haggard full of com stacks—and the Farmer busily employed in 'he work of the present sea- son, which may (with great propriety to his Lordship's tenants) be called the season of hope. The business of the day was conducted by Mr. Jones, the A^ent, and Elias, tenant of the Abbey, with all the care and attention they wereablelo bestow upon it, yet many reasons concurred to render it iwpossiblefor a vast Dum- ber to see their way home as plainly as they did in the woriliner t) come but it must be gratify iug to Lord Newborough to know, that bo on- pleasant aicMent has been beard to hve occurred, on the occasion. On Fridajsiand Saturday, many hundreds of the neighbouring poor had bread and I meat distributed to them.—The Town of Llan- rwst was partially illuminated. We have collected, the following accounts from Couway ami Denbigh: — CftivWAY. — At Conway, on Thursday the 3d. inst. the firing of guns and the ringing of bells, hailed the happy event of that truly amiahlêand benevolent young nobleman, Lord Newhorough's coming ol stge. -Aw a proof 01 d<iiani ci g",(,?I. his areat 6, Ci)I)SCtlalit to I)is de,ice, liad •sent two fine fat oxert to Couway, for tot? occa- ,s-ionrto be slaughtered and distributed amongst the poor. together with a handsome sum of mouey; his Lordship had also taken care thit Do olit, should find it difiicuH to regale himself with plenty of gorvd 0111 ale, which flawed in the greatest abuodattre at the Harp Inn. At i>i?,h;, •be whole town was illuatioated, and the reflec- tion from the bonifres on her aged walls and towers, created in the contemplative mind tbe most sublime ideas. The public demonstration of joy was certainly too great to be described it is sufficient to say, that e^ery eye spa'kled, and every tongue prononnced a blessing. In the -.evening, a party of-frieridi met. althe Harp, where the-foltiiwing fmst were proposed, and drank with Instv cbei>r« — Lone live Lord Newb^rousrh, 9 Under heaven's protttlic^ i ,f: G¡afle in manners. Vigorous in action. The. TI<»n. Spencer liutktey Wynn—the L'ldy Newb<>rpagb—fu; Lord l.ieu(ei)a-it of lhe Qoun. ty-Mrs. W-iliiains, Tei gwirih.-—- Sir Di'virl I'.rskine — Major Burrows— Mrs,. Frances Mos- tyn, and several Other ladies and gentlem.eu of the neighbourhood were also given DGNBUJ#.— On the morning of Thursday, the 311 inst- the hells first announced 'he happy event which the subsequent part of the day was to ce- lehraie, aod as the dinner hour approached, the tenantry of (lis l.ordsliip began to colieci at the ] Back row tiii, kel)t by Nit-. where 11mple preparation bad been made for (heir reception; I at the hour of three o'clock the whole had as sembled, and val down to a most abundant and excellent dinner, provided at his Lordship's ex- pence; an overflow of the native beverage, civrw. il) the highest perfection, followed in succession; nothing, in facts was omitted, which could-impart comfort and abutv(iAnc&at?,t nothing* cOfHe: queotly, could exceed the joy end happioess which ir»r the whole evening appeared 10 pervade this feslinql\clure ofsiibsiaiiTiai. enjoymeni. In token I of personal respect for his Lordship's character, and (tie dignified station in life, which be was now so weli qualified to fill, many of the respect- able gentlemen of the town repaired to this hap- py