Bestand:Golden Horde flag 1339.svg - Wikipedia

  • ️Thu Apr 26 2012
Red and white Golden Flag in Angelino Dulcert's 1339 map.
Flag of the Golden Horde in the Catalan Atlas (published in1375)
Golden Horde in the Catalan Atlas (1375)

English: The flag of the Golden Horde, as shown in Angelino Dulcert's 1339 map. A similar flag appears in the later Catalan Atlas (1375), providing corroboration.

See also Early Mongol Flags at

One of the charges is a crescent and the other looks like a simplified form of the tamga from the flag of Idel Ural. On different copies of the flag, the crescent has different size; it is often smaller than shown here, sometimes even reduced into a simple oblique stroke and conjoined with the other charge into a si[n]gle symmetrical object; the other charge also sometimes lacks the oblique part [2, 3]. It was obviously difficult to draw the charges always the same way. The cities with this flag which are easy to identify are [2, 7, 8]: Sarai, the capital (spelled Sarra) - there is also a depiction of the ruler, "Jani Beg Lord of Sarai" ("Jambech senyor de Sarra"); Tana, present-day Azov, Russia; and Urgench, Uzbekistan (spelled Organci, with a cedilla under the c; nowadays ruined). This flag is a variant of the flag of "Emperor of Sarai" ("Emperador de Sara") from "Libro del conoscimiento de los reinos" [7] and might be the one that had really existed, considering the similarity of its charges with those from the flag of Idel Ural.
[2] Enciclopedia universal ilustrada, vol. XXI, Espan~a Madrid: Espasa-Calpe S.A., 1968
[3] Istorija otkric'a i istraz<ivanja, vol. I: Poc<etak istraz<ivanja; Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1979; Original title: A History of Discovery and Exploration, vol. I: The Search Begins;(C) 1973 Aldus Books Limited, London
[7] Libro del Conoscimiento. Viajes medievales, vol. I Madrid: Fundacio'n Jose' Antonio de Castro, 2005 ISBN 84-96452-11-5 (complete edition) ISBN 84-96452-12-3 (vol. I) [e9s50]
[8] A[p]pendices. (Ibid.)
Tomislav Todorovic, 21 April 2007