
Fichièr:Detailed SVG map of the Hispanophone world.svg — Wikipèdia

  • ️Wed May 06 2020

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Fichièr:Detailed SVG map of the Hispanophone world.svg

Fichièr d'origina (Fichièr SVG, resolucion de 512 × 260 pixèls, talha : 645 Ko)

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Data e oraMiniaturaDimensionsUtilizaireComentari
actual19 genièr de 2024 a 17.58Miniatura per la version del 19 genièr de 2024 a 17.58512×260 (645 Ko)MoalliRecent Aruban census data showing less than 20% Spanish speakers is not neutral? This is literally fitting the map's legend
16 genièr de 2024 a 03.26Miniatura per la version del 16 genièr de 2024 a 03.26512×260 (893 Ko)SalvablReverted to version as of 01:35, 27 December 2023 (UTC) There is no consensus to remove Aruba. If we were to do this because there are less than 20% Spanish speakers, Mauritania should also be removed from the map of the French language; otherwise there would be a lack of neutrality. The appropriate thing to do in these cases where the language is sufficiently relevant even if it does not reach 20% of speakers is to mark the country with a dot.
11 genièr de 2024 a 15.17Miniatura per la version del 11 genièr de 2024 a 15.17512×260 (645 Ko)MoalliRmv Aruba, most recent census data shows less than 20% Spanish speakers
27 decembre de 2023 a 01.35Miniatura per la version del 27 decembre de 2023 a 01.35512×260 (893 Ko)Kwamikagamithere is no consensus to make an exception for the Philippines in the first place
24 decembre de 2023 a 16.45Miniatura per la version del 24 decembre de 2023 a 16.45512×260 (891 Ko)SalvablReverted to version as of 21:29, 18 December 2023 (UTC) There is not sufficient consensus to gray the Philippines entirely.
24 decembre de 2023 a 02.57Miniatura per la version del 24 decembre de 2023 a 02.57512×260 (893 Ko)Kwamikagamirv to status-quo ante: Spanish is no more important in the Philippines than French is in Vietnam. The number of speakers is miniscule.
18 decembre de 2023 a 21.29Miniatura per la version del 18 decembre de 2023 a 21.29512×260 (891 Ko)SalvablReverted to version as of 00:39, 9 October 2023 (UTC) That extremely tiny dot violates WP:ACCESSIBILITY. In addition, it was added unilaterally without prior consensus.
11 octobre de 2023 a 06.12Miniatura per la version del 11 octobre de 2023 a 06.122 532×1 284 (841 Ko)MoalliDon't unilaterally highlight PH as it has been agreed upon that shading the entire country is misleading and that the current dot is a placeholder until other possible color schemes (if any) are agreed upon. The situation is similar to Czech Rep on German maps regarding cultural presence vs Louisiana on French map (where it's official to some degree).
9 octobre de 2023 a 00.39Miniatura per la version del 9 octobre de 2023 a 00.39512×260 (891 Ko)SalvablReverted to version as of 13:35, 17 August 2023 (UTC) On world language maps where there is a cultural presence, the entire territory is usually highlighted (as for example Louisiana or New Hampshire on the French language-related maps). Nevertheless, I think there may be other options (such as the use of dots) that would help the map gain accuracy, but this requires discussion, and reaching a common consensus, which does not exist in this case. The solution is not just to turn gray the entir...
18 agost de 2023 a 05.27Miniatura per la version del 18 agost de 2023 a 05.272 532×1 284 (841 Ko)MoalliOn world language maps where there is a cultural presence/influential minority, the standard has been to place a dot or square on the concerned country, usually on the largest city or capital. Highlighting it entirely when it's not used in administrative settings or as the secondary language is blatant misrepresentation and POV-esque. Please see discussion on proposals to accurately map PH, but do not highlight the whole country, as that is not accurate.

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