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Sapanca Genclikspor

Sapanca Genclikspor


  1. Turkey
  2. Sapanca Genclikspor
Round 25
Round 26
Round 27
Round 28
Round 29
Round 30

Featured Players

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Yaser Hacimustafaoglu
Striker - Centre-Forward
33 years
Ahmet Bahcivan
Midfield - Central Midfield
29 years
15 Mehmet Uslu
Defence - Left-Back
37 years

Transfers In

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Player From
Ahmet Bahcivan
Midfield - Central Midfield
Isparta Davraz Spor Isparta Davraz Spor
Gülhan Üreyen
Striker - Centre-Forward
Derince Belediye Demirspor Derince Belediye Demirspor
Alihan Bel
Striker - Right Wing
Derince Belediye Demirspor Derince Belediye Demirspor
Raif Gündogdu
Midfield - Central Midfield
Bayburt Grup Özel Idare Genclik Ve Spor Bayburt Grup Özel Idare Genclik Ve Spor
Nuh Askin
Defence - Centre-Back
Nazilli Bld. Nazilli Bld.


Full Name
Sapanca Genclikspor
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