scene of festivity during the evening, and also partook of drinking the health of the young No- blcman, in the beveraffe of their native country 5 aiuong these we reii)iirketi-itic Rector of Den- high, the Vicar of Llanrh.iidr, John Hushes,Esq, rh I F' Alderman of the Borough$IMward Jones, 11. P. Ciough, R. L. Williams, H.Lloyd, and Tbos Lodge, Esqrs. &c, «nd amongst those who distinzuisbed themselves most, in promotiog the festivity, of this happy occasion, was the Rev, Mr. "VV'ilU&ress, Vicar of Llanrhaidr, who em. and happii ess ataorrgthe younger branches in his own tveighbourhoodv by pro»M.-Vr a a excelleut dinner r '.1
Ca;narVonsblfet reat Sessions, Jamis Williams for Stwe.) stealing, and Henry Jonesfllr stealing from the Jane Owen, of Roe, who was murdered in Oe- cember last, X-38 in silver, and b<her aricles. The prisoners being found Guilty as stated in our last, were brought iiHn a very cMJwdeii Friday, to receive the awful sentence of the Jaw. Judgs lyENRicK in a most feeling and impres- sive speeco to the prisoners upon their most me t ion, passed sentence of Death up- on cacbk without holding 0111 any prospect of mi- tigation oj ifteir dreadful sentence—bojb appear- ed much aff-,i ted. liit t)n S iturday moi-niiigi the Judse sent the Deputy Sheriff a reprieve for Ja«\es Williams having Henry Jones to un- dergo tjw senieiHte for his crime, committed un. der the piost appalling circumstances, on Friday, the '23'h instant. Richard Davies was convicted on the clearest evidence* for stealing a watch and a one liound- note, years,'rainporfatioo. Iti (he case of Susan Hughes, for perjury, be- fore the Court broke up on Tuesday, the Judges earnestly recommended the Plaintiff to accept of an apology, observing to the Counsel for the prosecution* the uncertain issues of trials for that crime, aod thatm case of acquittal, the situation of the Plainiitf would be very unfortunate in deed. This recommendation, it would appear,was so far acted upon, that covenants were, entered into between the parties, but that instead of an apology, she should appear in Court, and upon pleading Guilty, should not be called up for judgmetit-whicti she did the following day. It is here but an act of justice to tbe plaintiff, to derlare that his character is now as spotless and his reputariou as unhlemished, as it. was he. fore this most foul and false charge was uiade against him. ANNIIIONVLAND4 fJ. RICHARD 1YTIIA L,— Plea withdrawn upon terms. JOTL.V JONES v. GRIFFITH HUGHES, A WD JAMES WILLIAMS, FOR DEBT. Upon the Atlorney General opening the Plain- tiff's case, the Chief Justice observed that it was j impossible for him to support his client's case- when the Plaintiff was non suited. Mr. William Jones, Attorney for PlAintiff- Mr. Robert Williams, for Jafne; Wiiliatl)s-an(i Mr. Richard -.Williams, for Griffith Hughes. ROBERT ROBERTS, ESQ. AS TREASURER OF THE DUES IN HARBOUR OF CAMKARVON, v. WILLIAM i E>Vf« AKB ROIBEBT EVANS, This was an Action upon an agreement for. building a Break water at Purthy Ffynnon, by Llanddwyn, wtithin tbe Port of Carnarvon, and a Bond for the perfQfroanceof 8ucherection, anJ to Ireel) lhe Break-water in for three years, which Break-water was oestroyed by high tides, before the expiration of three years. Several Engineers and workmen, were examined on both sides, who by no means agreed as to the cause of the Break-water being destroyed. The Chief JustfOe,, after strongly recommend- ing a reference to the parlies, (but the real plaintiff's being the Trustees of the Harbour, could not as such Trusters consent fo leler- ence) addressed a most.respeciab'e Special Jury, and stated, that from the evidence produced, they must find a Verdict fof the Plaint iff—who after a fewminuies coosideration, found a-Verdict for Plaintiff.