Goliath, (Biblical giant) - Full record view - Libraries Australia Search
Record ID:
58783415 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
Authority type:
Description conventions:
LC number:
Used for:
- Galyat, mi-Gat
- Golyat, mi-Gat
- Americana, 1975 (Goliath, Philistine hero of gigantic size)
- Avidom, M. David ha-naʻar ve-Golyat ha-ʻanak, 1958.
- Britannica, 1977 (Goliath, in the Bible, Philistine giant)
- Colliers, 1977 (Goliath, in Old Test., Philistine giant from city of Gath)
Local system number:
- (AuPaJTL)75667
- (AU-CaAIA)XX60780
Cataloguing source:
- DLC eng rda DLC DLC Uk DLC
Authentication code: