TSG 1899 Hoffenheim - Everything for Football ⚽

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  1. Germany
  2. TSG 1899 Hoffenheim
Round 29
Round 30
Round 31
Round 32
Round 33
Round 34
TSG 1899 Hoffenheim 2021/22 - 1
2021/22  Home
TSG 1899 Hoffenheim 2021/22 - 2
2021/22  Away
TSG 1899 Hoffenheim 2021/22 - 3
2021/22  Third

Featured Players

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10 Wout Weghorst
Striker - Centre-Forward
32 years
27 Andrej Kramaric
Striker - Centre-Forward
33 years
1 Oliver Baumann
34 years

Transfers In

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Player From
David Jurasek
Defence - Left-Back
Benfica Benfica
Player To
Diadié Samassékou
Midfield - Central Midfield
Cádiz Cádiz
Joshua Quarshie
Defence - Centre-Back
Fortuna Düsseldorf Fortuna Düsseldorf
Attila Szalai
Defence - Centre-Back
SC Freiburg SC Freiburg
Julian Justvan
Midfield - Attacking Midfield
SV Darmstadt 98 SV Darmstadt 98


Full Name
TSG 1899 Hoffenheim Fußball-Spielbetriebs GmbH
+49 (7261) 94930
Horrenberger Straße 58, Zuzenhausen
Affiliated Teams
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