—Damages £ 200. DAVID ROBURTI V, ROBERT JONtig. The Plaintiff is a Farmer,'residing near Ll'an- saintffraid, Conway, against the Defendant, as Captain of the Sloop Un ion, of Con way, who chartered his vessel to one RieharrI Hughes, to take the potatoes of the Plailllllf andillher Farmers in the neighbourhood, to Dublin,- Ricliattt Hughes went with the vessel as super cargo, and employed a broker at Dublin, to sell the potatoes. This action was brought by Plaintiff, to reco- ver the value of his potatoes* shipped on board I of Defendant's vessel, being S«.—On the Ilri1 fd. Hvglres proved The contract for freight wilh the Defendant, and that he had no concern j in the potatoes hut that he Richard Hufrhes h id received the produce of the cargo from iiii bre her, and had pard the Defemlaut his freight, with some niber evidence of a siHiIemetit between Plaintiff and Defendant, whf-i) the, former admit- ted a balance <i( £ 1 odd, due io Defendant. The Chief Justice RAIN E, stated to the Jury, thai the Plaintiff bad no pretence to claim any sum from the Defendant, on account of the pota- toes.—A" Verdict was found far Defendant.-— Mr. ft'irnsey Williams, Attorney for Plaintiff, and Mr. E. Evans, Attorney (or Defendant. WATSON osr THE DEMISES ftP t.OWE AND EVANS. v LLI)V 1) N D 0 WrN. This was an Ejecfment to recover possession of an Estate rvenr Carnarvon, called RhyddaiM, for- me rj-y the property of Lloyd Foswisf. A most clear title was proved to he in Jones under the will of Lloyd Fox wist, and a Verdict w fOlln:1 for the Lessors of the Plaintiff, sub ject Inll reserve Mr, J, Evans.AltÙfnl'.rfnr Lessors of Plain- tiffs, ;Mr. RtMnseyWilliams, Attouiey for De tendauts. ;■ :Th.'}' were in Conrt at Carnarvon, for upwards of 12 boors on Friday—there was cnofe business done in tbe coiliti ies i),f Anelesey and Carnarvon upon the present Circuit, than has- been for se vera! years past.—It must he very gratifying to the suitors of the Court, to be informed that the new Cbief Jasiice h.f s sivet) very general iiii- tisfaction iu all h; e, 111
.CARNA-RVO;, '.JiblZES. The Wet IVealher. WHBN from the ruii iu crowds we did resort, Arldi e»»er, «otighr for shelter in the Court, How thunderstruck we took'd, for there again VVe fuiind (what wonder) stiil severer—It AIN E On the mrin- wio stole the watch. The fllle,ó(rhl8 poor m'in was foe- severe, No situs in him of furtive kind appear He otlly wished, which is a common frick, To live like idany 0. ■ ) :I—TICK'! >
