333 - (Flying and Simulating) The F-14 Tomcat

  • ️Markus
  • ️Sat Feb 26 2022

Guests: Nick Pirnia, Okie Nance, the Heatblur development team
Host: Markus Voelter   Shownoter: Alexander Grote

The F-14 Tomcat is one of the most iconic fighters, certainly among its generation. In this episode we talk with Nick Pirnia about the aircraft’s development and history as well as about flying it with former pilot Okie Nance. The aircraft is also available in the DCS flight simulator and the third part of this episode is a conversation with the development team from Heatblur about how to implement the F-14 in DCS; if you haven’t yet, check out some of their videos, this thing looks unbelievably realistic!