SHIPPING. PORT PESRHYS, BANGOR — Ar- rived, Providence, Evans; Rose in Jine, Le-^is Eleanot, Davies M iyfl'»wervJ»nes Fanny, 11 ughesjy lyjinerva^.Radley t'Mills,Ellis aud Vine, s I: 'Cleared out, Union, Kinsella$Jane & Aljce, Williams; Charljqtte, Grrffith z Ellis; .Hatry Cook;, Hpi»eweUy Davie?.; Providence, Roberts; Bechine, FanWfl| Fnendship, EHi* and Brothers, Rygers, all with sl*ies- .< '<C £ KAUMAR|S — Arrived, Md>>« Lewis. Cleared.out;, Gnice, Cidugb ljntj»n, Kinsella Flors, Alpass: Charlo-te, Griffiths; Horaef, M'Kcilzie; Eliza, ElUs j and Hopewell, DiVies A!MLW(;H.j-/rcfr, Atbalta, WilLiams. Cleaved out,"Vigw, Rowling UniicdFriends, Jones | Sampson, Hu»h.: «; Prov!4tnce, Willi- liams; afid CARNARVON —Arrived, N le, Thomas; Fili-, nor & Janf, Paffy; Tliouiis & Atujy llugbes Dove, Barrow; Pelican, Eva.-u; Nuncy, Jones j Six 13cotiterq. EvAilli" an(i Cleared-otit., Supply. Evaus Lively,.Janet Queen Charlotte. Jnbes; Chester Trijdej-, Duke of Richmotio, Leslie Lord Mewbtirotf-gh, H(igheti; Griffith i Jane, Roberts and Lively, Jooes. ABRRY&T W IT RT. J'trwed, Y • g i I a n I, Lloyd,- from Liverpool, wild sifivdnes >ptty»cll, 0»fns,- from Newport, wjth'ctfke, coal, ana iron casting' Liverpool Trader, 11 tight-from Pembroke, wuh culm; Haonab, Da-vies, In.m IjlMoellyj Annand EI.! za be t h ,'T h » m » s J a it e end fytiZHbelh, I'ivans Ann and Mary.W ilbarns Princes> Royal, J ones Mary Ann-, Ellis and Charming M,>ily, WAtkins front Mew pur t, -villi coil. Cleared out, hli/ i. Owens, for Bristol, with lead ore Fanny and Betty, .1 ones F (Vend^hip, Hughes; Eleanor, W iihanis and Betty, lliishis, for Miliord, with oak poles, lead, end rimber Eleanor, Jenkins, for G!a«?n# and Hope, Davies, for Newrv, vrith oak baik. BURKE AND BOSWELI.—James Bosweli, tha biographer ot Johnson, was one day trying to make a philosophical definition of man. At las' he hit upon this -Man is » cooking anims w!deh be eodeavljlJrdlø.tit:fer.ri b:, arguing tbi»t th humanraee alone can. cook their food, arnl that, every man is toOl tiör less a cook. fa season iog what be hiinself-elatt. ••Your defini'ion," replit-d Burke, grayely", is a jgood onr. Dr-II ni.w I see the full torceof rhe vulgar proven:, there iji reason in rodsiing )( eggs." Lord Sefron attracted f, g^od deal ef i ttentioo on Tli'irpday io the driuc in S'. James's P^rk, ft !he Horse Guards, -Pd 1, tskinf a 'urn round by the new Va,xtl;.Il fl b) and original-vehicle in which t; drove his »ra:jnt- lyt the lafiic* M*>li"eaux, Ji might be a' miliarly iie.se ibed as two large haie fosteiii-d together, one trehilltllbe other, tne shafts hi ioff re'T)OVeü'(fO\ll the secoud chaist -be two bodies were ou four wheels, and behind the »n>teil chaises there was a species of dickey'-tor the groom. Tbis rasde three dep«rtroen'K --to, the company wifh the grocm the:- We.r- if persons, and the who" of Ih;" sociable piece 01 outre pru- nouiy was draw-r by tw(i The vct^icie looked as if there wj,uld be no d of it—theie ces tairily. wagjxo.eqdiH tieijg siair- d ai till it was but of sight. -'v "> ■- ~.r?zrz—
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
1 MARKET f ERA LD. An account of the Price-t of fFteef, Barley, and Oats, tn the Week closed Saturday last, in me under-mentioned coiiuties—per qr. tf'vncheste? measure, Wheat. Bar-ey. nut 9, Anglesey. 44s./o48s 28s tofrM 15«/« 18s Carnarvon. 46s—50s j ?7.«—,32s { l€s—2Us Denbigh. 44s —18s 24s-30s.| IBs— £ 0* Flint f' 4i.ls—<3s Hh-<¿s Merioneth. —45s | 86s— 30s j 20s—'25s Montgomery. 40s —i-ls » 24*.— 30s | sJOs— LIVERPOOL CORN tiXCH ANfJE.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Sirice our last fhe supplies have been moderate, and scarcely any done in the market; the few sales of WXent effected, mere, at a reduction of 9.d. a 3d —Little doing in Barlt-j, Oats or lit ant. Hour is lower.—~Jiutfer fully supports prices. f* huit, per 10tbs n de s. d. English Old 6 6 a 8 0 New 7 0 a 8 3 Oats S 4 a 4 0 Foreign 3 9 a 4 8 Scotch 7 6 a 8 (L Flour, per 240f £ s. d. s. it., English fine c" 34 0 a 87 0 Irish 33 0 a 26 0 4mer. in vond pÛ,9r,lbs 2ij 0 a 30 0
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
LONDON "r' Corn Exchange, Monday, Aprl 7. The arrival of W'-rat du ing the last week tcfg rood,r4te. -find so awi flievuppli) oj tHt morn* Wgf chiefly from '¡;;ii¡'UXllTl(t' Kent, we observe, h'awevf but tit!la ait-et a/ton ijt i ke tra -e, the best Tuns meeting a ready satp-o on quite as good IfrTU. though with .1 limited sal? for i.r Izots- l< and B tins meet a h and or- T'i", r lower titan otherwise; but Pease fully suppi, o'f ,last quotation.- TVe have f Oats thiq oizo,-ning, lat bcâemànd b. in* toitrably brisk, the trade is. full.-is P,y quarter dearer. Flour remains as before slate.d, Wheat-while 55-a 5Ss Barley.U "385 Malt 60s Pease 3?$a 40s Oats— Pot*t<>e ■ 23s a 28s t ———Poisnd 24s a 26« d Feed 22s a 24s r PRICE or FLOUR. Town made Floui 45s,. 5 s per sack deiivertd :Ditto Seconds. 40s 45x Essex & Suffolk Flonr SSs 45i on board ship Norfolk & Stockton do 35s 40s ditto Bran. 9s 10s per quarter Fine Pollard. 15s ISs ditto New Rapeseed, ^.22 to £ 25 Oi. per Last i PRICE OF BREAD THIS WEEJC; Peck loaf to weigh 171b 6oz Half ditto, ditto 81b lloz Quartern loaf ditto 41b 5|oa Half quartern Io 21b 19. L The highest price of the best If beaten Bread in he netropolitsis staled by the principal Bakers ta Pe Niue-pence the Quartern Loaf SMITHFIELD.JIIOJIDA v, ApRit7, ] The market is rather heavy this day, o%d the sup. j ply considerable. Beef-dtid"Mutton have not varied j muclifroni Monday; but Vt.a! fins been somewhat dull sale. Lamb is in some tittle demandit 5. 6d. per stone for the tcp price; and Pork is full as j dear as at the close on Montiag. I To sink the offal— perjtoae of gibs. Beef SIi Od to 4i Od I" Ved-1. 8s 4d to 4s 8$ Mutton.. 3 s 8d to4s 4d 1 Pork ..2s8d to 4s On Head of Caltle this day. Beasts, about. S7o& Caltes. 164- Sheep 16920 [Pigs.. 210 RAW HIDES. v Best Heifers and Steers 1 Ordioary 2s 2d <o2s 4«l per st 2s 10d fo 3s 0d 1 Market calf each Ss Od Middls. 2s 6d to 2s 8,t | Eng.Hoisc.Os Od to Oa :i PRICE OF JIOPS. Kent. 2< 16« to Sf) 0'1 !Ss Netif Pockets. Kent 21 4s a Si 3s« 4U 8s Sussex 2i O Ii 21 6s a 2^. 12S Essex 2' 4s a 2i I6s a$L 3s PRICE OF LFATHER.. Bults, 50 to 561b,. each per 10 23d to 24d, Ditto, 56 to 661 bs each- 24d to 25d —d to—d Dressing Hides 18d to eo-i f Fine Coach lirdes. 20<i io,2f^ Crop Hides, 35 to 40lhs, i'or culling. T9d to 2iUi L)itt. 45 jto 501 bs ,-i.. 20d Calf Skins 30 to 40ths sOd to 26o Ditto 5) to 7011),4 iff -i!)(i Ditto 70 to SOi bs 24(1 ta 2" d S'mali Seals (Greenland) ISd to 19^ Large ditto I5d to ISA PRICE OF TALLOVP. Town Tallow. 3Ss O.I—s <*d Yellow Russia ..36s 6d —s "d Wiiiie diito .37s Ud—s 0d Melïll SlUff .27s Od—s 0.1 nifto Rougll ..18s 0d — s Oil Giaves 7s Oil Good Dregs 6s Od Curd SSs Oil Pa-Im SSs Od Tee of Candles, per Joz. 8s. fid-Moulds. 10s q pet doz. allowed for ready money.